Filter Search Lookup in PowerApps
Filter Function
The Filter function finds the records in a table. It must satisfy a formula. We can use Filter to find a set of records with the conditions. If the condition becomes true, it displays the records; else, it discards.
Filter (Table, Formula1 [, Formula2, ... ] )
- Filter-Keyword
- Table-Table Name
- Formula- We apply the formula (If you search more than one column)
Step 1 - Log in to the PowerApps
After downloading the PowerApps from the Windows Store, we need Microsoft related organization’s Office 365 ID or (MSDN, Microsoft, Skype, Office 365, etc.) to login with it.
Step 2 - Create a New App in PowerApp
After login, we can see the Dashboard. There, click on the New button.
Step 3 - Choose the Blank app
Step 4 - Designing the App
Now, let's start designing the app. On the left side, we can see the individual screens for adding our data. On the right side, we see the list of Layouts. On the top, there is a formula bar. There, we have the Properties of the screen that we select.
Step 5 - Choose the Blank Layout.
Step 6 - Insert a Button from the Insert menu.
Step 7 - Add the code
Click on the Button and add the following code to the OnSelect Event.
- ClearCollect(SivaEnterprise, {
- ProductNo: 100,
- ProductName: "Keyboard",
- Rate: 500
- }, {
- ProductNo: 579,
- ProductName: "Mouse",
- Rate: 600
- }, {
- ProductNo: 112,
- ProductName: "DVD",
- Rate: 1500
- }, {
- ProductNo: 856,
- ProductName: "Modem",
- Rate: 500
- }, {
- ProductNo: 469,
- ProductName: "Processor",
- Rate: 5000
- })
Step 8 - Run the app.
Step 9 - Click on the "Display" button and close the Preview window.
Step 10 - To Display the data
Now, go to the File menu and choose the Collections.
It will display the content in the table format.
Examples for Filter Function
Example 1
ClearCollect(SivaEnterprise, Filter( SivaEnterprise, Rate > 500 )))
It will sort the table where the values in the Rate column are greater than 500.
- ClearCollect- It deletes all the records from a collection and then adds a different set of records to the same collection.
- SivaEnterprise-It’s the table name.
- Filter-Keyword
- SivaEnterprise- Collection name.
- Rate-Column name to sort with the condition (greater than 500).
Example 2
ClearCollect(SivaEnterprise, Filter( SivaEnterprise, "Mo" in Lower( ProductName ) ))
It will sort the ProductName by the record which starts from “Mo”
Search Function
The Search function finds records in a table. The string may occur anywhere within the column. Searching is case-insensitive and unlike Filter and LookUp, the Search function uses a single string to match instead of using a formula.
Search( Table, SearchString, Column1 [, Column2, ... ] )
- Search - Keyword
- Table - Table Name
- SearchString - The string to search for.
- Column(s) - The names of columns within Table to search
Example 1
ClearCollect(SivaEnterprise,Search (SivaEnterprise, "DVD", "ProductName"))
It will display the DVD.
- ClearCollect- It deletes all the records from a collection and then adds a different set of records to the same collection.
- SivaEnterprise-It’s the table name
- Search-Keyword
- SivaEnterprise- Collection name
- DVD, ProductName-Field name and Column name to Search
LookUp Function
The LookUp function finds the first record in a table that satisfies a formula. Use LookUp to find a single record that matches one or more criteria.
LookUp( Table, Formula [, ReductionFormula ] )
- LookUp - Keyword
- Table - Table Name
- Formula- We apply the formula (If you search more than one column)
- ReductionFormula - Optional. This formula is evaluated over the record that was found, reducing the record to a single value.
Example 1
ClearCollect(SivaEnterprise,LookUp( SivaEnterprise, ProductName = "Modem", Rate ))
It will display the Rate of the Modem.
- ClearCollect- It deletes all the records from a collection and then adds a different set of records to the same collection.
- SivaEnterprise-It’s the table name
- LookUp-Keyword
- SivaEnterprise- Collection name
- Modem, Rate-Rate of the Modem in the Rate Column
Example 2
ClearCollect(SivaEnterprise,LookUp( SivaEnterprise, ProductName = "Keyboard" )
It will display the Keyboard records only.
how to use the Filter, Search, and Lookup Functions in Microsoft PowerApps and how to run it.
posted on 2021-06-21 16:12 lingdanglfw 阅读(79) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报