政治风险 <haha> political risk
再开票中心 <haha> re-invoicing center
现代管理会计专门方法 <haha> special methods of modern management accounting
现代管理会计 <haha> modern management accounting
提前与延期支付 <haha> Leads and Lags
特许权使用管理费 <haha> fees and royalties
跨国资本成本的计算 <haha> the cost of capital for foreign investments
跨国运转资本会计 <haha> multinational working capital management
跨国经营企业业绩评价 <haha> multinational performance evaluation
经济风险管理 <haha> managing economic exposure
交易风险管理 <haha> managing transaction exposure
换算风险管理 <haha> managing translation exposure
国际投资决策会计 <haha> foreign project appraisal
国际投资决策会计 <haha> foreign project appraisal
国际存货管理 <haha> international inventory management
股利转移 <haha> dividend remittances
公司内部贷款 <haha> inter-company loans
冻结资金转移 <haha> repatriating blocked funds
冻结资金保值 <haha> maintaining the value of blocked funds
调整后的净现值 <haha> adjusted net present value
配比原则 <haha> matching
旅游、饮食服务企业会计 <haha> accounting of tourism and service
施工企业会计 <haha> accounting of construction enterprises
民航运输企业会计 <haha> accounting of civil aviation transportation enterprises
企业会计 <haha> business accounting
商品流通企业会计 <haha> accounting of commercial enterprises
权责发生制原则 <haha> accrual basis
农业会计 <haha> accounting of agricultural enterprises
实现原则 <haha> realization principle
历史成本原则 <haha> principle of historical cost
外商投资企业会计 <haha> accounting of enterprises with foreign investment
通用报表 <haha> all-purpose financial statements
铁路运输企业会计 <haha> accounting of rail way transportation enterprises
所有者权益 <haha> owners equity
所有者权益 <haha> owners equity
实质量于形式 <haha> substance over form
修正性惯例 <haha> principle of exceptions
信息系统论 <haha> information system perspective
相关性原则 <haha> relevance
微观会计 <haha> micro-accounting
客观性原则 <haha> objectivity
可比性原则 <haha> comparability
谨慎性原则 <haha> prudence
金融企业会计 <haha> accounting of financial institutions
交通运输企业会计 <haha> accounting of communication and transportation enterprises
建设单位会计 <haha> accounting of construction units
记账本位币 <haha> recording currency
计量属性 <haha> measurement attributes
及时性原则 <haha> timeliness
货币计量 <haha> monetary measurement
会计准则 <haha> accounting standards
会计主体 <haha> accounting entity
会计职业道德 <haha> accounting professional ethics
会计职能 <haha> functions of accounting
会计预测 <haha> accounting forecasting
会计要素 <haha> accounting elements
会计研究 <haha> accounting research
会计学科体系 <haha> accounting science system
会计学 <haha> accounting
会计信息 <haha> accounting information
会计任务 <haha> targets of accounting activities
会计人员 <haha> accounting personnel
会计确认 <haha> accounting recognition
会计目标 <haha> accounting objective
会计理论结构 <haha> theoretical structure of accounting
会计理论 <haha> accounting theory
会计控制 <haha> accounting control
会计决策 <haha> accounting decision making
会计监督 <haha> accounting supervision
会计假设 <haha> accounting assumption
会计记录 <haha> accounting records
会计计量 <haha> accounting measurement
会计机构 <haha> accounting department
会计环境 <haha> accounting environment
会计核算 <haha> financial accounting
会计管理体制 <haha> system of accounting administration
会计分期 <haha> accounting periods
会计对象 <haha> accounting object
会计等式 <haha> accounting equation
会计本质 <haha> nature of accounting
会计报表 <haha> accounting statements
宏观会计 <haha> macro-accounting
会计 <haha> accounting
汇总报表 <haha> combination statements
划分资本性支出与收益性支出原则 <haha> distinguishment between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure
合并报表 <haha> consolidated financial statements
管理活动论 <haha> management activities perspective
管理会计 <haha> management accounting
管理工具论 <haha> management tool perspective
股份制企业会计 <haha> accounting of stock companies
公认会计原则 <haha> generally accepted accounting principle, GAAP
公共会计 <haha> public accounting
工业会计 <haha> accounting of industrial enterprises
个别报表 <haha> individual statements
高新技术企业会计 <haha> accounting of high technology enterprises
负债 <haha> liability
费用 <haha> expense
