POJ 1027 The Same Game
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> char m[10][16]; bool vist[10][15]; struct node { int x,y; }; void Refresh() { bool vis[15]= {0}; int i,j; for(j=0; j<15; j++) { bool flag=false; int pi=-1; for(i=0; i<10; i++) { if(m[i][j]) { flag=true; if(pi!=-1) { m[pi][j]=m[i][j]; m[i][j]=0; i=pi; pi=-1; } } else { pi=i; while(i+1<10 && !m[i+1][j]) { i++; } } } if(!flag) { vis[j]=true; } } int k=-1; for(j=0; j<15; j++) { if(!vis[j]) { if(k!=-1) { for(int x=0; x<10; x++) { m[x][k]=m[x][j]; m[x][j]=0; } vis[j]=true; j=k; k=-1; } } else { k=j; while(j+1<15 && vis[j+1]) { j++; } } } return; } int maxs=-1; char C; int x,y; int BFS(int i,int j) { struct node qu[151]; int head=0,tail=0; qu[tail].x=i; qu[tail].y=j; tail++; vist[i][j]=true; int size1=0; char color=m[i][j]; while(head<tail) { int x=qu[head].x; int y=qu[head].y; head++; size1++; if(x+1<10 && !vist[x+1][y] && m[x+1][y]==color) { vist[x+1][y]=true; qu[tail].x=x+1; qu[tail].y=y; tail++; } if(x-1>=0 && !vist[x-1][y] && m[x-1][y]==color) { vist[x-1][y]=true; qu[tail].x=x-1; qu[tail].y=y; tail++; } if(y-1>=0 && !vist[x][y-1] && m[x][y-1]==color) { vist[x][y-1]=true; qu[tail].x=x; qu[tail].y=y-1; tail++; } if(y+1<15 && !vist[x][y+1] && m[x][y+1]==color) { vist[x][y+1]=true; qu[tail].x=x; qu[tail].y=y+1; tail++; } } return size1; } void Search() { memset(vist,false,sizeof(vist)); maxs=0; for(int j=0; j<15; j++) for(int i=0; i<10; i++) { int size1=0; if(!vist[i][j] && m[i][j]) { size1=BFS(i,j); if(maxs<size1) { maxs=size1; x=i; y=j; } } } return; } void Del(void) { struct node qu[151]; int head=0,tail=0; qu[tail].x=x; qu[tail].y=y; tail++; C=m[x][y]; m[x][y]=0; while(head<tail) { int x=qu[head].x; int y=qu[head].y; head++; m[x][y]=0; if(x+1<10 && m[x+1][y]==C) { m[x+1][y]=0; qu[tail].x=x+1; qu[tail].y=y; tail++; } if(x-1>=0 && m[x-1][y]==C) { m[x-1][y]=0; qu[tail].x=x-1; qu[tail].y=y; tail++; } if(y-1>=0 && m[x][y-1]==C) { m[x][y-1]=0; qu[tail].x=x; qu[tail].y=y-1; tail++; } if(y+1<15 && m[x][y+1]==C ) { m[x][y+1]=0; qu[tail].x=x; qu[tail].y=y+1; tail++; } } return; } int main() { int T,i,cnt=0; scanf("%d",&T); while(T--) { cnt++; for(i=9; i>=0; i--) { scanf("%s",m[i]); } int step=0; int ballnum=150; int Score=0; printf("Game %d: \n\n",cnt); while(1) { maxs=-1; Search(); if(maxs==0 || maxs==1) { break; } Del(); Refresh(); int score=(maxs-2)*(maxs-2); printf("Move %d at (%d,%d): removed %d balls of color %c, got %d points.\n",step+1,x+1,y+1,maxs,C,score); ballnum-=maxs; Score+=score; step++; } if(ballnum==0) { Score+=1000; } printf("Final score: %d, with %d balls remaining.\n\n",Score,ballnum); } return 0; }