
史上超强!英语国家概况复习笔记! - 道客巴巴 (doc88.com)

英国概况期末复习笔记 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

Part I (1-10) True or False (10%),出自课本所有章节的课后练习

Part II(11-30) Information Matching (20%),出自课本英国和美国部分。(注意书本上的一些注释,中英文对照,理解意思。复习自己的笔记和书本)

Part III (31-50)Vocabulary (10%)词汇题,跟课文内容相关。

Part IV(51-70) Multiple Choice(20%) ,出自课本所有章节的课后练习

Part V (71-75)Filling the blanks by choosing from A-I (5%), 主要是英美两国basic government structure,英美两国教育体系

Part VI(76-85) Reading Comprehension (20%,2篇) 出自课外
Part V (86-88) Give brief answers to the following questions (15%)

1 Why did English become more important after the Black Death?

The laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance after the Black Death, so English also grew in importance compared to French.



2 Why is the United States regarded as a “melting pot” and a “salad bowl”?
First, the "melting pot" and "salad" stands for the mixture of different things. The US is regarded as a "melting pot" and a "salad" is because it is a country made up of many different people: 13% are black, 12% are Hispanic, 4% are Asian and the rest are White Americans. As the same, the culture of the US is also mingled from different culture of different people in it. Because of these, it is really like a mixed country.



3 What are the qualifications for a Senator and a Representative respectively?
Senator:1) each senator must be at least 30 years old, 2) must have been a citizen of the United States for at least the past nine years, and 3) must be (at the time of the election) an inhabitant of the state he or she seeks to represent. Each representative must: (1) be at least twenty-five years old; (2) have been a citizen of the United States for the past seven years; and (3) be (at the time of the election) an inhabitant of the state he or she represents.




4 What was the cause of the American Civil War?

  1. Economic and social differences between the North and the South.
  2. States versus federal rights
  3. The fight between Slave and Non-Slave State Proponents.
  4. Growth of the Abolition Movement.
  5. The election of Abraham Lincoln


  1. 南北之间的经济和社会差异。
  2. 州与联邦的权利
  3. 蓄奴州和非蓄奴州支持者之间的斗争。
  4. 废奴运动的发展。
  5. 亚伯拉罕·林肯的当选

5 What were the results of the Industrial Revolution in Britain?
Britain was the "workshop of the world" by 1830. Towns grew rapidly and became the source of the nation's wealth. Mechanization destroyed the livelihood of those who could not invest in it. The working men worked and lived in a appalling conditions. The industrial revolution created the industrial working class, the proletariat, and it later led to trade unionism.



6 What are the two camps in World War I?
The central powers which included Germany ,Austria-Hungary , the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria and the allied powers which were mainly comprised of France , the Russian empire ,the British empire , Italy and the united states.



7 What kind of public image does the Liberal Democrats have in Britain?
The Liberal Democrats is perceived as "middle" between the Conservative and the Labor Party. It is comparatively flexible and pragmatic in its balance of the individual and the social. It emphasizes the need for a change in Britain's constitutional arrangements to make the government more democratic and accountable.



8 What was the negative aspect of Thatcher’s reform in the early 1980s?
its negative aspect was a rapid increase in unemployment . in 1982,the unemployment rate reached the level of the great depression years, with three million people out of work.



9 Why do developed nations like Britain encourage the development of the service industry?
The service industry has played an increasingly important role in economy in the development countries. On the other hand ,it requires a large group of people working in it so that abundant employment opportunities are provided. On the other hand, the service industry causes little pollution.



10 Who are the British people?
The first known inhabitants in Britain were Celts who are the ancestors of the Welsh, Scottish and Irish people. Then came the Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes who brought with them the English language. Many people from other European countries came later, and in modern times there are a lot of immigrants from many former Commonwealth countries from every part of the world. Britain is a country of mixed cultures, and the Britain people are also composed of people from different ethic and culture backgrounds.



the first known inhabitants in Britain were Celts who are the ancestor of Welsh, Scottish and Irish people. Then came the Anglos , the Saxons and the Jutes who brought with them the English language. many people from other European countries came later, and in modern times there are a lot of immigrants from many former Commonwealth countries from every part of the world. Britain is a country of mixed cultures, and the Britain people are also composed of people from different ethic and culture backgrounds.

11 What were Nixon’s well-known contributions during his presidency?

Nixon made three well-known contributions:
a) brought the Vietnam War to a close;
b) reestablishing U.S. relations with China;
c) negotiating the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty with the former Soviet Union.






12 What made the United States a powerful country by the end of World War II?
during the two world wars,america remained neutral in the early stage.however, americans continued their profitable trade with the warring countries. therefore,they not only retained their military forces,but also accumulated great wealth.when america entered the wars,it was almost at the end of the wars.by sharing the fruit of victory with other allies, america greatly strengthened its power and became a powerful country by the end of world war ii.



constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制

Royal Assent 国王女王对议会通过议案的批准

life peers 爵位不能世袭的贵族

comprehensive school,综合学校,无论学生能力如何均可入学

grammer school 文法学校,采取优选制的中学,侧重人文学科,帮助学生通过考试进入高等学府。

checks and balances 三权分立

containment 遏制政策

associate degree 准学士学位,美国专科学校授予低于学士学位

civil rights movement 民权运动

constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制 the Monarch 君主 Parliament 议会

House of Commons 平民院/下议院 The Government Party执政党 Royal Assent御准(女王批准)

Shadow Cabinet 影子内阁 jury system 陪审团制 the Conservative Party 保守党

the Labour Party 工党 common law 习惯法 Crown Courts 王室法院 The Celts 凯尔特人

Anglo-Saxons 盎格鲁萨克逊人 Norman Conquest 诺曼征服 The Great Charter 大宪章

The Hundred Years’ War 百年大战 The Black Death黑死病 Renaissance 文艺复兴

Humanists 人文主义者 the Great Lakes大湖区

Secretary of State国务卿 The US Congress 国会 the House of Representatives众议院

The Judicial Branch司法部门 the Supreme Court最高法院 the Boston Tea Party波士顿倾茶事件 、

The Bill of Rights人权法案 The Star-Spangled Banner星条旗 The Monroe Doctrine门罗主义

Emancipation Proclamation废奴宣言 Frontiersman拓荒者

The Civil War内战 The Westward Movement西进运动

ferocious 残忍的

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