Use pkgsrc on ARM

What is this page?

This page describes how to use pkgsrc on ARM architecture with EABI support. I bought TeraStation Live, which is called "TeraStation Living" in Japan, and wanted to use it as a home server. The original system in TeraStation Live, however, contains the very minimum software, and does not have development environment. If you want to use some new software, you have to prepare an additional system to install it. There are several ways, for example, crosstool, Debian ARM EABI Port, and other package systems...

From the multiple choices, I decided to use pkgsrc. The main reason is that I can change prefix (location to install) when bootstrap. If prefix is /usr and it's not customizable, the package system may break the original system. Among well-known package systems, pkgsrc seems to be the only one whose prefix can be changed.

I think pkgsrc is a good choice to use on embedded systems like TeraStation, but there are not many pages which answer my purpose. I'm happy if this page is of reference to someone.


This binary was built on "CodeSourcery ARM 2005q3-2". You can check whether your system is the same or not by running /lib/


# /lib/ C Library stable release version 2.3.6, by Roland McGrath et al. 
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. 
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A 
Compiled by GNU CC version 3.4.4 (release) (CodeSourcery ARM 2005q3-2). 
Compiled on a Linux 2.6.12-rc3 system on 2006-01-26. 

If your environment is different from mine, and you want to know how to make this tarball, see Bootstrapping pkgsrc section.

上述大意是:上面两个软件包中的软件是基于“CodeSourcery ARM 2005q3-2”编译产生的,不一定可以在当前系统下直接使用。如果执行:

# /lib/

会显示上述橙色底纹代码,那么上述软件就可以直接在当前系统下使用了。否则,这些软件就无法在当前系统中直接使用,需要使用的话就要重新进行编译。而编译这些软件需要先建立pkgsrc编译环境,Bootstrapping pkgsrc这一节就给出了如何建立pkgsrc编译环境的详细步骤。

Setting up pkgsrc

I assume you can login to TeraStation as root, and your main HDD partition is mounted under /mnt/array1.

# mkdir /mnt/array1/system 
# cd /mnt/array1/system 
# tar zxf /path/to/arm-2005q3-2_pkg2008MMDD.tar.gz

Make links to /usr.

# ln -s /mnt/array1/system/pkg /usr 
# ln -s /mnt/array1/system/pkgsrc /usr



# echo 'export PATH=/usr/pkg/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/pkg/gcc34/bin:${PATH}' >> ~/.profile 
# source ~/.profile 
# hash -r

source命令是在当前bash环境下读取并执行FileName中的命令。source命令与shell scripts的区别是:source是在当前bash环境下执行命令,而scripts是启动一个子shell来执行命令。因此,如果把环境变量的设置命令(或alias等等)写进scripts中,就只会影响子shell,无法改变当前的BASH;如果想通过文件(包含命令列)设置环境变量时,就要用source命令。注意,ehco命令中的 ' 是单引号,不是反单引号。

hash命令:显示、添加或清除哈希表。linux系统下会有一个hash表,当你刚开机时这个hash表为空,每当你执行过一条命令时,hash表会记录下这条命令的路径,就相当于缓存一样。第一次执行命令,shell解释器默认会从PATH路径下寻找该命令的路径,当你第二次使用该命令时,shell解释器首先会查看hash表,没有该命令才会去PATH路径下寻找。hash -r 人作用是清除hash表。

Set ld's library path and run ldconfig.

# mv /etc/ /etc/ 
# echo /usr/pkg/lib >> /etc/ 
# cat /etc/ >> /etc/ 
# ldconfig

Checkout pkgsrc from CVS.

# cd /mnt/array1/system 
# CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d checkout pkgsrc

Then, /usr/pkg and /usr/pkgsrc are now ready to use.

Setting up glibc and linux headers

To compile something, headers of glibc and linux are required. Get arm-2005q3-2-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 and unpack it. There is glibc in arm-none-linux-gnueabi.

# mkdir /mnt/array1/system/arm-2005q3 
# cd /mnt/array1/system/arm-2005q3 
# wget 
# bzcat arm-2005q3-2-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 | tar xf - 
# mv arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc /mnt/array1/system

命令bzcat,他可以查看bz2文件的内容。“tar xf -”中的“-”指的是前一命令“bzcat arm-2005q3-2-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 ”列出来的文件,事实上就是进行解压。

Make links.

