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C++ 关键字 const

9. Const

  • declares a variable to have a constant value
  • Constants are variables
    • Observe(遵守) scoping rules
    • Declared with "const" type modifier

9.1 Compile time constants

  • 编译时刻,可以确定值
    • value must be initialized
    • unless you make an explicit extern declaration;
const int bufsize = 1024;

// extern 声明
extern const int bufsize;

9.2 Run-time constants

const int class_size = 12;
int finalGrade[class_size];  // ok

int x;
cin >> x;
const int size = x;
double classAverage[size];   // error

9.3 Pointers and const

char* const q = "abc";  // q is const
*q = 'c';   // OK
q++;        // ERROR

const char *p = "ABCD";  // (*p) is a const char
*p = 'b';  // ERROR

Person p1("Fred", 200);
const Person* p = &p1;
Person const* p = &p1;
Person *const p = &p1;

// const 位于星号前面,对象是 const
// const 位于星号后面,指针是 const

9.4 示例

  • a.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    //char *s = "hello world";
    // "hello world": 位于代码段, 代码段的内容,不能写

    char s[] = "hello world";
    // "hello world": 位于栈中

    cout << s << endl;

    s[0] = 'B';

    cout << s << endl;

    return 0;

9.5 const 函数

  • Repeat the const keyword in the definition as well as the declaration
  • Function members that do not modify data should be declared const.
  • const memeber functions are safe for const objects.
int Date::set_day(int d) {
    day = d;

int Date::get_day() const {
    day++;      // ERROR modifies data member
    set_day(12);    // ERROR calls non-const member

    return day;     // ok

9.6 类中的 const

  • main.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A {
    int i;
    A() : i(0) {}
    void f() { cout << "f()" << endl; }
    void f() const { cout << "f() const" << endl; }

int main()
    const A a;

    return 0;

// 解释:
// void f()        实际为: void f(A* this)
// void f() const  实际为: void f(const A* this)
  • 运行结果

9.7 C 与 C++ const 区别

  • C 语言版本
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	const int a = 10;
	int* p = NULL;

	p = &a;
	*p = 20;

	printf("a: %d\n", a);

	return 0;
  • C++ 版本
#include "iostream"

// C++ 中,const 是一个真正的常量
int main()
	const int a = 10;
	int* p = NULL;
	p = (int *)&a;

	*p = 20;

	std::cout << "a 地址:" << &a << "\ta的值:" << a << std::endl;
	std::cout << "p 地址: " << p << "\t*p的值:" << *p << std::endl;

	return 0;

9.7.1 总结

C++ 编译器对 const 常量的处理:

  • 当碰见常量声明时,会在符号表中放入常量;
  • 编译过程中若发现使用常量,则直接以符号表中的值替换;
  • 编译过程中若发现对 const 使用 extern 或者 &操作符,则给对应的常量分配存储空间(兼容C)

// TODO: 待插入图片


posted @ 2022-06-13 11:07  小a的软件思考  阅读(27)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报