安装或卸载出现"Windows error 2 occured while loading the Java VM"时解决办法

这种情况一般是由于应用程序无法定位本机上的虚拟机造成的:下面是有人解决卸载Skill Test时所用的方法。


When uninstalling Silk Test, the following error message might display:

"Windows error 2 occurred while loading the Java VM"

This means that the uninstall procedure cannot find the Java VM or the present Java version cannot be used by the uninstaller for some reason.

Perform the following actions to fix this issue and to successfully uninstall Silk Test:

  1. Open the Silk Test installation directory. For example C:\Program Files (x86)\Silk\SilkTest.
  2. Open the folder ng.
  3. Copy the folder jre to another location, for example to C:\Temp.
  4. In the Silk Test installation directory, open the folder Uninstall_SilkTest.
  5. Open the file Uninstall SilkTest [VERSION].lax in an editor.
  6. Find the property lax.nl.current.vm.
  7. Change the value of the property to the path to the file java.exe in the copied folder jre. For example, type lax.nl.current.vm=c:\\temp\\jre\\bin\\java.exe.
  8. Uninstall Silk Test.
  9. Delete the copied jre folder.
posted @ 2016-04-29 16:49  超级无敌菜鸟  阅读(1799)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报