反馈价值 <haha> feedback value
对外经济合作企业会计 <haha> accounting of foreign economic cooperation enter prises
对外报表 <haha> external statements
对内报表 <haha> internal statements
一致性原则 <haha> consistency
艺术论 <haha> art perspective
房地产开发企业会计 <haha> accounting of real estate enterprises
邮电通信企业会计 <haha> accounting of post and telecommunication enterprises
预测价值 <haha> forecast value
真实与公允 <haha> true and fair view
持续经营 <haha> going concern
成本报表 <haha> cost statement
财务会计原则 <haha> financial accounting principles
财务会计概念框架 <haha> financial accounting conceptual framework
财务会计 <haha> financial accounting
政府及非营利组织会计 <haha> governmental and non-profit organization accounting
重要性原则 <haha> materiality
专用报表 <haha> special purpose financial statements
资产 <haha> assets
资金 <haha> funds
资金运动 <haha> funds movement
财务报告 <haha> financial report
财务报表要素 <haha> elements of financial statements
财务报表 <haha> financial statements
币值稳定假设 <haha> constant-dollar assumption
保险企业会计 <haha> accounting of insurance companies
收入的确认 <haha> recognition of revenue
公司债券发行价格 <haha> corporate bond issuing price
固定资产折旧 <haha> depreciation of fixed assets
可转换债券 <haha> convertible bonds
加速折旧法 <haha> accelerated depreciation methods
公司债券利率 <haha> interest rate on debenture
应收账款出借 <haha> assignment of accounts receivable
无担保债券 <haha> debenture bonds
后进先出法 <haha> last-in, first-out, LIFO
应付票据贴现 <haha> discount on notes payable
先进先出去 <haha> first-in, first-out缩写FIFO
在发建工程 <haha> constructions in process
固定资产更换与改良 <haha> improvements and replacements of fixed assets
实地盘存制 <haha> periodic inventory system
收益总括观点 <haha> all-inclusive concept of income
可变现净值法 <haha> net realizable value
固定资产扩建 <haha> additions of fixed assets
应收账款出售 <haha> sale or factoring of accounts receivable
或有负债 <haha> contingent liability
销货退回与折让 <haha> sales returns and allowances
零售价格法 <haha> retail method
现金折扣 <haha> cash discount
公司债券 <haha> bonds payable
销售法 <haha> sale method
应付票据 <haha> notes payable
认股权 <haha> stock rights
固定资产修理 <haha> repairs and maintenance of fixed assets
有担保债券 <haha> mortgage bonds
销售费用 <haha> selling expenses
应付股利 <haha> dividends payable
应收票据 <haha> notes receivable
无形资产 <haha> intangible assets
收款法 <haha> collection method
所得税 <haha> income tax
流动负债 <haha> current liabilities
生产法 <haha> production method
废弃和生置法 <haha> retirement and replacement method
盘存法 <haha> inventory method
流动资产 <haha> current assets
购货折扣 <haha> purchases discounts
商誉 <haha> goodwill
应收账款 <haha> accounts receivable
投资收益 <haha> investment income
营业利润 <haha> operating income
股本 <haha> capital stock
公司债券偿还 <haha> redemption of bonds
坏账 <haha> bad debts
固定资产重估价 <haha> revaluations of fixed assets
银行存款 <haha> cash in bank
固定资产 <haha> fixed assets
利益分配 <haha> profit distribution
应计费用 <haha> accrued expense
商标权 <haha> trademarks and trade names
净利润 <haha> net income
应付利润 <haha> profit payable
收益债券 <haha> income bonds
利息资本化 <haha> capitalization of interests
预付账款 <haha> advance to supplier
其他应收款 <haha> other receivables
现金 <haha> cash
公司债券发行 <haha> corporate bond floatation
应付工资 <haha> wages payable
实收资本 <haha> paid-in capital
盈余公积 <haha> surplus reserves
股利 <haha> dividend
应交税金 <haha> taxes payable
负商誉 <haha> negative goodwill
费用的确认 <haha> recognition of expense
短期投资 <haha> temporary investment
短期借款 <haha> short-term loans
递延资产 <haha> deferred charges
当期经营观点 <haha> current operating concept of income
存货销售的影响 <haha> effects of inventory errors
折旧方法 <haha> depreciation method
折旧率 <haha> depreciation rate
支出 <haha> payment
直线法 <haha> straight-line
职工福利基金 <haha> welfare fund
专利权 <haha> patents
住房基金 <haha> housing fund
重置成本法 <haha> replacement costing
专有技术 <haha> know-how
专营权 <haha> franchises
资本公积 <haha> capital reserves
资产负债表 <haha> balance sheet
自然资源 <haha> natural resources
存货 <haha> inventory
偿债基金 <haha> sinking fund
长期应付款 <haha> long-term payables
