在开发过程中我们经常会遇到对象拷贝的问题,下面我们分别讨论赋值操作、对象拷贝、以及浅拷贝(Shallow copy)与深拷贝(Deep copy)的区别与各自的实现方式。
对于结构体,代码直接会操作其实体,因此赋值操作会创建一个源对象的副本(一个新的对象);而对于NSObject对象,必 须使用指针来操作对象,所以其赋值操作相当于复制了指针,而非对象,也就是说赋值操作使得源指针和新指针都指向同一个NSObject对象。这样讲有些难 以理解,请看下面的代码:
- // main.m
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- @interface TestObject : NSObject
- {
- @public
- int x;
- int y;
- }
- @end
- @implementation TestObject
- @end
- typedef struct TestStruct
- {
- int x;
- int y;
- }
- TestStruct;
- int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
- {
- @autoreleasepool {
- TestStruct ts1 = {100, 50};
- NSLog(@"ts1: %p, %d, %d", &ts1, ts1.x, ts1.y);
- TestStruct ts2 = ts1;
- NSLog(@"ts2: %p, %d, %d", &ts2, ts2.x, ts2.y);
- TestObject* to1 = [[[TestObject alloc] init] autorelease];
- NSLog(@"to1: %p, %d, %d", to1, to1->x, to1->y);
- TestObject* to2 = to1;
- NSLog(@"to2: %p, %d, %d", to2, to2->x, to2->y);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- ts1: 0x7fff63463898, 100, 50
- ts2: 0x7fff63463890, 100, 50
- to1: 0x7fc342d00370, 0, 0
- to2: 0x7fc342d00370, 0, 0
程 序代码首先定义了一个类TestObject(继承自NSObject),然后又定义了一个结构体TestStruct。这两者都包含两个整型的成员变量 x和y。然后在main函数中,程序首先为TestStruct结构体ts1分配内存空间,并为其成员变量赋初值,x为100,y为50。然后通过 NSLog函数打印出该结构体的地址和成员变量的值,即输出的第一行内容。接着,程序执行了赋值语句,将ts1赋值给另一个TestStruct结构体对 象ts2,这条语句会为ts2分配另一块内存,然后把ts1的每个成员变量的值复制过来。第二行输出也可以看出来,地址不一样了,所以如果修改ts1的成 员变量的值,是不会影响ts2的。
Foundation框架的NSObject类提供了两个方法,分别是copy和mutableCopy方法,用于对 NSObject对象进行拷贝操作。copy方法会调用NSCopying协议的copyWithZone:方法,而mutableCopy会调 用 NSMutableCopying协议的mutableCopyWithZone:方法。将上面的代码修改如下:
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- @interface TestObject : NSObject
- {
- @public
- int x;
- int y;
- }
- @end
- @implementation TestObject
- - (NSString*)description
- {
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %p, x: %d, y: %d", [self class], self, x, y];
- }
- @end
- typedef struct TestStruct
- {
- int x;
- int y;
- }
- TestStruct;
- int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
- {
- @autoreleasepool
- {
- TestObject* to1 = [[[TestObject alloc] init] autorelease];
- to1->x = 100; to1->y = 50;
- TestObject* to2 = [[[TestObject alloc] init] autorelease];
- to2->x = 200; to2->y = 400;
- TestObject* to3 = [[[TestObject alloc] init] autorelease];
- to3->x = 300; to3->y = 500;
- //创建包含to1, to2, to3的数组array1
- NSArray* array1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:to1, to2, to3, nil];
- NSLog(@"array1: %p, \n%@", array1, array1);
- //array2是array1调用copy的结果
- NSArray* array2 = [array1 copy];
- NSLog(@"array2: %p, \n%@", array2, array2);
- [array2 release];
- //mutableArray2是array1调用mutableCopy的结果
- NSMutableArray* mutableArray2 = [array1 mutableCopy];
- NSLog(@"mutableArray2: %@, %p, \n%@", [mutableArray2 class], mutableArray2, mutableArray2);
- [mutableArray2 removeLastObject];
- NSLog(@"After remove last object of mutableArray2");
- NSLog(@"array1: %p, \n%@", array1, array1);
- NSLog(@"array2: %p, \n%@", array2, array2);
- NSLog(@"mutableArray2: %p, \n%@", mutableArray2, mutableArray2);
- //mutableArray3是mutableArray2调用mutableCopy的结果
- NSMutableArray* mutableArray3 = [mutableArray2 mutableCopy];
- NSLog(@"mutableArray3: %p, \n%@", mutableArray3, mutableArray3);
- [mutableArray2 release];
- //array4是mutableArray3调用copy的结果
- NSArray* array4 = [mutableArray3 copy];
- NSLog(@"array4: %@, %p, \n%@", [array4 class], array4, array4);
- [mutableArray3 release];
- [array4 release];
- }
- return 0;
- }
- 2012-03-22 19:20:49.548 ObjectCopy[18042:403] array1: 0x7f9071414820,
- (
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50",
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400",
- "TestObject: 0x7f9071414230, x: 300, y: 500"
- )
- 2012-03-22 19:20:49.550 ObjectCopy[18042:403] array2: 0x7f9071414820,
- (
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50",
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400",
- "TestObject: 0x7f9071414230, x: 300, y: 500"
- )
- 2012-03-22 19:20:49.551 ObjectCopy[18042:403] mutableArray2: __NSArrayM, 0x7f9072800000,
- (
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50",
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400",
- "TestObject: 0x7f9071414230, x: 300, y: 500"
- )
- 2012-03-22 19:20:49.552 ObjectCopy[18042:403] After remove last object of mutableArray2
- 2012-03-22 19:20:49.552 ObjectCopy[18042:403] array1: 0x7f9071414820,
- (
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50",
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400",
- "TestObject: 0x7f9071414230, x: 300, y: 500"
- )
- 2012-03-22 19:20:49.553 ObjectCopy[18042:403] array2: 0x7f9071414820,
- (
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50",
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400",
- "TestObject: 0x7f9071414230, x: 300, y: 500"
- )
- 2012-03-22 19:20:49.553 ObjectCopy[18042:403] mutableArray2: 0x7f9072800000,
- (
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50",
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400"
- )
- 2012-03-22 19:20:49.557 ObjectCopy[18042:403] mutableArray3: 0x7f90729000d0,
- (
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50",
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400"
- )
- 2012-03-22 19:20:49.558 ObjectCopy[18042:403] array4: __NSArrayI, 0x7f9071416e70,
- (
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141b0, x: 100, y: 50",
- "TestObject: 0x7f90714141c0, x: 200, y: 400"
- )
程序的运行结果有几点值得注意,首先是array1与array2的地址相同,因为NSArray对象在创建之后是不可以修 改的。其次,NSArray的mutableCopy方法会返回一个NSMutableArray对象。第三,对于NSArray或者 NSMutableArray来说,mutableCopy方法会创建新的可变数组对象,但其每个数组成员的值仅仅是原数组的一个指针赋值,这就是浅拷 贝。而与之相对的则是深拷贝,即复制数组时不是复制数组每个元素的引用,而是创建一个与之相同的新对象。第四,在NSArray对象上调用 mutableCopy方法返回一个NSMutableArray对象,而在NSMutableArray对象上调用copy方法则返回一个 NSArray对象,而不是NSMutableArray对象。