AndroidStudio运行时出现错误:Instant Run requires 'Tools | Android | Enable ADB integration' to be enabled



最后发现原来是自己选Android Device Monitor不小心把Enable ADB Integration前面的√去掉了。点击工具栏中的Tools,选中Android,最后点击Enable ADB Integration,使其前面出现✔号就OK了,



这个是由于Android Studio2.0新版本中的Instant Run (即时运行)引起的,什么是即时运行呢?

Instant Run in Android Studio 2.0 allows you to quickly make changes to your app code while your app is running on an Android device or Android Emulator. Instead of waiting for your entire app to rebuild and redeploy after each code change, Android Studio 2.0 will try to incrementally build and push only the incremental code or resource change. Depending on the code changes you make, you can see the results of your change in under a second. By simply updating your app to use the latest Gradle plugin ( '’ ), you can take advantage of this time saving features with no other modifications to your code.





posted @ 2018-04-26 23:59  林显鹤  阅读(1587)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报