解决PowerDesigner 16 Generate Datebase For Sql2005 找不到sysproperties表的问题
造成此问题的原因是由于Sql 2005 删除了系统表 sysproperties 而改用 sys.extended_properties 表所致 ,微软的目的不再去猜测
网上有二种解决方式 但不符合本人的需要 以下是通过创建sysproperties视图,以及改造powerdesigner sql语句生成模板实现本人直接用powerdesigner生成创建数据库SQL
Sql 2005 Exec the Sql 创建View 'sysproperties'
if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where name = 'sysproperties' and xtype = 'V') begin DROP VIEW sysproperties end GO CREATE VIEW sysproperties AS SELECT A.name As TableName,A.id As TableID,B.Name As ColName,B.colid As ColID,B.xtype As ColType,C.name As PropName,C.Value As PropValue FROM sysobjects As A INNER JOIN syscolumns As B ON A.id = B.id INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties As C ON C.major_id = A.id AND ( minor_id = B.colid) GO
Modified Table TableComment
修改Table TableComment模板 路径是 Database -> Edit Current DBMS 窗体 General 选项卡 下 Script -> Objects -> Table -> TableComment
[if exists (select 1 from sys.extended_properties where major_id = object_id('[%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%') and minor_id = 0 and name = 'MS_Description') begin [%OWNER%?[.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_dropextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]'MS_Description', [%R%?[N]]'user', [%R%?[N]]%.q:OWNER%, [%R%?[N]]'table', [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE% :declare @CurrentUser sysname select @CurrentUser = user_name() [.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_dropextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]'MS_Description', [%R%?[N]]'user', [%R%?[N]]@CurrentUser, [%R%?[N]]'table', [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE% ] end ][%OWNER%?[.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_addextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]'MS_Description', [%R%?[N]]%.q:COMMENT%, [%R%?[N]]'user', [%R%?[N]]%.q:OWNER%, [%R%?[N]]'table', [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE% :select @CurrentUser = user_name() [.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_addextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]'MS_Description', [%R%?[N]]%.q:COMMENT%, [%R%?[N]]'user', [%R%?[N]]@CurrentUser, [%R%?[N]]'table', [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE% ]
Modified Column ColComment
修改Column ColumnComment模板 路径是 Database -> Edit Current DBMS 窗体 General 选项卡 下 Script -> Objects -> Column -> ColumnComment
[if exists (select 1 from sysproperties where TableID = object_id('[%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%') and ColName = %.q:COLUMN% AND PropName='MS_Description') begin [%OWNER%?[.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_dropextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]'MS_Description', [%R%?[N]]'user', [%R%?[N]]%.q:OWNER%, [%R%?[N]]'table', [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE%, [%R%?[N]]'column', [%R%?[N]]%.q:COLUMN% :declare @CurrentUser sysname select @CurrentUser = user_name() [.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_dropextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]'MS_Description', [%R%?[N]]'user', [%R%?[N]]@CurrentUser, [%R%?[N]]'table', [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE%, [%R%?[N]]'column', [%R%?[N]]%.q:COLUMN% ] end ][%OWNER%?[.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_addextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]'MS_Description', [%R%?[N]]%.q:COMMENT%, [%R%?[N]]'user', [%R%?[N]]%.q:OWNER%, [%R%?[N]]'table', [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE%, [%R%?[N]]'column', [%R%?[N]]%.q:COLUMN% :select @CurrentUser = user_name() [.O:[execute ][exec ]]sp_addextendedproperty [%R%?[N]]'MS_Description', [%R%?[N]]%.q:COMMENT%, [%R%?[N]]'user', [%R%?[N]]@CurrentUser, [%R%?[N]]'table', [%R%?[N]]%.q:TABLE%, [%R%?[N]]'column', [%R%?[N]]%.q:COLUMN% ]