


用法:elasticdump --input SOURCE --output DESTINATION [OPTIONS]

# 将索引从一个es集群,复制到另外一个集群,带analyzer和mapping信息的导出
elasticdump \
  --input=http://production.es.com:9200/my_index \
  --output=http://staging.es.com:9200/my_index \
elasticdump \
  --input=http://production.es.com:9200/my_index \
  --output=http://staging.es.com:9200/my_index \
elasticdump \
  --input=http://production.es.com:9200/my_index \
  --output=http://staging.es.com:9200/my_index \

# 将索引备份到文件:
elasticdump \
  --input=http://production.es.com:9200/my_index \
  --output=/data/my_index_mapping.json \
elasticdump \
  --input=http://production.es.com:9200/my_index \
  --output=/data/my_index.json \

# 将备份备件输出为.gz文件:
elasticdump \
  --input=http://production.es.com:9200/my_index \
  --output=$ \
  | gzip > /data/my_index.json.gz

# 根据查询结果导出;
elasticdump \
  --input=http://production.es.com:9200/my_index \
  --output=query.json \
  --searchBody="{\"query\":{\"term\":{\"username\": \"admin\"}}}"
# 查询body也可以写在文件中:
elasticdump \
  --input=http://production.es.com:9200/my_index \
  --output=query.json \

# 单独复制某个分片的数据:
elasticdump \
  --input=http://es.com:9200/api \
  --output=http://es.com:9200/api2 \

# 别名的备份
elasticdump \
  --input=http://es.com:9200/index-name/alias-filter \
  --output=alias.json \

# 将别名导入ES
elasticdump \
  --input=./alias.json \
  --output=http://es.com:9200 \

# 模板导出:
elasticdump \
  --input=http://es.com:9200/template-filter \
  --output=templates.json \

# 模板导入:
elasticdump \
  --input=./templates.json \
  --output=http://es.com:9200 \

# 将导出文件按指定大小切割成多个文件:
elasticdump \
  --input=http://production.es.com:9200/my_index \
  --output=/data/my_index.json \

# 将S3数据导入ES(using s3urls)
elasticdump \
  --s3AccessKeyId "${access_key_id}" \
  --s3SecretAccessKey "${access_key_secret}" \
  --input "s3://${bucket_name}/${file_name}.json" \

# 将ES数据导入S3(using s3urls)
elasticdump \
  --s3AccessKeyId "${access_key_id}" \
  --s3SecretAccessKey "${access_key_secret}" \
  --input=http://production.es.com:9200/my_index \
  --output "s3://${bucket_name}/${file_name}.json"

# 从MINIO (s3 compatible)导数到ES (using s3urls)
elasticdump \
  --s3AccessKeyId "${access_key_id}" \
  --s3SecretAccessKey "${access_key_secret}" \
  --input "s3://${bucket_name}/${file_name}.json" \
  --s3ForcePathStyle true
  --s3Endpoint https://production.minio.co

# ES数据导入到MINIO (s3 compatible) (using s3urls)
elasticdump \
  --s3AccessKeyId "${access_key_id}" \
  --s3SecretAccessKey "${access_key_secret}" \
  --input=http://production.es.com:9200/my_index \
  --output "s3://${bucket_name}/${file_name}.json"
  --s3ForcePathStyle true
  --s3Endpoint https://production.minio.co

# 从CSV文件导入数据到ES (using csvurls)
elasticdump \
  # csv:// prefix must be included to allow parsing of csv files
  # --input "csv://${file_path}.csv" \
  --input "csv:///data/cars.csv"
  --output=http://production.es.com:9200/my_index \
  --csvSkipRows 1    # used to skip parsed rows (this does not include the headers row)
  --csvDelimiter ";" # default csvDelimiter is ','


Core options
                    Source location (required)

                    Source index and type
                    (default: all, example: index/type)

                    Destination location (required)

                    Destination index and type
                    (default: all, example: index/type)

                    Specifies a comma-seperated list of fields that should be checked for big-int support
                    (default '')

                    Sets the operation type to be used when preparing the request body to be sent to elastic search.
                    For more info - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-bulk.html
                    (default: index, options: [index, update, delete, create)

--ca, --input-ca, --output-ca
                    CA certificate. Use --ca if source and destination are identical.
                    Otherwise, use the one prefixed with --input or --output as needed.

