how install java on windows
this morning i will do nothing except i install java jdk and jre, it’s not easy
YOU CAN DOWNLOAD jdk-8u321-windows-x64.exe FROM HERE !!!
hate the java8 install process and i think world is beautiful !
you can see the documents from here!!! it’s offical!
Java Platform Standard Edition 8 Documentation
ok it’s have been done by installer
but anthor we need config ourselves it’s JAVA_HOME
and then we need set 环境变量 JAVA_HOME’
why JAVA_HOME is important?
and then we need add java_HOME to path variable
add it to PATH so we can use the command in the dir
IEDA Community Edition jdk setting ?
set jdks
open module settings (what’s this meaning)
the reason i can’t save jmeter test plan is that the jdk version is not match!!! now i can use it