C#实体类生成Create Table SQL
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; namespace TableGenerator { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { List<TableClass> tables = new List<TableClass>(); // Pass assembly name via argument Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFile(args[0]); Type[] types = a.GetTypes(); // Get Types in the assembly. foreach (Type t in types) { TableClass tc = new TableClass(t); tables.Add(tc); } // Create SQL for each table foreach (TableClass table in tables) { Console.WriteLine(table.CreateTableScript()); Console.WriteLine(); } // Total Hacked way to find FK relationships! Too lazy to fix right now foreach (TableClass table in tables) { foreach (KeyValuePair<String, Type> field in table.Fields) { foreach (TableClass t2 in tables) { if (field.Value.Name == t2.ClassName) { // We have a FK Relationship! Console.WriteLine("GO"); Console.WriteLine("ALTER TABLE " + table.ClassName + " WITH NOCHECK"); Console.WriteLine("ADD CONSTRAINT FK_" + field.Key + " FOREIGN KEY (" + field.Key + ") REFERENCES " + t2.ClassName + "(ID)"); Console.WriteLine("GO"); } } } } } } public class TableClass { private List<KeyValuePair<String, Type>> _fieldInfo = new List<KeyValuePair<String, Type>>(); private string _className = String.Empty; private Dictionary<Type, String> dataMapper { get { // Add the rest of your CLR Types to SQL Types mapping here Dictionary<Type, String> dataMapper = new Dictionary<Type, string>(); dataMapper.Add(typeof(int), "BIGINT"); dataMapper.Add(typeof(string), "NVARCHAR(500)"); dataMapper.Add(typeof(bool), "BIT"); dataMapper.Add(typeof(DateTime), "DATETIME"); dataMapper.Add(typeof(float), "FLOAT"); dataMapper.Add(typeof(decimal), "DECIMAL(18,0)"); dataMapper.Add(typeof(Guid), "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER"); return dataMapper; } } public List<KeyValuePair<String, Type>> Fields { get { return this._fieldInfo; } set { this._fieldInfo = value; } } public string ClassName { get { return this._className; } set { this._className = value; } } public TableClass(Type t) { this._className = t.Name; foreach (PropertyInfo p in t.GetProperties()) { KeyValuePair<String, Type> field = new KeyValuePair<String, Type>(p.Name, p.PropertyType); this.Fields.Add(field); } } public string CreateTableScript() { System.Text.StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); script.AppendLine("CREATE TABLE " + this.ClassName); script.AppendLine("("); script.AppendLine("\t ID BIGINT,"); for (int i = 0; i < this.Fields.Count; i++) { KeyValuePair<String, Type> field = this.Fields[i]; if (dataMapper.ContainsKey(field.Value)) { script.Append("\t " + field.Key + " " + dataMapper[field.Value]); } else { // Complex Type? script.Append("\t " + field.Key + " BIGINT"); } if (i != this.Fields.Count - 1) { script.Append(","); } script.Append(Environment.NewLine); } script.AppendLine(")"); return script.ToString(); } } }
public class FakeDataClass { public int AnInt { get; set; } public string AString { get; set; } public float AFloat { get; set; } public FKClass AFKReference { get; set; } } public class FKClass { public int AFKInt { get; set; } }
以下代码是生成my sql 的create datatable sql
private void btnCreateSQL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //txtJson.Text //txtSQL.Text try { string sepMark = " "; JObject jo = JObject.Parse(txtJson.Text); string sql = @"CREATE TABLE NND(" + Environment.NewLine; sql = sql + @"NND_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'NND_id',"; foreach (var j in jo) { if ("Integer".Equals(j.Value.Type.ToString())) { if (j.Key.Contains("is_") || j.Key.Contains("type")) { sql = sql + j.Key + sepMark + @"tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT" + sepMark + "'" + j.Key + "'," + Environment.NewLine; } else { sql = sql + j.Key + sepMark + @"mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT" + sepMark + "'" + j.Value + "'," + Environment.NewLine; } } else if ("String".Equals(j.Value.Type.ToString())) { decimal tempDecimal = 0; DateTime dt = new DateTime(); if (decimal.TryParse(j.Value.ToString(), out tempDecimal)) { sql = sql + j.Key + sepMark + @"decimal(11,2) NOT NULL COMMENT" + sepMark + "'" + j.Key + "'," + Environment.NewLine; continue; } if (DateTime.TryParse(j.Value.ToString(), out dt)) { sql = sql + j.Key + sepMark + @"datetime NOT NULL COMMENT" + sepMark + "'" + j.Key + "'," + Environment.NewLine; continue; } else { sql = sql + j.Key + sepMark + @"varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT" + sepMark + "'" + j.Key + "'," + Environment.NewLine; continue; } } } sql = sql + @"PRIMARY KEY (NND_id)" + Environment.NewLine; sql = sql + ")"; txtSQL.Text = sql; } catch (Exception ex) { txtSQL.Text = "出错啦!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } }
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