--cert, --input-cert, --output-cert
                    Client certificate file. Use --cert if source and destination are identical.
                    Otherwise, use the one prefixed with --input or --output as needed.

                    Set all fast-csv configurations
                    A escaped JSON string or file can be supplied. File location must be prefixed with the @ symbol
                    (default: null)

--csvCustomHeaders  A comma-seperated listed of values that will be used as headers for your data. This param must
                    be used in conjunction with `csvRenameHeaders`
                    (default : null)

                    The delimiter that will separate columns.
                    (default : ',')

                    If set to true the first row will be treated as the headers.
                    (default : true)

                    Set to true to handle nested JSON/CSV data.
                    NB : This is a very opinionated implementaton !
                    (default : false)

                    Name of the column to extract the record identifier (id) from
                    When exporting to CSV this column can be used to override the default id (@id) column name
                    (default : null)

                    Set to true to prevent the following columns @id, @index, @type from being written to the output file
                    (default : false)

                    Set to true to ignore empty rows.
                    (default : false)

                    Set to true to include a row delimiter at the end of the csv
                    (default : false)

                    Name of the column to extract the record index from
                    When exporting to CSV this column can be used to override the default index (@index) column name
                    (default : null)

                    Set to true to left trim all columns.
                    (default : false)

                    If number is > 0 then only the specified number of rows will be parsed.(e.g. 100 would return the first 100 rows of data)
                    (default : 0)

                    Set to true to right trim all columns.
                    (default : false)

                    If you want the first line of the file to be removed and replaced by the one provided in the `csvCustomHeaders` option
                    (default : true)

                    If number is > 0 the specified number of lines will be skipped.
                    (default : 0)

                    If number is > 0 then the specified number of parsed rows will be skipped
                    NB:  (If the first row is treated as headers, they aren't a part of the count)
                    (default : 0)

                    Set to true to trim all white space from columns.
                    (default : false)

                    Name of the column to extract the record type from
                    When exporting to CSV this column can be used to override the default type (@type) column name
                    (default : null)

--csvWriteHeaders   Determines if headers should be written to the csv file.
                    (default : true)

                    Activate custom customBackoff function. (s3)

                    Display the elasticsearch commands being used
                    (default: false)

                    Delete documents one-by-one from the input as they are
                    moved.  Will not delete the source index
                    (default: false)

                    Passes the routing query-param to the delete function
                    used to route operations to a specific shard.
                    (default: false)

                    if true, add an Accept-Encoding header to request compressed content encodings from the server (if not already present)
                    and decode supported content encodings in the response.
                    Note: Automatic decoding of the response content is performed on the body data returned through request
                    (both through the request stream and passed to the callback function) but is not performed on the response stream
                    (available from the response event) which is the unmodified http.IncomingMessage object which may contain compressed data.
                    See example below.

                    supports file splitting.  This value must be a string supported by the **bytes** module.
                    The following abbreviations must be used to signify size in terms of units
                    b for bytes
                    kb for kilobytes
                    mb for megabytes
                    gb for gigabytes
                    tb for terabytes
                    e.g. 10mb / 1gb / 1tb
                    Partitioning helps to alleviate overflow/out of memory exceptions by efficiently segmenting files
                    into smaller chunks that then can be merged if needs be.

