随笔分类 - 【201】英语
摘要:"Are you going all by yourself?" he asked, and I couldn't tell if he was suspicious I had a secret boyfriend or just worried about car trouble. “你是准备一
摘要:"Dad?" I asked when he was almost done. “爸?”我当他快吃完的时候问道。 "Yeah, Bella?" “怎么了,Bella” "Um, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to Seattle for t
摘要:Well, that was fine. I could leave him alone. 行吧,但愿一切都好。我能让他一个人。 I would leave him alone. 我也会让他一个人的。 I would get through my self-imposed sentence here
摘要:After I hung up, I tried to concentrate on dinner — dicing the chicken especially; I didn't want to take another trip to the emergency room. 当我挂了电话之后,
摘要:But they were all in, and Edward was speeding away. 但是他们都在里面了之后,Edward就加速走了。 I drove home slowly, carefully, muttering to myself the whole way. 我小心的慢慢
摘要:"Then why —"He shrugged. "I was hoping you were just letting him down easy." “这为什么——”他耸耸肩。“我希望你只是想让他失望而已。” Okay, it was completely his fault. 是的,这完全就是
摘要:While I was sitting there, looking everywhere but at the car in front of me, I heard a knock on my passenger side window. 当我一直坐在那里的时候,到处向我前方张望着,除了眼前的车
摘要:He slouched off, back toward the school. 他无精打采的回去了学校。 I heard a low chuckle. 我听到了低声的笑。 Edward was walking past the front of my truck, looking straight
摘要:"Hi, Bella." “你好,Bella” "What's up?" I said as I was unlocking the door. “怎么了?” 我边说边打开了门。 I wasn't paying attention to the uncomfortable edge in his v
摘要:"Thank you," I said icily. “谢谢你”,我冰冷的说道。 His eyes narrowed. 他眯着眼睛。 "You're welcome," he retorted. “不客气,”他淡淡的回复道。 I straightened up swiftly, turned awa
摘要:"I don't know what you mean," I said, my voice guarded. “我不知道你什么意思”我声音谨慎地说道。 "It's better if we're not friends," he explained. "Trust me." “如果我们不是朋友更好
摘要:"Bella?" His voice shouldn't have been so familiar to me, as if I'd known the sound of it all my life rather than for just a few short weeks. "Bella?"
摘要:"Mr. Cullen?" the teacher called, seeking the answer to a question that I hadn't heard. “Cullen?”老师叫道,询问着我没有听到问题的答案。 "The Krebs Cycle," Edward answere
摘要:I didn't want to get into the safety hazards that dancing presented, so I quickly made new plans. 我不想陷入跳舞表演的安全危机,所以我很快的做了一个新的计划。 "I'm going to Seattle
摘要:"So," Mike said, looking at the floor, "Jessica asked me to the spring dance." “所以,”Mike边看着楼梯边说“Jessica邀请我去春天舞会” "That's great." I made my voice brigh
摘要:The next day, I was surprised that Jessica wasn't her usual gushing self in Trig and Spanish. 第二天,我很惊讶,Jessica没有像平常一样在三角学和西班牙语的课滔滔不绝地自说自话了。 She was si
摘要:The snow washed away for good after that one dangerously icy day. 在危险的冰天雪地之后,这场雪洗走了很多。 Mike was disappointed he'd never gotten to stage his snowball f
摘要:And that was the last contact I'd had with him, though he was there, a foot away from me, every day. 这就是我和他最后一个交流了,尽管他就在那,每天就离我一步之遥。 I watched him som
摘要:I wanted very much to talk to him, and the day after the accident I tried. 在发生事故之后我尽力尝试,我很想和他聊聊。 The last time I'd seen him, outside the ER, we'd both
摘要:Edward was never surrounded by crowds of curious by standers eager for his firsthand account. Edward从来没有被好奇的人群或者想要他直接说明的人包围。 People avoided him as usu