Initially, there is a Robot at position (0, 0). Given a sequence of its moves, judge if this robot makes a circle, which means it moves back to the or 阅读全文
Given a non-empty string check if it can be constructed by taking a substring of it and appending multiple copies of the substring together. You may a 阅读全文
题目描述 回文,英文palindrome,指一个顺着读和反过来读都一样的字符串,比如madam、我爱我,这样的短句在智力性、趣味性和艺术性上都颇有特色,中国历史上还有很多有趣的回文诗。 那么,我们的第一个问题就是:判断一个字串是否是回文? 思路 : 1.分别从头尾开始扫描,如果字符都相同则为回文,不 阅读全文