

I tried to mount a network share (smbfs) but it complains about the lack of kernel support. To solve this, do i need to recompile the kernel, and if so, is there a guide that i can follow?

here is a sample output:

# mount -t smbfs //box5711/disk3 smb/
ERROR: smbfs filesystem not supported by the kernel
Please refer to the smbmnt(8) manual page
smbmnt failed: 255

Kernel = Linux 2.6.22-ARCH



smbfs is compiled as module, so in order to use it type as root:

modprobe smbfs

and try again



Have you tried "cifs" instead of "smbfs"?cifs is a replacement for smbfs, it'll work fine with windows computers. Use that instead. It's also quite a bit quicker.

posted @ 2015-02-13 17:52  心哲  阅读(380)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报