quake 3场景源码分析



Unofficial Quake 3 Map Specs


This document describes the Quake 3 BSP file format. This is an unofficialdocument. Quake 3 is a registered trademark of id Software, which does not sponsor,authorize, or endorse this document.

This document describes the Quake 3 BSP file format as the authorunderstands it. While every effort has been made to ensure that thecontents of this document are accurate, the author does not guarantee thatany portion of this document is actually correct. In addition, the authorcannot be held responsible the consequences of the any use or misuse of theinformation contained in this document.

Copyright © 2000 Kekoa Proudfoot. All rightsreserved.


File structure

Quake 3 BSP files are IBSP files, and therefore have a structure similar toprevious BSP files from id Software. Every IBSP file begins with a header,which in turn contains a lump directory. The lump directory describes thelayout of the rest of the file, which contains some number of lumps. Eachlump stores a particular kind of map data.

Header / Directory
The layout of an IBSP file. An IBSP fileconsists of a header followed by a number of lumps. The header contains adirectory which identifies the locations and sizes of the lumps.

Data types

Quake 3 BSP files contains only four basic data types. They are:

ubyteunsigned byte
int4-byte integer, little-endian
float4-byte IEEE float, little-endian
string[n]string of n ASCII bytes, not necessarily null-terminated

All data in a BSP file is organized into records composed of these four datatypes.

Header and Directory

The header record looks like this:


string[4] magicMagic number. Always "IBSP".
int versionVersion number. 0x2e for the BSP files distributed with Quake 3.
direntry[17] direntriesLump directory, seventeen entries.

Each direntry locates a single lump in the BSP file:


int offsetOffset to start of lump, relative to beginning of file.
int lengthLength of lump. Always a multiple of 4.


There are 17 lumps in a Quake 3 BSP file. In the order that theyappear in the lump directory, they are:

IndexLump NameDescription
0EntitiesGame-related object descriptions.
1TexturesSurface descriptions.
2PlanesPlanes used by map geometry.
3NodesBSP tree nodes.
4LeafsBSP tree leaves.
5LeaffacesLists of face indices, one list per leaf.
6LeafbrushesLists of brush indices, one list per leaf.
7ModelsDescriptions of rigid world geometry in map.
8BrushesConvex polyhedra used to describe solid space.
9BrushsidesBrush surfaces.
10VertexesVertices used to describe faces.
11MeshvertsLists of offsets, one list per mesh.
12EffectsList of special map effects.
13FacesSurface geometry.
14LightmapsPacked lightmap data.
15LightvolsLocal illumination data.
16VisdataCluster-cluster visibility data.


The entities lump stores game-related map information, includinginformation about the map name, weapons, health, armor, triggers, spawnpoints, lights, and .md3 models to be placed in the map. The lump containsonly one record, a string that describes all of the entities:


string[length] entsEntity descriptions, stored as a string.

The length of the entity string is given by the size of the lumpitself, as specified in the lump directory.

The meanings, formats, and parameters of the various entity descriptionsare currently outside the scope of this document. For more informationabout entity descriptions, see the documentation to Q3Radiant, the Quake 3level editor.


The textures lump stores information about surfaces and volumes, which arein turn associated with faces, brushes, and brushsides. There are a totalof length / sizeof(texture) records in the lump, wherelength is the size of the lump itself, as specified in the lumpdirectory.


string[64] nameTexture name.
int flagsSurface flags.
int contentsContent flags.


The planes lump stores a generic set of planes that are in turn referencedby nodes and brushsides. There are a total of length /sizeof(plane) records in the lump, where length is the sizeof the lump itself, as specified in the lump directory.


float[3] normalPlane normal.
float distDistance from origin to plane along normal.

Note that planes are paired. The pair of planes withindices i and i ^ 1 are coincident planes with opposing normals.


The nodes lump stores all of the nodes in the map's BSP tree. The BSP treeis used primarily as a spatial subdivision scheme, dividing the world intoconvex regions called leafs. The first node in the lump is the tree's rootnode. There are a total of length / sizeof(node) recordsin the lump, where length is the size of the lump itself, asspecified in the lump directory.


int planePlane index.
int[2] childrenChildren indices. Negative numbers are leaf indices: -(leaf+1).
int[3] minsInteger bounding box min coord.
int[3] maxsInteger bounding box max coord.


