Help panel for PowerApps
Custom help panes and guided tasks gives your Unified Interface application a custom in-product help experience that is tailored to your organization.
Custom help panes replace the previous learning path guided learning feature used with legacy web client apps.
How to enable Custom help panes and guided tasks:
- Open your Power App
- Using ‘Advanced Settings’, Go to Settings -> Administration
- Choose “Custom help panes and guided tasks” to ‘Yes’
Configuring Help pane content:
In my example, I am using ‘Fund Raisers’ Model driven app. To configure ‘Help pane content’ for ‘Fundraiser’ entity:
- Select the ‘Fundraisers’ from the Sitemap.
- Click on ‘?‘ and from the ‘Help Pane’, select ‘Edit’ option as shown below.
- Using the Rich text editor, you can configure the rich content.
- Use ‘Balloon’ option to point to specific UI elements with text.
- To add ‘Balloon’ on ‘Delete’ button, use ‘Drag to an element‘ option and point to the ‘Delete’ button.
- Once configured, Balloon would show up as below
- You can also add Images, Links and Videos.
Moving Help content via Solutions:
- If you want to move your content to another environment, first add your existing help pages into an unmanaged solution before you export them.
- From the ‘Add Exisitng’ components, select ‘Help Page’.
- Select the available ‘Help content’ records and add to the Solution.
Who can author help pane content:
- By default, System Administrator and System Customizer security roles both have this privilege.
- For other security roles, grant Global create, read, write, delete, append, and append to permissions on the Help Page privilege.
- To author custom help panes, you need to be on version or later.
- You can enable custom help panes or customizable help, but not both at the same time.
- Each help pane is unique for these contexts: Application, Entity, Form, Language
posted on 2021-07-09 14:58 lingdanglfw 阅读(29) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报