# ln -s /mnt/array1/system/libc/usr/include /usr 
# ln -s /mnt/array1/system/libc/etc/rpc /etc



# echo 'export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/mnt/disk1/system/libc/usr/include:${C_INCLUDE_PATH} >> /.profile


# echo 'export PATH=${PATH}:/mnt/array1/system/libc/usr/bin:/mnt/array1/system/libc/sbin' >> ~/.profile 
# source ~/.profile 
# hash -r

That's it. You can now build software using pkgsrc. Enjoy!

Some Q & A

First, how can I get a root privilege in TeraStation?

I don't write the details. There are several ways, and using firmware update seems to be one of the popular way for it. I could get root by not the firmware update, but a pretty classic way. This is the time to show your stuff. Good luck!

pkgsrc cannot find ncurses.h or when building some software.

Add the following line to the pkgsrc's Makefile.

.include "../../mk/"

Notice that this line should be before the line .include "../../mk/". For example, see /usr/pkgsrc/devel/gtexinfo/Makefile.

pkgsrc reports an error related to iconv when building some software.

That may be because there are two headers of the same name, /usr/include/iconv.h and /usr/pkg/include/iconv.h. Temporarily, you may bypass the error by renaming the one in /usr/include.
# mv /usr/include/iconv.h /usr/include/iconv.h.bak

Where has devel/cvs gone?

It's been moved to devel/scmcvs. See also: HEADS UP: devel/cvs -> devel/scmcvs

I don't want to permit any change of /mnt/array1/system through samba!
Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and restart samba. Or, stopping samba service is also a good idea if you don't use samba.

I set LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8, but it does not have effect. Why?
That may be because glibc doesn't know the locale. To check effective locales, run locale -a.
# locale -a 

In this case, only C and POSIX locale are available. To make Japanese UTF-8 locale, for example, do:

# mkdir /mnt/array1/system/libc/usr/lib/locale 
# ln -s /mnt/array1/system/libc/usr/lib/locale /usr/lib 
# ln -s /mnt/array1/system/libc/usr/share/i18n /usr/share 
# localedef -i ja_JP -c -f UTF-8 ja_JP.UTF-8

I can ssh from TeraStation to another machine if I'm root. But if I'm not root, I cannot ssh with the error "Host key verification failed". Why?
That may be because the permission of /dev/tty is wrong. To check the permission, run ls -l /dev/tty.
# ls -l /dev/tty 
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 5, 0 Dec 28 01:27 /dev/tty

In this case, only root can ssh. To ssh even if not root, add write permission to /dev/tty.

# chmod 666 /dev/tty

Bootstrapping pkgsrc

This section is my memo which explains how to bootstrap pkgsrc. First, make a buildbox and copy the original system.
Reference: chroot Arm Build Environment

# mkdir /mnt/array1/buildbox 
# cd / 
# for d in `ls |grep -v dev |grep -v proc|grep -v mnt`; do tar cf /mnt/array1/buildbox/$d.tar $d; done 
# cd /mnt/array1/buildbox 
# for f in *.tar; do tar xf $f; done






分号 的作用相当于换行

特别注意的是:for语句中的两个 ` 不是单引号 ;而是反单引号,切记!

Get native development tools arm-tools-0_16-8.tgz and unpack it.

# cd /mnt/array1/buildbox 
# tar zxf /path/to/arm-tools-0_16-8.tgz

arm-tools-0_16-8.tgz是native chaintool。由于要在LSPro上编译自身使用的软件,需要用到native编译工具链,而不是cross编译工具链。

Mount proc and dev to chroot environment.

# mount -t proc none /mnt/array1/buildbox/proc 
# mount -o bind /dev /mnt/array1/buildbox/dev

chroot into the buildbox.

# chroot /mnt/array1/buildbox /bin/sh

该命令的作用是:在经过 chroot 后,执行/mnt/array1/buildbox(此时变为根目录’/’)下的/bin/sh.

If /tmp is a symbolic link (in my case, symlink to /mnt/ram), remove it and make new tmp dir.

# rm /tmp 
# mkdir /tmp


Get pkgsrc and unpack it.

# cd /tmp 
# wget 
# cd /usr 
# tar zxf /tmp/pkgsrc.tar.gz

Get some additional software from Precompiled Binaries and install to /opt directory.




# export PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/usr/bin:${PATH} 
# hash -r


Rename a linux header which causes a build error.

# mv /usr/include/linux/ext2_fs.h /usr/include/linux/ext2_fs.h.bak

Apply a patch to bootstrap, and finally run bootstrap!

# cd /tmp 
# wget 
# cd /usr/pkgsrc/bootstrap 
# patch -p0 < /tmp/bootstrap-20080104.patch 
# TR=/opt/bin/tr AWK=/opt/bin/awk GREP=/opt/bin/grep TOUCH=/opt/bin/touch ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr/pkg --pkgdbdir=/usr/pkg/var/db/pkg --varbase=/usr/pkg/var

After bootstrap, you can install software using pkgsrc in the chroot environment. Building GCC is a little complicated task, so I create a separate section to explain it.


