

display method in Dynamics 365 FO

This posts helps you to understand and create a "display"  method for the table extension.

Lets say, the requirement is to add a method in the standard table, it can be achieved either by creating a table extension.

So in this scenario we had a requirement to add a display method in the standard table "CustTrans".

In Dynamics 365 we wont be able to add the new method or modify the existing method to the standard table or to an extension table.

It can be achieved by using the extension class.

Step 1: Create a new class and name it as <Classname>_<Extension>.

<Class-name> - can be any name, but it is preferred to give the table name for which the extension is being created. 

postfix <_Extension> is must.

public static class CustTrans_Extension



Step 2 : Now add the display methods in the class which is required to be shown.

public static class CustTrans_Extension



public static display AgreementId agreementId(CustTrans _this)


LedgerJournalTrans ledgerJournalTrans;

select ledgerJournalTrans
where ledgerJournalTrans.TransactionType == LedgerTransType::Payment &&
LedgerJournalTrans.CustTransId == _this.RecId;

return ledgerJournalTrans.AgreementId;



Step 3: To use this display method in the form.

Create a string control in the form design and set the following properties

Data source: CustTrans

DataMethod: CustTrans_Extension::agreementId

CacheDataMethod: Yes

Below is the screen shot for reference.


Step 4: Build/Rebuild the project/solution and check the output in the URL.

posted on 2021-11-12 19:15  lingdanglfw  阅读(75)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报