The leafs lump stores the leaves of the map's BSP tree. Each leaf is aconvex region that contains, among other things, a cluster index (fordetermining the other leafs potentially visible from within the leaf), alist of faces (for rendering), and a list of brushes (for collisiondetection). There are a total of length / sizeof(leaf)records in the lump, where length is the size of the lump itself,as specified in the lump directory.


int clusterVisdata cluster index.
int areaAreaportal area.
int[3] minsInteger bounding box min coord.
int[3] maxsInteger bounding box max coord.
int leaffaceFirst leafface for leaf.
int n_leaffacesNumber of leaffaces for leaf.
int leafbrushFirst leafbrush for leaf.
int n_leafbrushesNumber of leafbrushes for leaf.

If cluster is negative, the leaf is outside the map or otherwiseinvalid.


The leaffaces lump stores lists of face indices, with one list per leaf.There are a total of length / sizeof(leafface) records inthe lump, where length is the size of the lump itself, asspecified in the lump directory.


int faceFace index.


The leafbrushes lump stores lists of brush indices, with one list per leaf.There are a total of length / sizeof(leafbrush) records inthe lump, where length is the size of the lump itself, asspecified in the lump directory.


int brushBrush index.


The models lump describes rigid groups of world geometry. The first modelcorreponds to the base portion of the map while the remaining modelscorrespond to movable portions of the map, such as the map's doors,platforms, and buttons. Each model has a list of faces and list ofbrushes; these are especially important for the movable parts of the map,which (unlike the base portion of the map) do not have BSP trees associatedwith them. There are a total of length / sizeof(models)records in the lump, where length is the size of the lump itself,as specified in the lump directory.


float[3] minsBounding box min coord.
float[3] maxsBounding box max coord.
int faceFirst face for model.
int n_facesNumber of faces for model.
int brushFirst brush for model.
int n_brushesNumber of brushes for model.


The brushes lump stores a set of brushes, which are in turn used forcollision detection. Each brush describes a convex volume as defined byits surrounding surfaces. There are a total of length /sizeof(brushes) records in the lump, where length is thesize of the lump itself, as specified in the lump directory.


int brushsideFirst brushside for brush.
int n_brushsidesNumber of brushsides for brush.
int textureTexture index.


The brushsides lump stores descriptions of brush bounding surfaces. Thereare a total of length / sizeof(brushsides) records in thelump, where length is the size of the lump itself, as specified inthe lump directory.


int planePlane index.
int textureTexture index.


The vertexes lump stores lists of vertices used to describe faces. Thereare a total of length / sizeof(vertex) records in the lump,where length is the size of the lump itself, as specified in thelump directory.


float[3] positionVertex position.
float[2][2] texcoordVertex texture coordinates. 0=surface, 1=lightmap.
float[3] normalVertex normal.
ubyte[4] colorVertex color. RGBA.


The meshverts lump stores lists of vertex offsets, used to describegeneralized triangle meshes. There are a total of length /sizeof(meshvert) records in the lump, where length is thesize of the lump itself, as specified in the lump directory.


int offsetVertex index offset, relative to first vertex ofcorresponding face.


The effects lump stores references to volumetric shaders (typically fog)which affect the rendering of a particular group of faces. There are atotal of length / sizeof(effect) records in the lump,where length is the size of the lump itself, as specified in thelump directory.


string[64] nameEffect shader.
int brushBrush that generated this effect.
int unknownAlways 5, except in q3dm8, which has one effect with -1.


The faces lump stores information used to render the surfaces of the map.There are a total of length / sizeof(faces) records in thelump, where length is the size of the lump itself, as specified inthe lump directory.


int textureTexture index.
int effectIndex into lump 12 (Effects), or -1.
int typeFace type. 1=polygon, 2=patch, 3=mesh, 4=billboard
int vertexIndex of first vertex.
int n_vertexesNumber of vertices.
int meshvertIndex of first meshvert.
int n_meshvertsNumber of meshverts.
int lm_indexLightmap index.
int[2] lm_startCorner of this face's lightmap image in lightmap.
int[2] lm_sizeSize of this face's lightmap image in lightmap.
float[3] lm_originWorld space origin of lightmap.
float[2][3] lm_vecsWorld space lightmap s and t unit vectors.
float[3] normalSurface normal.
int[2] sizePatch dimensions.

