Ruckus ICX7150 Switch License Upgrade from 1G to 10G

1. 因爲之前貪便宜購入了Ruckus Switch ICX7150 ,記得首次設置還得進 console ,後來又發現還沒有散熱風扇,真心不應該貪買韓國便宜貨



2. 首先需購買相應的升級license 授權,這次只買了升級2個口到10G(也就是 BR-ICX-7150-41U210-P-01 )  ,購買請找相關代理。。。

(一個授權也這麽貴,要2000多,感覺還不如直接買cisco ,找報價也找了一個禮拜才有回應。。。)


3. 付款給錢后供應商就會發送相應的 Activation Code 給你(Email 和郵寄都有),然後點擊 Activation Code 那條鏈接 (大概是 (xxxx為激活碼)),

然後綁定你要升級的機器的SN (Serial Number) , 然後可以下載電子版的證書以證明你的授權,授權書裏有License Serial Number。 (這裏好像是要注冊和登入賬號的,可郵箱免費注冊賬號)


4. 然後再用 putty.exe  telnet  進入switch (這個 telnet 好像也是要在console 開啓的,隔的太久記不太清楚了) 。


5. 參考 (文章後面有文字副本)


# show license installed           // 先查看一下授權信息

#license install perpetual   1   2x10g           // 安裝授權,會彈出確認的信息,  直接 y 就可以

之後再 show license installed   一下,就可以看到已經升級了。

然後 write memory 一下(或者到網頁端save to flash / memory)。


6. 更換 Switch 兩邊的 光纖SFP模塊。 (可以參考:


A.最好帶橡膠手套或符合要求的防靜電手腕帶操作,可防靜電 。

B. 需拔掉Fiber光纖再拔 SFP 模塊。 

C. 要等兩邊都是一樣的模塊才能插入光纖Fiber ,以免發生錯誤。 

D. SFP 模塊要卡到位。



7. 最後到 Ruckus Switch 的網頁端 WebUI 的 Configure ---> Port ---> Ethernet ---> 找到你插入的那個光纖口, 按 Modifiy 修改

這個端口的Speed Duplex 為 10G-full ,點擊 Apply 確認更改 。 最後再到 Command ---> Save to Flash 保存一下。



8. 終於大功告成了。去嘗試一下這個内部網速的變化吧。





ICX 7150 License Upgrade


Enabling the license upgrade for purchased license feature for Ruckus ICX 7150 switch


How do we enable the purchased license feature on ICX 7150?

Customer Environment

ICX 7150 switch setup


Please contact Ruckus Customer Support for further assistance.


The ICX 7150 switch has the following license upgrades possible if the corresponding part number is purchased.

ICX 7150 License upgrades

The ICX 7150 uses Self-Authenticated Upgrade (SAU) licensing feature that allows you to upgrade or downgrade to a licensed feature set with a single command.
NOTE: The SAU license install command replaces other licensing commands for installing or deleting a licensed feature. More importantly,
you no longer need to install a license file using TFTP or SCP, or delete a license using the license delete command.

What are the steps to Enable the ICX 7150 purchased license?

Pre-requisites to perform the license enabling: A purchase order has to be placed with Ruckus order management as needed. Once the order is processed, you will be provided with a  unit number and the purchased license name

NOTE: The following steps to enable the license is valid from 08.0.7  and above.

Steps to Enable the License

Enter the show license installed command to check the if the licenses are already installed on the device.
Eg:ICX7150-24P Router# show license installed

Unit License Name L3 Premium Port Speed Upgrade Speed Ports
1 2X10G No Yes 10G 2

1. Enter the license install perpetual command, followed by the unit number and the purchased license name
device# license install perpetual 1 4x10gr

(Here, "1" is the unit number)

2. Enter "y" to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA), or "n" to cancel

3. Confirm the license installation with the show license installed command

4. Enter the "show version" command for additional details to verify that the license is installed correctly

Steps to Disable the License

Note: Enter the show license installed command to check the licenses already installed on the device

1. Enter the license install perpetual command, followed by the unit number and the purchased license name. 
device# license delete perpetual 1 4x10gr
(Here, "1" is the unit number)

2. By selecting 'y' current license will be downgraded. All licensed configurations will be lost after reload.
Continue?(enter 'y' to continue, 'n' to cancel): y
License downgrade successful. Reboot may be required for licensed features to be automatically disabled. If you did not intend to perform a license downgrade, you can use the license install command to upgrade the license

3. Confirm the license deletion with the show license installed command


posted @ 2021-02-10 16:25  IT日志  阅读(662)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报