Module: redblacktree.h
Notices: Copyrigjt (c) 2007-2010 ls


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{

#ifndef u_char
#define u_char unsigned char

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

typedef struct rb_node_s{
    u_char color;
    int key;
    void *val;
    struct rb_node_s *left;
    struct rb_node_s *right;
    struct rb_node_s *parent;
typedef struct rb_tree_s{
    rb_node_t *root;
    rb_node_t *nil;
#define RBT_RED(node)                        ((node)->color=1)
#define RBT_BLACK(node)                    ((node)->color=0)
#define RBT_IS_RED(node)                    ((node)->color)
#define RBT_IS_BLACK(node)                (!(RBT_IS_RED(node)))
#define RBT_NIL_INIT(node)                RBT_BLACK(node)
#define RBT_COPY_COLOR(dst,src)    ((dst)->color=(src)->color)
#define LT(a,b) ((a)<(b))
#define EQ(a,b) ((a)==(b))

void                rbt_init(rb_tree_t *tree,rb_node_t *nil);
int                    rbt_insert(rb_tree_t *t,rb_node_t *z);
rb_node_t*        rbt_delete(rb_tree_t *t,rb_node_t *z);
rb_node_t*         rbt_find(rb_tree_t *t,int key);
void                rbt_in_order(rb_tree_t *t,void (*RbtOrderCallBack)(rb_node_t *));
rb_node_t*        rbt_min(rb_tree_t *t);
rb_node_t*        rbt_max(rb_tree_t *t);

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */

#endif /* _REDBLACKTREE_H */

Module: redblacktree.c
Notices: Copyrigjt (c) 2007-2010 ls

#include "redblacktree.h"

static void rbt_rotate_left(rb_tree_t *t,rb_node_t *x)
    rb_node_t *y=x->right;


static void rbt_rotate_right(rb_tree_t *t,rb_node_t *x)
    rb_node_t *y=x->left;

static void rbt_insert_fixup(rb_tree_t *t,rb_node_t *z)
    rb_node_t *y;
    /* check red-black properties */
        /* have a violation */
                /* uncle is RED */
                /* uncle is BLACK */
                    /* make z a left child */
                /* recolor and rotate */
            /* mirror image of above code */
                /* uncle is RED */
                /* uncle is BLACK */

static void rbt_delete_fixup(rb_tree_t *t,rb_node_t *x)
    rb_node_t *w;

            /* clause with 'right' and left exchanged */


static void rbt_in_order_internal(rb_tree_t *t,rb_node_t *n,void (*RbtOrderCallBack)(rb_node_t *))

void rbt_init(rb_tree_t *tree,rb_node_t *nil)

int rbt_insert(rb_tree_t *t,rb_node_t *z)
    rb_node_t *y,*x;

rb_node_t *rbt_delete(rb_tree_t *t,rb_node_t *z)
    rb_node_t *x,*y;
        y=z; /* y has a nil node as a child */
        y=z->right; /* find tree successor with a nil node as a child */
    /* x is y's only child */
    /* delete y from parent chain */

rb_node_t *rbt_find(rb_tree_t *t,int key)
    rb_node_t *y=t->root;

void rbt_in_order(rb_tree_t *t,void (*RbtOrderCallBack)(rb_node_t *))

rb_node_t *rbt_min(rb_tree_t *t)
    rb_node_t *node=t->root;

    while (node->left != t->nil) {
        node = node->left;
    return node;

rb_node_t *rbt_max(rb_tree_t *t)
    rb_node_t *node=t->root;
    while (node->right != t->nil) {
        node = node->right;
    return node;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#include "redblacktree.h"

void PrintTree(rb_node_t *t)
    printf("key:%03d\tval:%04d\tcolor:%d\n",t->key,*((int *)t->val),t->color);

int main()
    rb_tree_t tree;
    rb_node_t nil;
    rb_node_t *node;
    rb_node_t *dst;
    int i=0,ch,val[2000];

    node=(rb_node_t *)malloc(2000*sizeof(rb_node_t));
        printf("malloc failed\n");
        ch=*((int *)dst->val);
        printf("rbt_find NULL\n");
    printf("rbt_in_order after delete\n");

        printf("rbt_min:%d\tval:%d\tcolor:%d\n",dst->key,*((int *)dst->val),dst->color);
        printf("rbt_max:%d\tval:%d\tcolor:%d\n",dst->key,*((int *)dst->val),dst->color);


posted on 2010-04-14 15:40  七维  阅读(408)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报