先看这里 我降低了自己写技术文章的频率,但是我的一颗技术之心从未改变,不过我觉得一个人的精力是有限的,既然我去写公众号了,陪伴我很久的csdn自然也就要稍微搁置一下了,还会继续写,但不会那么频繁了,公众号里面的内容主要是历史和诗词相关,放在技术社区就不太合适了,我们回头再见, See you lat 阅读全文
when i test data i want to know how many columns in the table? in the past,i use show create tables to check it. and recently i find a new way : show 阅读全文
todo flask flask add_url_rule vs @app.route() g request app.app_context sqlalchemy db.create_all() can create table db.drop_all() can delete table sql 阅读全文
pythonanywhere give me a mysql database, but i can’t access outside the pythonanywhere, because it was protected by firewall。 MySQL databases on Pytho 阅读全文