// sparse_polynomial.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct ListNode; //声明存多项式的链表 typedef struct ListNode *List; struct HashTbl; //用于存结果的散列表,大小为M+N typedef struct HashTbl *HashTable; struct ListNode { double coefficient; int degree; List Next; int maxDegree; }; List InitializeList(char Tag, int n) //链表初始化函数 { List L = (List)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); L->Next = NULL; cout << "请输入" << Tag << "最高阶次:"; cin >> L->maxDegree; cout << endl; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { List p= (List)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); cout << "请输入"<<Tag<< "目标项阶次:"; cin >> p->degree; cout << "请输入" << Tag << "该项系数:"; cin >> p->coefficient; cout << endl; p->Next = L->Next; L->Next = p; } return L; } void printList(List L) //多项式打印函数 { while (L->Next != NULL) { if (L->Next->coefficient != 1) cout << L->Next->coefficient << "x^" << L->Next->degree; else cout << "x^" << L->Next->degree; if (L->Next->Next != NULL)cout << "+"; L = L->Next; } cout << endl; } struct HashTbl { int TableSize; double *result; }; HashTable InitializeTable(int TableSize) //初始化散列表 { HashTable H=(HashTable)malloc(sizeof(HashTbl)); if (H == NULL) cout << "out of space"; H->TableSize = TableSize+1; H->result = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*H->TableSize); //申请一片地址空间 if (H->result == NULL) cout << "out of space"; for (int i = 0; i < H->TableSize; i++) H->result[i] = 0; return H; } int Hash(int key, int tableSize) { return key%tableSize; } HashTable multiplication(const List A, const List B) //用散列表保存乘法的结果 { int M = A->maxDegree; int N = B->maxDegree; HashTable H = InitializeTable(M+N); //申请一个M+N+1大小的散列表 List nodeA = A->Next; List nodeB = B->Next; int resultDegree; double resultCoefficient; while (nodeA) { nodeB = B->Next; while (nodeB) { resultDegree = nodeA->degree + nodeB->degree; resultCoefficient = nodeA->coefficient*nodeB->coefficient; H->result[Hash(resultDegree, H->TableSize)] += resultCoefficient; //散列表第几个槽代表第几阶次; nodeB = nodeB->Next; } nodeA = nodeA->Next; } return H; } List makeResultList(HashTable H) //检测散列表中不为0的项存在结果链表上 { List ResultList = (List)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); ResultList->Next = NULL; int maxDegree = H->TableSize-1; ResultList->maxDegree = maxDegree; for (int i = 0; i<=maxDegree; i++) if (H->result[i] != 0) { List p = (List)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); p->degree = i; p->coefficient = H->result[i]; p->Next = ResultList->Next; ResultList->Next = p; } return ResultList; } int main() { int m, n; cout << "请输入第一个多项式A的项数:"; cin >> m; List A = InitializeList('A',m); cout << "请输入第二个多项式B的项数:"; cin >> n; cout << endl; List B = InitializeList('B', n); printList(A); printList(B); HashTable H = multiplication(A, B); List Result = makeResultList(H); printList(Result); while (1); return 0; }