Microsoft Edge 针对 Web 开发人员更新日志

Windows 10 build16215 之 Edge 新功能


  • 增加了对高级事件监听器的支持(“once”和“passive”)via
  • 增加了对CSS object-fit/object-position 的支持
  • 增加对CSS position: sticky 的支持


  • ES2017共享内存和原子默认处于启用状态(以前需要在“实验性JavaScript功能”中之后)

DevTools 开发者工具的改进

  • 在DOM资源管理器中,将“布局”选项卡合并到“Computed 计算”选项卡中
  • 支持了 Ctrl+Shift+I 快捷键启动。
  • DOM 事件侦听
    • 检查祖先元素的事件侦听器
    • 按事件或元素分组以查看事件列表或元素列表,其中首先包含最具体的元素事件
  • CSS @规则
    • “样式”标签栏,现在将显示相关动画的@keyframes(目前只读),
    • “样式”标签栏,现在将显示给定CSS满足的@supports语句
    • “样式”标签栏,现在将显示 @media 中的css
  • Console 控制台的改进
    • 添加了过滤器;
    • 命令行输入现在与日志视图相符。通过按Shift + Enter,开发人员现在可以转到多行模式并使用Enter提交命令。
    • 优化日志记录经验:
      • 重复的日志现在被堆叠
      • 更准确的来源(代码位置)
      • 添加背景颜色
      • 增加了日志的自定义CSS样式
      • 内容现在被包装,以适应在控制台视口内
    • 增加了 Console.table 的支持,以便以表格形式显示数据
    • 控制台现在利用了为 VS Code 提供支持的 Monaco 编辑器的特性和特点。这提供了语法着色和更快,更丰富的IntelliSense(智能感知)体验在命令行输入。


  • WebDriver 支持了以InPrivate模式启动Microsoft Edge,功能为“InPrivate”:true



New platform features:

  • Added support for advanced Event Listeners (“once” and “passive”)
  • Added support for CSS object-fit/object-position
  • Added support for CSS position: sticky

New JavaScript features:

  • ES2017 Shared Memory and Atomics are now on by default (previously behind the Experimental JavaScript Features flag)

Developer Tools improvements:

  • In DOM Explorer, merged the Layout tab into the Computed tab
  • Added Ctrl-Shift-I as a supported shortcut to launch the developer tools.
  • Ancestor Event Listeners
    • Inspect event listeners for ancestor elements
    • Group by Event or Element to see a list of events or list of elements, with the most specific element events first
  • CSS At-Rules
    • Styles tab will now display @keyframes for related animations (read-only currently),
    • Styles tab will now show the @supports statement being met for the given CSS
    • Styles tab will now show css from an @media in its own section
  • Console improvements
    • Added custom input filter and improved overall filtering experience
    • The command line input is now in-line with the logs view. By pressing Shift + Enter, developers can now move to multi-line mode and submit their command with Enter.
    • Optimized logging experience:
      • Duplicate logs are now stacked
      • Sources are now right-aligned
      • Added background colors
      • Added custom CSS styling of logs
      • Content is now wrapped to fit nicely within the console viewport
    • Added support for the Console.table API to visualize data in a tabular layout
    • The Console now leverages features and characteristics of Monaco editor that powers VS Code. This provides syntax colorization and a faster, richer IntelliSense experience in command line input.

WebDriver Improvements:

  • WebDriver now supports launching Microsoft Edge in InPrivate mode with capability “InPrivate”: true

posted on 2017-06-15 10:48  xiaogezi  阅读(303)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
