Javascript学习一:BOM and DOM


之前写过代码,所以怎么也知道DOM是什么,但是这几天听别人说BOM,突然发现我不知道BOM(以前学过ERP,知道BOM是Bill of Material,中文翻译为物料清单),可是javascript也有个BOM,它到底是什么,上网查资料。

 BOM: Browser Object Model, 浏览器对象模型,可以对浏览器窗口进行访问和操作。使用 BOM,开发者可以移动窗口、改变状态栏中的文本以及执行其他与页面内容不直接相关的动作。

BOM 描述了与浏览器进行交互的方法和接口。


 DOM:Document Object Model, 文档对象模型,DOM 把整个页面规划成由节点层级构成的文档。

DOM 描述了处理网页内容的方法和接口。

HTML 文档对象模型(HTML Document Object Model)定义了访问和处理 HTML 文档的标准方法。 



 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
 2 <html>
 3   <head>
 4   <title> </title>
 5   </head>
 6   <body>
 7     <p id="demo">  ... </p>
 8     <div id="products">
 9     <div id="product1">product1</div>
10     <div>product2</div>
11     </div>
12     <input type="button" value="open a new window" onclick="openWin();">
13     <input type="button" value="append a new product" onclick="addProduct();">
14     <input type="button" value="insert a new product before1" onclick="insertProduct();">
15     <script type="text/javascript">
16       var page_width = window.innerWidth,
17           page_height = window.innerHeight;
18       if(typeof page_width != 'number'){
19       // what is document.compatmode
20       // "BackCompat" for Quirks mode or "CSS1Compat" for Strict mod
21         if(document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat"){
22           page_width = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
23           page_height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
24         }
25         else{
26           page_width = document.body.clientWidth;
27           page_height = document.body.clientHeight;
28         }
29       }
31       x = document.getElementById("demo");
32       x.innerHTML = "Browser inner window width: " + page_width;
33       x.innerHTML += "<br>Browser inner window height: " + page_height;
35       function openWin(){
36         // open(), 4 parameters, (url, name, attribute ,replace) 
37         // myWindow ='','myWindow', 'width=200, height=100');
38         myWindow ='','', 'width=200, height=100');
39         myWindow.document.write("<p>This is 'myWindow'</p>");
40         /*
41         //not work
42         setTimeout(moveWin(), 3000); 
43         //work well
44         setTimeout(function(){myWindow.resizeTo(500, 500);}, 3000); 
45         */
46         setTimeout(function(){myWindow.resizeTo(500, 500);}, 3000);
47         setInterval(function(){myWindow.moveTo(0, 0);}, 3000);
48         // setTimeout(function(){myWindow.close();}, 3000);
49       }
51       function moveWin(){
52       // IE/ff/chrome only work well on new window you create, it doent work on parent window. 
53         myWindow.moveTo(300,0);
54       }
56       function resizeWin(){
57         myWindow.resizeTo(500, 200);
58       }
60       // childNodes: the first and the last are same: '#text', not null 
61       // previousSibling: the first child and the last child are '#text', not null
63       // different saying in book: <Professional javascript for web developer> Page-250 not mention '#text'
64       x.innerHTML += "<br>products have child: " + document.getElementById("products").hasChildNodes();
65       x.innerHTML += "<br>products child: " + document.getElementById("products").childNodes;
66       x.innerHTML += "<br>products child[0]: " + document.getElementById("products").childNodes[0];
67       x.innerHTML += "<br>products child[1]: " + document.getElementById("products").childNodes[1];
68       x.innerHTML += "<br>products child[2]: " + document.getElementById("products").childNodes[2];
69       x.innerHTML += "<br>products previousSibling: " + document.getElementById("products").previousSibling;
70       x.innerHTML += "<br>products nextSibling: " + document.getElementById("products").nextSibling;
72       var products = document.getElementById("products");
73       var product1 = document.getElementById("product1");
74       function addProduct(){
75         var product3 = document.createElement("div");
76         var product3_detail = document.createTextNode("product3 appened by js");
77         product3.appendChild(product3_detail);
78         products.appendChild(product3);
79       }
81       function insertProduct(){
82         var product0 = document.createElement("div");
83         product0.appendChild(document.createTextNode("product0 inserted before product1"));
84         products.insertBefore(product0, product1);
85       }
87     </script>
89   </body>
90 </html>


 // childNodes: the first and the last are same: '#text', not null 

 // previousSibling: the first child and the last child are '#text', not null
原因是 我在写Markup的时候,元素之间加了回车,如果删除回车,让代码显示成一行,结果就是相应的节点了,也就是说浏览器会把换行也当做一个元素。

posted on 2013-08-07 21:44  wxb007  阅读(405)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报