摘要: ps:每次听都有不一样的感觉,分享一下别人写的歌词,膜拜!I heard, that you settled down. 已闻君,诸事安康。That you, found a girl and you married now.遇佳人,不久婚嫁。I heard that your dreams came true. 已闻君,得偿所想。Guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you. 料得是,卿识君望。Old friend, why are you so shy?旧日知己,何故张皇?It ain't like you to hold 阅读全文
posted @ 2012-01-17 20:18 lingyun1120 阅读(663) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