随笔分类 - 【201】英语
摘要:"Let go!" I insisted. He ignored me. “放开我!” 我坚持着喊道。他无视我。 I staggered along sideways across the wet sidewalk until we reached the Volvo. 我一边挣扎着穿过湿漉漉的人行
摘要:We were near the parking lot now. 我们现在离停车场不远。 I veered left, toward my truck. Something caught my jacket, yanking me back. 我转向左边,面对我的车。有人抓住了我的夹克让我回过神来
摘要:"Where are you all going, exactly?" He was still looking ahead, expressionless. “真的,你要去哪里?”他还是一直看着前方,毫无表情。 "Down to La Push, to First Beach." I studie
摘要:I stood carefully, and I was still fine. He held the door for me, his smile polite but his eyes mocking. 我小心的站起来,情况还不错。他帮我把门打开,他的笑容很友善但是他的眼中带着嘲笑。 I wa
摘要:That wasn't a challenge; I was always pale, and my recent swoon had left a light sheen of sweat on my face. 这没什么挑战;我总是看起来苍白,并且我最近头晕的时候总有一束光打在我的脸上。 I s
摘要:"We're meeting at my dad's store, at ten." “十点,我们在我爸的店见面。” His eyes flickered to Edward again, wondering if he was giving out too much information. 他眨
摘要:Mike came through the door then, glancing from me to Edward. 然后Mike从门里走出来,看了一眼我和Edward The look he gave Edward confirmed what Edward had said about lo
摘要:And then Mike staggered through the door, now supporting a sallow-looking Lee Stephens, another boy in our Biology class. 然后Mike吃惊的走进门来,并且搭着LeeStephen
摘要:"I saw his face — I could tell." “我看到他的脸了 —— 我知道。” "How did you see me? I thought you were ditching." “你是怎么发现我的?我以为你跷课了。” I was almost fine now, thoug
摘要:"I usually am — but about what in particular this time?" “我通常都是 —— 但是这次有什么特殊的吗?” "Ditching is healthy." I practiced breathing evenly. “跷课有益身体,确实是这样。”我
摘要:"She's just a little faint," he reassured the startled nurse. "They're blood typing in Biology." "她只是有点头晕," 他让护士放心的说道。“他们再生物课上测血型。” The nurse nodded s
摘要:I didn't answer. I closed my eyes again and fought the nausea with all my strength, clamping my lips together. 我没有回答。我再次闭上眼睛用尽全力对抗着恶心,紧闭着嘴唇。 "And not
摘要:Suddenly the sidewalk disappeared from beneath me. My eyes flew open in shock. 突然我身下的人行道消失了。我飞快的睁开眼睛。 Edward had scooped me up in his arms, as easily
摘要:"Bella." Edward's voice was right beside me, relieved now. "Can you hear me?" “Bella” Edward的声音从我的右边传过来,现在让人放心。“你能听到我说话吗?” "No," I groaned. "Go away."
摘要:"Just let me sit for a minute, please?" I begged. “就让我坐一会可以吗?” 我乞求道。 He helped me sit on the edge of the walk. 他扶我坐到马路的边缘。 "And whatever you do, keep
摘要:"Are you feeling faint?" “你感觉头晕吗?” "Yes, sir," I muttered, internally kicking myself for not ditching when I had the chance. “是的,老师,” 我嘀咕道,心里踢了自己一脚,以免
摘要:"The Red Cross is having a blood drive in Port Angeles next weekend, so I thought you should all know your blood type." “下个周末红十字会有一辆义务献血车会开到天使港去,所以我想你
摘要:"I'll be coming around with a dropper of water to prepare your cards, so please don't start until I get to you." “我会走过来用一滴水去预制你的卡片,所以别等到我走到你旁边之前先别开始。”
摘要:"Okay, guys, I want you all to take one piece from each box," he said as he produced a pair of rubber gloves from the pocket of his lab jacket and pul
摘要:I hesitated, torn, but then the first bell sent me hurrying out the door — with a last glance confirming that he hadn't moved a centimeter. 我犹豫了,有点心痛的