
1. 安装

  无意间看到gpm这个服务可以让你在tty1~tty6 环境中使用鼠标。

  先用 rpm -qa gpm 查看是否已经安装此服务,如果提示以安装,则可以直接开启:


  否则就要通过 yum install gpm 安装服务,然后重启。


2. 操作(man gpm)

         To select text press the left mouse button and drag the mouse.  To paste text in the same or  another
       console, press the middle button.  The right button is used to extend the selection, like in ‘xterm’.

       Two-button mice use the right button to paste text.

       Double and triple clicks select whole word and whole lines. Use of the ‘-p’ option is recommended for
       best visual feedback.

       If a trailing space after the contents of a line is highlighted, and if there is no other text on the
       remainder of the line, the rest of the line will be selected automatically. If a number of lines  are
       selected, highlighted trailing spaces on each line will be removed from the selection buffer.

       Any output on the virtual console holding the selection will clear the highlighted selection from the
       screen, to maintain integrity of the display, although the contents of the paste buffer will be unaf-

       The  selection  mechanism  is disabled if the controlling virtual console is placed in graphics mode,
       for example when running X11, and is re-enabled when text mode is  resumed.

posted @ 2016-03-31 16:42  Amei1314  阅读(1307)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报