                    Whether to remove metrics-*-* and logs-*-* system templates
                    (default: true])

                    Forces the OpenSearch version used by elasticsearch-dump.
                    (default: 7.10.2)

                    gzip data before sending output to file.
                    On import the command is used to inflate a gzipped file
                    The level of zlib compression to apply to responses.
                    defaults to zlib.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION

                    Tells elastisearch transport to handle the `_version` field if present in the dataset
                    (default : false)

                    Add custom headers to Elastisearch requests (helpful when
                    your Elasticsearch instance sits behind a proxy)
                    (default: '{"User-Agent": "elasticdump"}')
                    Type/direction based headers are supported .i.e. input-headers/output-headers
                    (these will only be added based on the current flow type input/output)

                    This page

                    Will continue the read/write loop on write error
                    (default: false)

                    Will continue the read/write loop on a write error from elasticsearch
                    (default: true)

--inputSocksPort, --outputSocksPort
                    Socks5 host port

--inputSocksProxy, --outputSocksProxy
                    Socks5 host address

                    Provide a custom js file to use as the input transport

--key, --input-key, --output-key
                    Private key file. Use --key if source and destination are identical.
                    Otherwise, use the one prefixed with --input or --output as needed.

                    How many objects to move in batch per operation
                    limit is approximate for file streams
                    (default: 100)

                    supports file splitting.  Files are split by the number of rows specified

                    How many simultaneous HTTP requests can the process make?
                      5 [node <= v0.10.x] /
                      Infinity [node >= v0.11.x] )

                    Disable input index refresh.
                      1. Much increased index speed
                      2. Much less hardware requirements
                      1. Recently added data may not be indexed
                    Recommended using with big data indexing,
                    where speed and system health is a higher priority
                    than recently added data.

                    Integer containing the number of rows you wish to skip
                    ahead from the input transport.  When importing a large
                    index, things can go wrong, be it connectivity, crashes,
                    someone forgets to `screen`, etc.  This allows you
                    to start the dump again from the last known line written
                    (as logged by the `offset` in the output).  Please be
                    advised that since no sorting is specified when the
                    dump is initially created, there's no real way to
                    guarantee that the skipped rows have already been
                    written/parsed.  This is more of an option for when
                    you want to get as much data as possible in the index
                    without concern for losing some rows in the process,
                    similar to the `timeout` option.
                    (default: 0)

                    Provide a custom js file to use as the output transport

                    Overwrite output file if it exists
                    (default: false)

                    Add custom parameters to Elastisearch requests uri. Helpful when you for example
                    want to use elasticsearch preference
                    --input-params is a specific params extension that can be used when fetching data with the scroll api
                    --output-params is a specific params extension that can be used when indexing data with the bulk index api
                    NB : These were added to avoid param pollution problems which occur when an input param is used in an output source
                    (default: null)

                    Comma-separated list of meta-fields to be parsed

--pass, --input-pass, --output-pass
                    Pass phrase for the private key. Use --pass if source and destination are identical.
                    Otherwise, use the one prefixed with --input or --output as needed.

                    Suppress all messages except for errors
                    (default: false)

                    Integer indicating the number of times a request should be automatically re-attempted before failing
                    when a connection fails with one of the following errors `ECONNRESET`, `ENOTFOUND`, `ESOCKETTIMEDOUT`,
                    (default: 0)

                    Integer indicating the back-off/break period between retry attempts (milliseconds)
                    (default : 5000)

                    The base number of milliseconds to use in the exponential backoff for operation retries. (s3)

                    Use a HTTP POST method to perform scrolling instead of the default GET
                    (default: false)

                    The last scroll Id returned from elasticsearch.
                    This will allow dumps to be resumed used the last scroll Id &
                    `scrollTime` has not expired.

                    Time the nodes will hold the requested search in order.
                    (default: 10m)

                    Preform a partial extract based on search results
                    when ES is the input, default values are
                      if ES > 5
                        `'{"query": { "match_all": {} }, "stored_fields": ["*"], "_source": true }'`
                        `'{"query": { "match_all": {} }, "fields": ["*"], "_source": true }'`
                    [As of 6.68.0] If the searchBody is preceded by a @ symbol, elasticdump will perform a file lookup
                    in the location specified. NB: File must contain valid JSON

                    A method/function which can be called to the searchBody
                        doc.searchBody = { query: { match_all: {} }, stored_fields: [], _source: true };
                    May be used multiple times.
                    Additionally, searchBodyTemplate may be performed by a module. See [searchBody Template](#search-template) below.

