使用python 多线程爬取代理ip

很多时候都需要用到代理ip,一个简单的方式就是写爬虫到网络上爬。这里以 西刺代理 http://www.xicidaili.com/ 为例。


这里以chrome浏览器为例,按f12打开开发者工具,点击Network开始记录请求。然后在地址栏输入 http://www.xicidaiil.com/nn 按回车,可看见下图:


在右边的name一栏里可以看到打开这个网页时依次有哪些请求(因为打开网页并不止打开了这个网页,还有网页包含的引用的js\css\jpg文件等)。点下nn,右边显示这次请求的总体情况(General),响应头(Response Headers)请求头(Requests Heades)。浏览器通过对这些响应的渲染得到我们看到的画面。在比较简单的情况下,网页的内容不在js等的额外请求中,也就是说,就在nn的响应中,我们可以得到我们需要的全部文字内容。我们需要做的,就是向浏览器请求这些内容并且用程序将我们需要的内容‘摘’出来并存储好。





1 import requests
2 r = requests.get('')
3 print r.content

该链接是一个检测代理的网页,现在我们先不用管怎么用,程序的输出是:;None;None (假定你的ip是1.2.3.4)。我们用浏览器打开该网址,可以看到网页的内容跟程序的输出是一毛一样的。(因为为了方便起见,这个网页省去了结构。所以程序的输出跟浏览器渲染后的内容一样。)



1 d = {}
2 d['user-agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1'
3 d['Host'] = 'www.xicidaili.com'
4 d['Referer'] ='http://www.xicidaili.com/nn/'
5 r = requests.get('
http://www.xicidaili.com/nn/1',headers = d)
6 print r.status_code #200

不过有一点需要注意的是host要跟网页的站点对应,不然会响应5XX 服务器错误响应。如果不知道怎么填写可以参照上图中 Requests Headers 的内容。通过判断r.status_code可以判断是正常访问还是被服务器拉黑了。如果响应码是503则是被识别为爬虫,可以休息一下了。




# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import time
import requests
import bs4
import pymysql
import random
import json
import os
from Queue import Queue
import threading

def getUa(): ua = [] if not os.path.isfile('ua.txt'): with open('ua.txt','w') as f: while True: line = raw_input('init ua,press Enter to finish:') if line == '': break f.write(line) with open('ua.txt','r') as f: for i in f: ua.append(i[:-1]) lens = len(ua) def getUa1(ua=ua,lens=lens): index = random.randrange(lens) return ua[index] return getUa1
def getIni(): if os.path.isfile('shujuku.ini'): f = open('shujuku.ini','r') d = json.loads(f.readline()) f.close() else: f = open('shujuku.ini','w') d = {} while True: d['host'] = raw_input('host:') d['user'] = raw_input('use name:') d['passwd'] = raw_input('password:') d['type'] = raw_input('mysql?:') d['db'] = raw_input('database:') d['table'] = raw_input('table:') conform = raw_input('press ENTER to conform:') if conform == '': break f.write(json.dumps(d)) f.close() os.system('chmod 660 shujuku.ini') return d
def getTable(d): conn = pymysql.connect(host =d[u'host'],user=d[u'user'],passwd=d[u'passwd'],db=d[u'type'],charset='utf8') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('USE '+d[u'db']) table = d[u'table'] return conn,cur,table
def closeTable(conn,cur): cur.close() conn.close()
def dbWrite(cur,table,dbQ,logQ): while True: logQ.put('new db write %s'%time.ctime(),1) d,key = dbQ.get(1) try: num = cur.execute('SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = "%s"'%(key,table,key,d[key])) except: continue if num != 0 : continue #exist keys = [i for i in d.keys()] values = [d[i].encode('utf-8') for i in keys] keys = unicode(keys)[1:-1].replace("'",'').encode('utf-8') values = str(values)[1:-1].replace("'",'"') s = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s);'%(table,keys,values) try: cur.execute(s) cur.connection.commit() except: logQ.put("error:insert:%s %s"%(s,time.ctime()),1)
def dbRead(cur,table,num): num = cur.execute('SELECT ip FROM %s WHERE support = 0 LIMIT %d'%(table,num)) return cur.fetchall()
def getUrl(todo): todo = todo def iters(todo=todo): if todo!= []: if todo[0][1] == 0: todo.pop(0) url = todo[0][0] + str(todo[0][1]) todo[0][1] -= 1 return unicode(url) return iters
def writeUrlQ(urlQ,todo,logQ): urlF = getUrl(todo) while True: logQ.put('new url %s'%time.ctime(),1) urls = urlF() if urls == None: break urlQ.put(urls,1)
def writeUaQ(uaQ,logQ): uas = getUa() while True: logQ.put('new ua %s'%time.ctime(),1) uaQ.put(uas(),1)
def writeLogQ(logQ): with open('daili.log','w') as f: while True: logs = logQ.get(1) logs = logs + '\n' f.write(unicode(logs).encode('utf-8')) f.flush()
def solveWrong(urlQ,wrong): while wrong!= []: urlQ.put(wrong.pop(),1)
def parse(urlQ,uaQ,logQ,cur,table,wrong,dbQ): d1 = {} d1['host'] = 'www.xicidaili.com' d1['user-agent']= uaQ.get(1)

