HP LaserJet M602 更換碳粉盒CE390XC

HP LaserJet M602 原裝碳粉盒為 CE390A 且容量小不夠用,故更換大號的 CE390XC ,需要將 CE390XC 外面的所有橙色部件去掉(取走上面一條帶2個凸起的遮罩,左側有一個耳環的側拉條要完全拉出來), 然後才放到打印機碳粉盒放置區,蓋上蓋子之後就會自動打印一張當前碳粉用量狀態報表出來。即完成更換。


一開始,如果只是移除 上面的那條帶2個凸起的遮罩,但是沒有移除左側帶耳環拉條的話,就會出現能識別碳粉盒,但是會出現  “tray 2 lifting” 這樣的錯誤,剛剛一開始以爲打印機入紙槽2 那裏的馬達出事,然後就浪費了一些時間搗鼓。後來突然想到如果用舊碳粉盒看看有沒有這個錯誤,結果沒有出現這個錯誤,能正常運行打印。就又仔細對比了 新舊 碳粉盒,左側還多了一個帶耳環的側拉條,就用力把側拉條拉出來再把炭粉盒放進去就恢復正常打印了。。。



參考了 https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/LaserJet-Printing/Laserjet-600-MFP-Tray-2-not-lifting/td-p/5345912/page/2 

Posts: 1
Member Since:‎06-27-2016

Re: Laserjet 600 MFP - Tray 2 not lifting

 ‎06-27-2016 03:11 PM

(Posting for a Friend) If you arent getting error codes - One thing to mention, that will prevent the tray from lifting is the Orange tabs in the side that keep the register from getting damaged. Also, take off the front piece of plastic and basically anything orange that maybe should have been labeled to remove. Ya, totally not me that made that mistake, totally my friend.

posted @ 2018-03-19 12:16  IT日志  阅读(477)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报