CocoaPods 安装使用

CocoaPods是一个负责管理iOS项目中第三方开源代码的工具。CocoaPods项目的源码在Github上管理。该项目开始于2011年8月 12日,经过一年多的发展,现在已经超过1000次提交,并且持续保持活跃更新。开发iOS项目不可避免地要使用第三方开源库,CocoaPods的出现 使得我们可以节省设置和更新第三方开源库的时间。



Ruby代码  收藏代码
  1. gem update --system  


安装方式异常简单, Mac下都自带ruby,通过终端(Terminal)使用ruby的gem命令即可下载安装:

Ruby代码  收藏代码
  1. $ gem install cocoapods  
  2. $ pod setup  

Ruby代码  收藏代码
  1. gem install cocoapods  


Ruby代码  收藏代码
  1. pod setup  


Once installed, setup CocoaPods by running the pod setup command. During the setup process, the CocoaPods environment is formed and a .cocoapods directory is created in your home folder. This hidden folder contains all the available pod specifications or pod specs.

A dependency declaration has a lot more configuration options, which can be set in the Podfile. If you want to work with the bleeding edge version of a library, for example, you can replace a pod’s version number with :head as shown below. You can even tell CocoaPods what source to use by specifying the git repository or referring CocoaPods to a local copy of the library. These are more advanced features of CocoaPods.

Ruby代码  收藏代码
  1. pod 'AFNetworking':head  
  2. pod 'SVProgressHUD':git => ''  
  3. pod 'ViewDeck':local => '~/Development/Library/ViewDeck'  
  5. pod 'DTCoreText':git => ''  

With our list of dependencies specified, it is time to continue the setup process. Update the Podfile as shown below and run pod install in the Terminal. Make sure to run this command in the root of your Xcode project where you also created the project’s Podfile.

Ruby代码  收藏代码
  1. platform :ios'6.0'  
  2. pod 'ViewDeck''~> 2.2.2'  
  3. pod 'AFNetworking''~> 1.1.0'  
  4. pod 'SVProgressHUD''~> 0.9.0'  
  5. pod 'HockeySDK''~> 3.0.0'  
  7. pod install  

Open Terminal, and navigate to the folder where your project is. Type the following:

Terminal代码  收藏代码
  1. touch Podfile  
  2. open -e Podfile  

TextEdit should open up showing an empty file. You just created the pod file and opened it! Ready to add some content to the empty pod file?
Copy and paste the following lines into the TextEdit window:

Terminal代码  收藏代码
  1. platform :ios  
  3. pod 'AFNetworking''0.9.1'  

Now, save the file and close TextEdit, going back to terminal. Ready to configure your project?
Issue the following command via Terminal:

Terminal代码  收藏代码
  1. pod install  

You should see output similar to the following:

Terminal代码  收藏代码
  1. Updating spec repo `master'  
  2. Installing AFNetworking (0.9.1)  
  3. Generating support files  

It might also tell you something like this:

Terminal代码  收藏代码
  1. [!] From now on use `CocoaPodsExample.xcworkspace'  

If you type ls now (or browse the project folder using Finder), you’ll see that CocoaPods created a Pods folder – where it stores all dependencies – and CocoaPodsExample.xcworkspace.

Terminal代码  收藏代码
  2. From now on, as the command-line warning mentioned, you must always open the workspace (CocoaPodsExample.xcworkspace) and not the project!  


使用CocoaPods生成的 .xcworkspace 文件来打开工程,而不是以前的 .xcodeproj 文件。
每次更改了Podfile文件,你需要重新执行一次pod install命令

安装DTCoreText一定要注意Other Linker Flags的属性值

posted @ 2013-12-19 23:33  菁菁工作室  阅读(552)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报