d1['Connection'] = 'Keep-alive'

      d1['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age = 0'
      d1['Update-Insecure-Requests'] = '1'
      d1['Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp.*/*;q=0.8'
      d1['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip,deflate,sdch'
      d1['Accept-Language'] = 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8'

    r = requests.Session()
sleepT = 3600 发现被ban时的睡眠时间
while True: logQ.put('new parse %s'%time.ctime(),1) urls = urlQ.get(1) ref = urls.split('/') if int(ref[-1] ) >1: ref[-1] = unicode(int(ref[-1])-1) ref = '/'.join(ref) d1['referer'] =ref try: res = r.get(urls,headers = d1,timeout=5) except: logQ.put("Error:timeout:%s"%urls) d1['user-agent']= uaQ.get(1) continue
#如果页面果断或者不是200则可能有问题 if len(res.content) < 1000 or res.status_code != 200: logQ.put('Wrong: url is: %s,status is %s,ua is %s,time:%s '%(urls,str(res.status_code),d1['user-agent'],time.ctime()),1) wrong.append(urls) r = requests.Session() d1['user-agent']= uaQ.get(1) if res.status_code == 503:
sleepT += 1800 time.sleep(sleepT
) #感觉是直接禁ip了,换ua头也没办法,休息一下吧 continue #使用bs4解析 text = ''.join(res.content.split('\n')) b = bs(text,'lxml') for i in b.table.children: if type(i) is bs4.element.Tag: l = i.findAll('td') if len(l)<5: continue ip = l[1].get_text()+':'+l[2].get_text() location = ''.join(l[3].get_text().split(' ')) d = {'ip':ip,'location':location,'support':'0'} dbQ.put((d,'ip')) time.sleep(3)

def check(cur,table,logQ):
    while True:
    ret = dbRead(cur,table,20)
    for i in ret:
        ip = i[0]
        proxies = {'http':ip}
            r = requests.get('',proxies = proxies,timeout = 5)
            if (r.content.split(':')[0] == ip.split(':')[0]) and (r.content.split(':')[1] == 'None') and (r.content.split(':')[2] == 'None'):
            cur.execute('UPDATE ip SET support = "1" WHERE ip = "%s"'%ip)
            logQ.put("get %s %s"%(ip,time.ctime()))
            cur.execute('UPDATE ip SET support = "2" WHERE ip = "%s"'%ip)
            logQ.put("miss1 %s %s"%(ip,time.ctime()))
            print 'timeout'
            cur.execute('UPDATE ip SET support = "2" WHERE ip = "%s"'%ip)
            logQ.put("miss2 %s %s"%(ip,time.ctime()))
            print cur.fetchone()
        if len(ret)<20:
            print 'check done'

todo =[[ 'http://www.xicidaili.com/nn/',145]]

urlQ = Queue(32)
logQ = Queue(32)
uaQ = Queue(4)
dbQ = Queue(32)
checkQ = Queue(32)
threads = []
wrong = []

d = getIni()
conn,cur,table = getTable(d)

threads.append(threading.Thread(target=writeUrlQ ,args = (urlQ,todo,logQ)))
threads.append(threading.Thread(target= writeUaQ,args = (uaQ,logQ)))
threads.append(threading.Thread(target= writeLogQ,args = (logQ,)))
threads.append(threading.Thread(target= dbWrite,args = (cur,table,dbQ,logQ)))
for i in range(3):
    threads.append(threading.Thread(target= parse,args = (urlQ,uaQ,logQ,cur,table,wrong,dbQ)))

for i in threads:


threads.append(threading.Thread(target= solveWrong,args = (urlQ,wrong)))

threads.append(threading.Thread(target= check,args = (cur,table,logQ)))



SELECT count(ip) FROM table WHERE support = 1



记:网站默认排序时按照可用,所以抓前面200页左右变足够了。并且抓200页左右就会开始ban ip,换ua没用。在ban期间再访问会刷新ban的时间……



posted @ 2017-03-09 13:10  林建帆  阅读(3124)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报