3.表达式if ...else语句
4.表达式for 循环
5.break and continue
6.表达式while 循环
下载: 密码:yhhf
1. 养成一个好习惯,一个项目里面建立相关的文件夹和脚本
- 更改脚本里面内容的字体大小:File>Settings>Ediror>Colors & Fonts>Font
- 设置脚本的抬头注释:File>Settings>Editor>File and Code Templates>Python Script
- 设置显示脚本的行数:File>Setting>Editor>General>Apperance>勾选“Show line numbers”。
- pycharm Tab键设置成4个空格:File>Setting>Editor>Code Style>python
1 name = "alex" 2 name2 = name 3 4 print(name,name2) 5 6 name = "jack" 7 8 print(name,name2)
alex alex
jack alex
%s 任意字符
%d 必须是整形数字
%f 浮点型
%r raw string 原生字符,不转译
1 msg = "my name is %s and age is %s" %("lijun","22") 2 print(msg) 3 msg = "my name is %s and age is %d" %("lijun",22) 4 print(msg) 5 msg = "my name is %s and age is %f" %("lijun",22) 6 print(msg) 7 msg = "my name is %s and age is %r" %("lijun","aaa\n\tbbb") 8 print(msg) 9 msg = "my name is %s and age is %s" %("lijun","aaa\n\tbbb") 10 print(msg)
my name is lijun and age is 22 my name is lijun and age is 22 my name is lijun and age is 22.000000 my name is lijun and age is 'aaa\n\tbbb' my name is lijun and age is aaa bbb
a = 22
o = 56
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
a = 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
o = 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
a&o = 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 = 32
a|o = 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 = 62
a<<1 = 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 = 44
o>>1 = 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 = 28
3.表达式if ...else语句
1 # 提示输入用户名和密码 2 3 # 验证用户名和密码 4 # 如果错误,则输出用户名或密码错误 5 # 如果输入的用户名是chenlijun,就显示禁止登陆 6 # 如果成功,则输出 成功 7 # 最多允许输错三次 8 9 login = "root" 10 passwd = "root123" 11 12 for i in range(3): 13 newlogin = input("please input your user:") 14 newpasswd = input("please input youer passwd:") 15 if login == newlogin and passwd == newpasswd: 16 print ("login successfyl") 17 break 18 elif newlogin == 'chenlijun': 19 print ("use %s is disable" % newlogin) 20 break 21 else: 22 print ("user or passwd error") 23 24 else: 25 print ("你的密码输错三次以上,被锁到海枯石烂,哈哈哈!You input the wrong password three times, locked to the end, ha ha ha!")
1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 3 age = 24 4 5 newage = int(input("youerage:")) 6 7 if age == newage: 8 print ("恭喜你,猜对啦~~") 9 10 elif age < newage: 11 print ("我有那么老吗?臭傻逼~~~") 12 13 else: 14 print ("我有那么小吗?臭傻逼~~~")
4.表达式for 循环
1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 3 #blog: 4 age = 24 5 6 for i in range(10): 7 8 if i == 3: 9 print("bay....") 10 break 11 newage = int(input("youerage:")) 12 13 if age == newage: 14 print ("恭喜你,猜对啦~~") 15 break 16 17 elif age < newage: 18 print ("我有那么老吗?臭傻逼~~~") 19 20 else: 21 print ("我有那么小吗?臭傻逼~~~")
youerage:23 我有那么小吗?臭傻逼~~~ youerage:47 我有那么老吗?臭傻逼~~~ youerage:100 我有那么老吗?臭傻逼~~~ bay....
1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 3 #blog: 4 5 age = 24 6 count = 0 7 8 for i in range(10): 9 10 if count == 3: 11 prompt = input("do you want to continue(Y/N):") 12 if prompt == "Y": 13 count = 0 14 else: 15 break 16 newage = int(input("youerage:")) 17 18 if age == newage: 19 print ("恭喜你,猜对啦~~") 20 break 21 22 elif age < newage: 23 print ("我有那么老吗?臭傻逼~~~") 24 25 else: 26 print ("我有那么小吗?臭傻逼~~~") 27 28 count += 1
youerage:22 我有那么小吗?臭傻逼~~~ youerage:29 我有那么老吗?臭傻逼~~~ youerage:30 我有那么老吗?臭傻逼~~~ do you want to continue(Y/N):Y youerage:22 我有那么小吗?臭傻逼~~~ youerage:22 我有那么小吗?臭傻逼~~~ youerage:22 我有那么小吗?臭傻逼~~~ do you want to continue(Y/N):N Process finished with exit code 0
5.break and continue
1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 3 #blog: 4 5 for i in range(10): 6 if i == 5: 7 for j in range(10): 8 print("inner forloop", j) 9 if j == 8: 10 break 11 continue 12 print("forloop", i)
forloop 0 forloop 1 forloop 2 forloop 3 forloop 4 inner forloop 0 inner forloop 1 inner forloop 2 inner forloop 3 inner forloop 4 inner forloop 5 inner forloop 6 inner forloop 7 inner forloop 8 forloop 6 forloop 7 forloop 8 forloop 9 Process finished with exit code 0
6.表达式while 循环
1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 3 #blog: 4 5 import time #导入时间模块 6 t0_start = time.time() #time.time()表示当前时间 7 8 count=0 9 while True: 10 if count == 1000000: 11 break 12 # print ("计数开始:", count) 13 count += 1 14 print ("count:",time.time()-t0_start,count) 15 16 17 t_start = time.time() 18 count0=0 19 while count0 < 1000000: 20 count0 += 1 21 print ("count0:",time.time()-t_start,count0)
count: 0.488048791885376 1000000 count0: 0.4170417785644531 1000000 Process finished with exit code 0
1 age = 24 2 count = 0 3 4 while count < 3: 5 6 7 newage = int(input("youerage:")) 8 9 if age == newage: 10 print ("恭喜你,猜对啦~~") 11 12 elif age < newage: 13 print ("我有那么老吗?臭傻逼~~~") 14 15 else: 16 print ("我有那么小吗?臭傻逼~~~") 17 18 count += 1 19 else: 20 print("笨死了,猜那么多次还是猜不对~")
youerage:1 我有那么小吗?臭傻逼~~~ youerage:2 我有那么小吗?臭傻逼~~~ youerage:3 我有那么小吗?臭傻逼~~~ 笨死了,猜那么多次还是猜不对~ Process finished with exit code 0
如果条件为真:result = 值1
如果条件为假:result = 值2
如果条件为假:result = 值2