

      <file system>              <mount point>   <type>     <options>           <dump>   <pass>
UUID=128559db-a2e0-4983-91ad-d4f43f27da49     /         ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro    0       1


UUID=128559db-a2e0-4983-91ad-d4f43f27da49     # Filesystem to mount. This UUID is synonim for /dev/vda5
/                             # This is root filesystem, mount it to /
ext3                            # This is ext3 filesystem. There are many different filesystems out there
defaults,errors=remount-ro               # If any errors encountered during mounting filesystem should be remounted read-only
0                           # This filesystem should not be backed up by dump utility
1                           # This filesystem should be checked first by fsck utility

posted @ 2022-10-07 15:58  *^VV^*  阅读(83)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报