摘要: %:匹配零个及多个任意字符; _:与任意单字符匹配; []:匹配一个范围; [^]:排除一个范围SymbolMeaninglike '5[%]'5%like '[_]n'_nlike '[a-cdf]'a, b, c, d, or flike '[-acdf]'-, a, c, d, or flike '[[]'[like ']']like 'abc[_]d%'abc_d and abc_delike 'abc[def]'abcd, abce, and abcflik 阅读全文
posted @ 2012-10-18 17:38 sshh 阅读(601) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: 带any嵌套查询select emp.empno,emp.ename,emp.sal from scott.emp where sal>any(select sal from scott.emp where job='manager');等价于select sal from scott.emp where job='manager' 结果为 sal:2975 2850 2450 select emp.empno,emp.ename,emp.sal from scott.emp where sal>2975 or sal>2850 or sal& 阅读全文
posted @ 2012-10-18 15:22 sshh 阅读(205) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