CentOS 6 安装Plone 4.2.1.

1、 必要组件gcc make readline-devel patch openssl openssl-devel ,使用 yum命令安装

     sudo yum -y install gcc make readline-devel patch openssl openssl-devel 


2、 通过wget 下载Plone安装包

wget https://launchpad.net/plone/4.2/4.2.1/+download/Plone-4.2.1-UnifiedInstaller.tgz

3、 通过tar命令解压安装包  tar zxvf  plone.tar



 ./install.sh standalone --password=admin00000 --user=admin



###################### Installation Complete ######################

Plone successfully installed at /usr/local/Plone
See /usr/local/Plone/zinstance/README.html
for startup instructions

Use the account information below to log into the Zope Management Interface
The account has full 'Manager' privileges.

Username: admin
Password: admin00000

This account is created when the object database is initialized. If you change
the password later (which you should!), you'll need to use the new password.

- If you need help, ask the mailing lists or #plone on irc.freenode.net.
- The live support channel also exists at http://plone.org/chat
- You can read/post to the lists via http://plone.org/forums

- Submit feedback and report errors at http://dev.plone.org/plone
(For install problems, specify component "Installer (Unified)")



5、启动服务,默认安装路径为/usr/local/Plone/zinstance/bin/plonectl start


6、访问 http://localhost:8080

posted @ 2012-11-12 14:15  妹夫  阅读(675)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报