                    Enable to use Search Template when using --searchBody
                    If using Search Template then searchBody has to consist of "id" field and "params" objects
                    If "size" field is defined within Search Template, it will be overridden by --size parameter
                    See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-template.html for
                    further information
                    (default: false)

                    How many objects to retrieve
                    (default: -1 -> no limit)

                    Skips resource_already_exists_exception when enabled and exit with success
                    (default: false)

                    Output only the json contained within the document _source
                    Normal: {"_index":"","_type":"","_id":"", "_source":{SOURCE}}
                    sourceOnly: {SOURCE}
                    (default: false)

                    Support big integer numbers

                    Regex used to filter templates before passing to the output transport
                    (default: ((metrics|logs|\..+)(-.+)?)

                    Integer containing the number of milliseconds to wait for
                    a request to respond before aborting the request. Passed
                    directly to the request library. Mostly used when you don't
                    care too much if you lose some data when importing
                    but would rather have speed.

                    Enable TLS X509 client authentication

                    When using a custom outputTransport, should log lines
                    be appended to the output stream?
                    (default: true, except for `$`)

                    A method/function which can be called to modify documents
                    before writing to a destination. A global variable 'doc'
                    is available.
                    Example script for computing a new field 'f2' as doubled
                    value of field 'f1':
                        doc._source["f2"] = doc._source.f1 * 2;
                    May be used multiple times.
                    Additionally, transform may be performed by a module. See [Module Transform](#module-transform) below.

                    What are we exporting?
                    (default: data, options: [index, settings, analyzer, data, mapping, policy, alias, template, component_template, index_template])

                    Elasticsearch versioning types. Should be `internal`, `external`, `external_gte`, `force`.
                    NB : Type validation is handled by the bulk endpoint and not by elasticsearch-dump

                    Set to true to run dump from AWS OpenSearch serverless collection.
                    (default : false)

AWS specific options
--awsAccessKeyId and --awsSecretAccessKey
                    When using Amazon Elasticsearch Service protected by
                    AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), provide
                    your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.
                    --sessionToken can also be optionally provided if using temporary credentials

                    Use [standard](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/a-new-and-standardized-way-to-manage-credentials-in-the-aws-sdks/)
                    location and ordering for resolving credentials including environment variables,
                    config files, EC2 and ECS metadata locations _Recommended option for use with AWS_

                    Override the default aws ini file name when using --awsIniFileProfile
                    Filename is relative to ~/.aws/
                    (default: config)

                    Alternative to --awsAccessKeyId and --awsSecretAccessKey,
                    loads credentials from a specified profile in aws ini file.
                    For greater flexibility, consider using --awsChain
                    and setting AWS_PROFILE and AWS_CONFIG_FILE
                    environment variables to override defaults if needed

                    Sets the AWS region that the signature will be generated for
                    (default: calculated from hostname or host)

                    Sets the AWS service that the signature will be generated for
                    (default: calculated from hostname or host)

                    Overrides the default regular expression that is used to validate AWS urls that should be signed
                    (default: ^https?:\/\/.*\.amazonaws\.com.*$)

                    S3 ACL: private | public-read | public-read-write | authenticated-read | aws-exec-read |
                    bucket-owner-read | bucket-owner-full-control [default private]

                    AWS access key ID

                    AWS session token in case of using temporary credentials

                    gzip data before sending to s3

                    Set all s3 constructor configurations
                    A escaped JSON string or file can be supplied. File location must be prefixed with the @ symbol
                    (default: null)

                    AWS endpoint that can be used for AWS compatible backends such as
                    OpenStack Swift and OpenStack Ceph

                    Force path style URLs for S3 objects [default false]

                    Set all s3 parameters shown here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#createMultipartUpload-property
                    A escaped JSON string or file can be supplied. File location must be prefixed with the @ symbol
                    (default: null)

                    AWS region

                    KMS Id to be used with aws:kms uploads

                    Use SSL to connect to AWS [default true]

                    AWS secret access key

                    Enables encrypted uploads

                    Set the Storage Class used for s3
                    (default: STANDARD)
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