长期投资 <haha> long-term investments
长期借款 <haha> long-term loans
长期负债 <haha> long-term liability of long-term debt
财务费用 <haha> financing expenses
拨定留存收益 <haha> appropriated retained earnings
标准成本法 <haha> standard costing
变动成本法 <haha> variable costing
版权 <haha> copyrights
汇总原始凭证 <haha> cumulative source document
汇总记账凭证核算形式 <haha> bookkeeping procedure using summary vouchers
工作底稿 <haha> working paper
复式记账凭证 <haha> multiple account titles voucher
复式记账法 <haha> Double entry bookkeeping
复合分录 <haha> compound entry
划线更正法 <haha> correction by drawing a straight ling
汇总原始凭证 <haha> cumulative source document
会计凭证 <haha> accounting documents
会计科目表 <haha> chart of accounts
会计科目 <haha> account title
红字更正法 <haha> correction by using red ink
会计核算形式 <haha> bookkeeping procedures
过账 <haha> posting
会计分录 <haha> accounting entry
会计循环 <haha> accounting cycle
会计账簿 <haha> Book of accounts
活页式账簿 <haha> loose-leaf book
集合分配账户 <haha> clearing accounts
计价对比账户 <haha> matching accounts
记账方法 <haha> bookkeeping methods
记账规则 <haha> recording rules
记账凭证 <haha> voucher
记账凭证核算形式 <haha> Bookkeeping procedure using vouchers
记账凭证汇总表核算形式 <haha> bookkeeping procedure using categorized account summary
简单分录 <haha> simple entry
结算账户 <haha> settlement accounts
结账 <haha> closing account
结账分录 <haha> closing entry
借贷记账法 <haha> debit-credit bookkeeping
局部清查 <haha> partial check
卡片式账簿 <haha> card book
跨期摊提账户 <haha> inter-period allocation accounts
累计凭证 <haha> multiple-record document
联合账簿 <haha> compound book
明细分类账簿 <haha> subsidiary ledger
明细分类账户 <haha> subsidiary account
盘存账存 <haha> inventory accounts
平行登记 <haha> parallel recording
全面清查 <haha> complete check
日记总账 <haha> combined journal and ledger
日记总账核算形式 <haha> bookkeeping procedure using summarized journal
三式记账法 <haha> triple-entry bookkeeping
实账户 <haha> real accounts
试算表 <haha> trial balance
试算平衡 <haha> trial balancing
收付记账法 <haha> receipts-payment bookkeeping
收款凭证 <haha> receipt voucher
损益表账户 <haha> income statement accounts
通用记账凭证 <haha> general purpose voucher
通用日记账核算形式 <haha> bookkeeping procedure using general journal
外来原始凭证 <haha> source document from outside
现金日记账 <haha> cash journal
虚账户 <haha> nominal accounts
序时账簿 <haha> book of chronological entry
一次凭证 <haha> single-record document
银行存款日记账 <haha> deposit journal
永续盘存制 <haha> perpetual inventory system
原始凭证 <haha> source document
暂记账户 <haha> suspense accounts
增减记账法 <haha> increase-decrease bookkeeping
债权结算账户 <haha> accounts for settlement of claim
债权债务结算账户 <haha> accounts for settlement of claim and debt
债务结算账户 <haha> accounts for settlement of debt
账户 <haha> account
账户编号 <haha> Account number
账户对应关系 <haha> debit-credit relationship
账项调整 <haha> adjustment of account
专用记账凭证 <haha> special-purpose voucher
转回分录 <haha> reversing entry
资金来源账户 <haha> accounts of sources of funds
资产负债账户 <haha> balance sheet accounts
转账凭证 <haha> transfer voucher
资金运用账户 <haha> accounts of applications of funds
自制原始凭证 <haha> internal source document
总分类账簿 <haha> general ledger
总分类账户 <haha> general account
附加账户 <haha> adjunct accounts
付款凭证 <haha> payment voucher
分类账簿 <haha> ledger
多栏式日记账核算形式 <haha> bookkeeping procedure using columnar journal
对账 <haha> checking
对应账户 <haha> corresponding accounts
定期清查 <haha> Periodic checking method
定期盘存制 <haha> periodic inventory system
订本式账簿 <haha> bound book
调整账户 <haha> adjustment accounts
调整分录 <haha> adjusting journal entry
单式记账凭证 <haha> single account title voucher
单式记账法 <haha> single-entry bookkeeping
从属账户 <haha> Secondary accounts
成本计算账户 <haha> costing accounts
财产清查 <haha> physical inventory
簿记 <haha> bookkeeping
不定期清查 <haha> non-periodic checking method
补充登记法 <haha> correction by extra recording
表外账户 <haha> off-balance sheet accounts
备抵账户 <haha> provision accounts
备抵附加账户 <haha> provision and adjunct accounts
备查账簿 <haha> memorandum
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