There are four types of faces: polygons, patches, meshes, and billboards.

Several components have different meanings depending on the face type.

For type 1 faces (polygons), vertex and n_vertexesdescribe a set of vertices that form a polygon. The set always contains aloop of vertices, and sometimes also includes an additional vertex near thecenter of the polygon. For these faces, meshvert andn_meshverts describe a valid polygon triangulation. Every threemeshverts describe a triangle. Each meshvert is an offset from the firstvertex of the face, given by vertex.

For type 2 faces (patches), vertex and n_vertexesdescribe a 2D rectangular grid of control vertices with dimensions given bysize. Within this rectangular grid, regions of 3×3 verticesrepresent biquadratic Bezier patches. Adjacent patches share a line ofthree vertices. There are a total of(size[0] - 1) / 2 by(size[1] - 1) / 2 patches. Patches in the grid start at (i, j) given by:

i = 2n, n in [ 0 .. (size[0] - 1) / 2 ), and
j = 2m, m in [ 0 .. (size[1] - 1) / 2 ).

For type 3 faces (meshes), meshvert and n_meshverts areused to describe the independent triangles that form the mesh. As withtype 1 faces, every three meshverts describe a triangle, and each meshvertis an offset from the first vertex of the face, given by vertex.

For type 4 faces (billboards), vertex describes the single vertexthat determines the location of the billboard. Billboards are used foreffects such as flares. Exactly how each billboard vertex is to beinterpreted has not been investigated.

The lm_ variables are primarily used to deal with lightmap data.A face that has a lightmap has a non-negative lm_index. For sucha face, lm_index is the index of the image in the lightmaps lumpthat contains the lighting data for the face. The data in the lightmapimage can be located using the rectangle specified by lm_start andlm_size.

For type 1 faces (polygons) only, lm_origin and lm_vecscan be used to compute the world-space positions corresponding to lightmapsamples. These positions can in turn be used to compute dynamic lightingacross the face.

None of the lm_ variables are used to compute texture coordinatesfor indexing into lightmaps. In fact, lightmap coordinates need not becomputed. Instead, lightmap coordinates are simply stored with thevertices used to describe each face.


The lightmaps lump stores the light map textures used make surface lightinglook more realistic. There are a total of length /sizeof(lightmap) records in the lump, where length is thesize of the lump itself, as specified in the lump directory.


ubyte[128][128][3] mapLightmap color data. RGB.


The lightvols lump stores a uniform grid of lighting information used toilluminate non-map objects. There are a total of length /sizeof(lightvol) records in the lump, where length is thesize of the lump itself, as specified in the lump directory.

Lightvols make up a 3D grid whose dimensions are:

nx = floor(models[0].maxs[0] / 64) - ceil(models[0].mins[0] / 64) + 1
ny = floor(models[0].maxs[1] / 64) - ceil(models[0].mins[1] / 64) + 1
nz = floor(models[0].maxs[2] / 128) - ceil(models[0].mins[2] / 128) + 1


ubyte[3] ambientAmbient color component. RGB.
ubyte[3] directionalDirectional color component. RGB.
ubyte[2] dirDirection to light. 0=phi, 1=theta.


The visdata lump stores bit vectors that provide cluster-to-clustervisibility information. There is exactly one visdata record, with alength equal to that specified in the lump directory.


int n_vecsNumber of vectors.
int sz_vecsSize of each vector, in bytes.
ubyte[n_vecs * sz_vecs] vecsVisibility data. One bit per cluster per vector.

Cluster x is visible from cluster y if the (1 << y % 8) bit ofvecs[x * sz_vecs + y / 8] is set.

Note that clusters are associated with leaves.

Known Issues and Missing Items[top]

This document is very brief. I have gathered more information, but havenot had time to write it up. Occasionally, I add more information to thisdocument.

At some point I put together a page that describes triangle meshes and other q3 leaf elements. I forgetthe exact reason I created that page, but you might find it interesting.

Feel free to ask for clarification, but please accept my apologies if Ican't find the time to answer.

Copyright © 2000 KekoaProudfoot. All rights reserved.

Keywords: quake 3 quake3 q3 arena quake3arena q3arena map bsp file spec specs format

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