TR=/opt/bin/tr AWK=/opt/bin/awk GREP=/opt/bin/grep TOUCH=/opt/bin/touch ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr/pkg --pkgdbdir=/usr/pkg/var/db/pkg --varbase=/usr/pkg/var



究其原因是:由于先前执行了 export PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/usr/bin:${PATH}这一命令,因此,调用的rm命令事实上就是/opt/bin/rm,我手动执行rm命令时也出现与编译一样的错误提示,于是问题找到了。因此,我恢复PATH变量,做法是:


sh-2.05b# echo $PATH


sh-2.05b# export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin
sh-2.05b# hash -r



TR=/opt/bin/tr AWK=/opt/bin/awk GREP=/opt/bin/grep TOUCH=/opt/bin/touch ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr/pkg --pkgdbdir=/usr/pkg/var/db/pkg --varbase=/usr/pkg/var


编译过程要调用touch 命令,但touch命令无法执行,提示的错误信息与前面的出错信息相同,编译中止


TR=/opt/bin/tr AWK=/opt/bin/awk GREP=/opt/bin/grep ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr/pkg --pkgdbdir=/usr/pkg/var/db/pkg --varbase=/usr/pkg/var




sh-2.05b# touch --help

发现/bin/touch只支持-c选项,很明显,/bin/touch这个命令的功能阉割了。怎么办?最先想通过ipkg install touch来安装touch,但发现并没有这个package;于是只能重新编译touch,但是google了很久都找不到touch的源代码。最后在以下的帖子:



事实上,touch并不是一个独立的软件包,它是包含在coreutils这个软件包中的一个小工具而已,于是执行ipkg list coreutils,发现能找到软件包,于是ipkg install coreutils(之前我已经安装了ipkg软件系统)。coreutils的软件都安装在/opt/bin上,通过ls命令发现,coreutils软件包中的所有工具名都以coreutils-为前缀,后面再接工具名,比如coreutils-touch;这样的名字显然不方便使用,因此,在安装时同时会建立一个符号链接指向每一个工具,符号链接的名字就是工具的名字,比如对于coreutils-touch这个工具,就有一个指向它的符号链接touch,如下图:


# mv /opt/bin/coreutils-touch /mnt/array1/buildbox/bin/touch


TR=/opt/bin/tr AWK=/opt/bin/awk GREP=/opt/bin/grep ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr/pkg --pkgdbdir=/usr/pkg/var/db/pkg --varbase=/usr/pkg/var

How to build GCC for ARM with EABI support

GCC starts to support EABI feature from version 4.1. In pkgsrc, however, there is no lang/gcc41 or lang/gcc42. One solution is to use CodeSourcery's GCC-3.4, to which some patches are applied to support ARM EABI. You can get the source from Download the ARM 2005q3-2 Release.

# cd /tmp 
# wget 
# bzcat arm-2005q3-2-arm-none-eabi.src.tar.bz2 | tar xf -



Unpack the CodeSourcery's GCC instead of pkgsrc's original gcc34.

# cd /usr/pkgsrc/lang/gcc34 
# bmake extract 
# cd work 
# bzcat /tmp/arm-2005q3-2-arm-none-eabi/gcc-2005q3-2.tar.bz2 | tar xf - 
# mv gcc-3.4.6 gcc-3.4.6.orig 
# mv gcc-2005q3 gcc-3.4.6 
# cd -

Edit Makefile to change CONFIGURE_ARGS. I added following lines:

CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --host=armv5tejl-unknown-linux-gnueabi 
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --target=armv5tejl-unknown-linux-gnueabi 
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-float=soft 
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-c99

Then, run bmake. Or, if you want info files, bmake MAKEINFO=/usr/pkg/bin/makeinfo. After the build is finished, run bmake install. In arm-2005q3-2_pkg2008MMDD.tar.gz, this gcc34 is included.

Another solution is to use pkgsrc-wip, which has gcc42.

# cd /usr/pkgsrc 
# CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d checkout wip

Then you can use wip/gcc42. After gcc42 is installed, set PATH and ld's library path. It's almost the same way in the case of gcc34. In addition, you may have to apply this patch to pkgsrc/mk/compiler/

Remember to re-install devel/libtool-base after gcc34 or gcc42 is installed.

posted @ 2015-02-21 14:51  心哲  阅读(382)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报