white-space [normal | pre |  pre-wrap | pre-line | nowrap]

css中的white-space属性用来设置文本中空白字符的处理方式,其中空白字符包括空格,tab, 换行符等,可取值有:








注:white-space设置不同的值时,不论换行符是否被保留,当文本遇到br标签时都一定会换行。例如下面的测试文本中,don't you cry后面用了一个<br/>,I may not后面用了一个换行符,可以看到所有取值中don't you cry后面都换行了,而I may not后则不一定会换行。



<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
            h1,div { text-align: center; }
            div {margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 20px;}

            h3 {margin: 0;}
            p {width: 500px; background: pink; color:  blue; overflow: auto;}
            .normal {white-space: normal;}
            .nowrap {white-space: nowrap;}
            .pre {white-space: pre;}
            .pre-wrap {white-space: pre-wrap;}
            .pre-line {white-space: pre-line;}

        <h1>white-space [normal | nowrap | pre |  pre-wrap | pre-line]</h1>
        <p class="nomarl">
            Come, stop your crying,    it    will be    all right,    Just takes my hand, hold     it tight.     I'll protect you from all around you,     I'll be here,    don't you cry</br>
            When destiny         calls you, you     must be strong,        I may not
            be with        you,     but you've     got to hold on. They'll see in time,I     know...    
        <p class="nowrap">
            Come, stop your crying,    it    will be    all right,    Just takes my hand, hold     it tight.     I'll protect you from all around you,     I'll be here,    don't you cry</br>
            When destiny         calls you, you     must be strong,        I may not
            be with        you,     but you've     got to hold on. They'll see in time,I     know...

        <p class="pre">
            Come, stop your crying,    it    will be    all right,    Just takes my hand, hold     it tight.     I'll protect you from all around you,     I'll be here,    don't you cry</br>
            When destiny         calls you, you     must be strong,        I may not
            be with        you,     but you've     got to hold on. They'll see in time,I     know...

        <p class="pre-wrap">
            Come, stop your crying,    it    will be    all right,    Just takes my hand, hold     it tight.     I'll protect you from all around you,     I'll be here,    don't you cry</br>
            When destiny         calls you, you     must be strong,        I may not
            be with        you,     but you've     got to hold on. They'll see in time,I     know...

        <p class="pre-line">
            Come, stop your crying,    it    will be    all right,    Just takes my hand, hold     it tight.     I'll protect you from all around you,     I'll be here,    don't you cry</br>
            When destiny         calls you, you     must be strong,        I may not
            be with        you,     but you've     got to hold on. They'll see in time,I     know...





在IE7中,由于不识别pre-wrap和pre-line,整条声明会被忽略, 因此white-space将取默认值normal, 即IE7及更早版本中pre-wrap和pre-line与normal效果相同:


另外需要注意的一点是,pre和nowrap由于不允许自动换行,文本可能会超出容器的边界,在上面的例子中我们之所以能看到它们,是因为容器没有显示设置overflow的值(这时overflow取默认值visible), 如果我们显示地将overflow设置为hidden或auto,则超出的文本将不可见或出现横向滚动条:

1.容器设置了overflow: auto; 时,FF/Opera/Safari/Chrome/IE10/9/8/7显示效果一致,IE6会显示纵向滚动条:




2.容器设置了overflow: hidden时, FF/Opera/Safari/Chrome/IE10/9/8/7/6显示效果一致:



 posted on 2014-01-23 11:36  夏_花  阅读(1415)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报