TCP Wrapper 特殊使用


一. 用处和用法

  没有符合hosts.allow,hosts.deny中的配置的主机,用ssh登陆到我的系统的时候,我希望记录下他的动作,以便用于查询认证只用,这个时候就可以用到TCP Wrappers 的特殊功能。 但是要确定安装tcp_wrappers软件才能使用: " yum install tcp_wrappers"。 这时,就会有更加详细的操作:

  spawn : 可以利用后续的shell进行额外的工作,并且可以使用变量:

    %h:  hostname

    %a:  address

    %d:  daemon

  twist:  立刻一后续的命令进行,且执行完后终止此次连接

二. 简单范例

  1. spawn的使用:

    1.1 设置hosts.allow,hosts.deny. 加入相应的spawn配置。

    达到的目标: 如果是未经允许的网段登录到我的主机时,就向root账户发送一条mail,mail的内容形式为:

      security notice from host ****

      the host **** which is not permitted tried to ssh to you computer


# hosts.allow    This file contains access rules which are used to
#        allow or deny connections to network services that
#        either use the tcp_wrappers library or that have been
#        started through a tcp_wrappers-enabled xinetd.
#        See 'man 5 hosts_options' and 'man 5 hosts_access'
#        for information on rule syntax.
#        See 'man tcpd' for information on tcp_wrappers
sshd:, allow



# hosts.deny    This file contains access rules which are used to
#        deny connections to network services that either use
#        the tcp_wrappers library or that have been
#        started through a tcp_wrappers-enabled xinetd.
#        The rules in this file can also be set up in
#        /etc/hosts.allow with a 'deny' option instead.
#        See 'man 5 hosts_options' and 'man 5 hosts_access'
#        for information on rule syntax.
#        See 'man tcpd' for information on tcp_wrappers
sshd:    ALL    :spawn ( echo "security notice from host $(/bin/hostname)"; \
          echo "the host %h which is not permitted tried to ssh to you computer"; echo;) | \      /bin/mail -s "%d-%h security" root

    1.2 用不在允许范围的主机192.168.1.12尝试用ssh登陆到这台主机(



    1.3 在主机(查看收到的新mai,内容如下:





# hosts.deny    This file contains access rules which are used to
#        deny connections to network services that either use
#        the tcp_wrappers library or that have been
#        started through a tcp_wrappers-enabled xinetd.
#        The rules in this file can also be set up in
#        /etc/hosts.allow with a 'deny' option instead.
#        See 'man 5 hosts_options' and 'man 5 hosts_access'
#        for information on rule syntax.
#        See 'man tcpd' for information on tcp_wrappers
sshd:    ALL    :spawn ( echo "security notice from host $(/bin/hostname)"; \
          echo "the host %h which is not permitted tried to ssh to you computer"; echo;) | \      /bin/mail -s "%d-%h security" root & \      :twist (/bin/echo "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER THE COMPUTER")

    在192.168.1.12上用ssh登陆到192.168.1.11上时,并没有出现YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER THE COMPUTER。 查找了很长时间的问题,但是依然没有解决。

    这样 sshd: ALL :twist (/bin/echo "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER THE COMPUTER"),也不行。



posted @ 2016-03-31 15:33  Amei1314  阅读(779)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报