2017-06-15 08:41 linkxu 阅读(677) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报Environment: Python27
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- ''' Created on 2017年6月9日 @author: LXu4 ''' import copy import time class Soduku(object): def __init__(self, problem): self.problem = problem def resolve(self): solutionStack = [self.problem] tmp = self.get_solution_array(self.problem) solutionArrayStack = [tmp] time_t = 0 prev_x = -1 prev_y = -1 while 1: # time_t += 1 # fetch the last solution in solution stack next_item_cord = {} solutionArray = [] # print 'still ',len(solutionStack),'in stack' solutionNow = copy.deepcopy(solutionStack[len(solutionStack) - 1]) solutionArray = solutionArrayStack[len(solutionArrayStack) - 1] flag = self.check_if_need_to_back(solutionNow, solutionArray) if flag is True: # print 'pop!' solutionArrayStack.pop() solutionStack.pop() else: time_t += 1 # next_item_cord = self.get_first_possible_item(solutionArray,solutionNow=solutionNow) next_item_cord = self.get_first_possible_item(solutionArray,solutionNow=solutionNow) if next_item_cord == False: break # print 'next_item_cord:',next_item_cord prev_x = next_item_cord['x'] prev_y = next_item_cord['y'] next_item_array = solutionArray[prev_x][prev_y] next_item = next_item_array[len(next_item_array)-1] # randint(0,len(next_item_array)-1) solutionNow[prev_x][prev_y] = next_item # solutionArray_tmp = get_solution_array(solutionNow) solutionArray_tmp = copy.deepcopy(solutionArray) solutionArray_tmp = self.get_resolution_array_new(solutionArray_tmp, prev_x, prev_y, next_item) if next_item in solutionArray[prev_x][prev_y]: solutionArray[prev_x][prev_y].remove( next_item) # print 'next point is ',prev_x,',',prev_y solutionStack.append(solutionNow) solutionArrayStack.append(solutionArray_tmp) # print solutionArrayStack # print solutionStack for i in range(0, 9, 1): print solutionStack[len(solutionStack) - 1][i] print 'total forward:',time_t def check_if_need_to_back(self,solutionNow, solutionArray): for i in range(0, 9, 1): for j in range(0, 9, 1): if len(solutionArray[i][j]) == 0 and solutionNow[i][j] == 0: return True return False def get_resolution_array_new(self,solutionArray, x, y, value): for tmp_j in range(0, 9, 1): if value in solutionArray[x][tmp_j]: solutionArray[x][tmp_j].remove(value) for tmp_i in range(0, 9, 1): if value in solutionArray[tmp_i][y]: solutionArray[tmp_i][y].remove(value) for tmp_i in range(x / 3 * 3, x / 3 * 3 + 3): for tmp_j in range(y / 3 * 3, y / 3 * 3 + 3): if value in solutionArray[tmp_i][tmp_j]: solutionArray[tmp_i][tmp_j].remove(value) return solutionArray def get_solution_array(self,problem): tmp = [] for i in range(0, 9, 1): tmp_line_array = [] for j in range(0, 9, 1): # print '['+bytes(i)+','+bytes(j)+']: '+ bytes(problem[i][j]) if problem[i][j] == 0: # no value, get possible value array tmp_value = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # remove the existed value in line for tmp_j in range(0, 9, 1): if problem[i][tmp_j] != 0: if problem[i][tmp_j] in tmp_value: tmp_value.remove(problem[i][tmp_j]) # remove the existed value in column for tmp_i in range(0, 9, 1): if problem[tmp_i][j] != 0: if problem[tmp_i][j] in tmp_value: tmp_value.remove(problem[tmp_i][j]) # remove the existed value in the rectangle for x in range(i / 3 * 3, i / 3 * 3 + 3): for y in range(j / 3 * 3, j / 3 * 3 + 3): if problem[x][y] != 0: if problem[x][y] in tmp_value: tmp_value.remove(problem[x][y]) tmp_line_array.append(tmp_value) else: tmp_line_array.append([]) tmp.append(tmp_line_array) # print tmp_line_array # print tmp return tmp # get first item to be the point of tree def get_first_possible_item(self, solution_array, solutionNow = None): is_finished = True shortest_item_length = 9 shortest_item_x = 0 shortest_item_y = 0 for i in range(0, 9, 1): for j in range(0, 9, 1): tmp_length = len(solution_array[i][j]) if tmp_length != 0: is_finished = False if solutionNow[i][j] != 0: tmp_length += 1 if tmp_length < shortest_item_length: shortest_item_length = tmp_length shortest_item_x = i shortest_item_y = j # print 'shortest item is:',shortest_item_length,shortest_item_x,shortest_item_y if is_finished: return False else: return {'x': shortest_item_x, 'y': shortest_item_y} def get_next_possible_item(self, solution_array, prev_x, prev_y, solutionNow = None): if prev_x == -1 and prev_y == -1: return self.get_first_possible_item(solution_array, solutionNow) else: is_finished = True shortest_item_length = 9 shortest_item_x = 0 shortest_item_y = 0 for tmp_i in range(0, 9, 1): tmp_length = len(solution_array[tmp_i][prev_y]) if tmp_length != 0: is_finished = False if solutionNow[tmp_i][prev_y] != 0: tmp_length += 1 if tmp_length < shortest_item_length: shortest_item_length = tmp_length shortest_item_x = tmp_i shortest_item_y = prev_y if tmp_length == 1: return {'x': shortest_item_x, 'y': shortest_item_y} for tmp_j in range(0, 9, 1): tmp_length = len(solution_array[prev_x][tmp_j]) if tmp_length != 0: is_finished = False if solutionNow[prev_x][tmp_j] != 0: tmp_length += 1 if tmp_length < shortest_item_length: shortest_item_length = tmp_length shortest_item_x = prev_x shortest_item_y = tmp_j if tmp_length == 1: return {'x': shortest_item_x, 'y': shortest_item_y} for x in range(prev_x / 3 * 3, prev_x / 3 * 3 + 3): for y in range(prev_y / 3 * 3, prev_y / 3 * 3 + 3): tmp_length = len(solution_array[x][y]) if tmp_length != 0: is_finished = False if solutionNow[x][y] != 0: tmp_length += 1 if tmp_length < shortest_item_length: shortest_item_length = tmp_length shortest_item_x = x shortest_item_y = y if tmp_length == 1: return {'x': shortest_item_x, 'y': shortest_item_y} # print 'shortest item is:',shortest_item_length,shortest_item_x,shortest_item_y if is_finished: return self.get_first_possible_item(solution_array,solutionNow) else: return {'x': shortest_item_x, 'y': shortest_item_y} problem = \ [ [3,0,8,0,0,0,6,0,0], [0,4,0,0,6,5,0,0,7], [7,0,0,4,3,0,0,9,0], [0,0,7,0,0,1,5,8,0], [1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,9], [0,9,4,7,0,0,2,0,0], [8,0,0,0,7,4,0,0,0], [4,0,0,6,5,0,8,1,0], [0,0,9,0,0,0,7,0,2] ] f = Soduku(problem) startTime=time.time() f.resolve() endTime=time.time() print "Finished! Time consuming: " + "%.4f" % (endTime-startTime) + " Seconds"