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Deploy an website automatically using powershell


1. AppPool_Site_Deployment.ps1

#Get the path where the script is running
$scriptDir = Split-Path (Resolve-Path $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
write-host "Script Location: " $scriptDir -foregroundColor Green

#Set up aliases
Set-Alias RemoveSitePool $scriptDir\AppPool_Site_Delete.ps1
Set-Alias CreateSitePool $scriptDir\AppPool_Site_Creation.ps1


2. AppPool_Site_Delete.ps1

#Get the path where the script is running
$scriptDir = Split-Path (Resolve-Path $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
write-host "Delete Script Location: " $scriptDir -foregroundColor Green

#Set up aliases
Set-Alias RemoveAppPool $scriptDir\RemoveAppPool.ps1
Set-Alias RemoveSite $scriptDir\RemoveSite.ps1

#Load the config file
[xml]$Config = get-content ($scriptDir + "\Config.xml")

$AppPools = $Config.Script

foreach ($AppPool in $AppPools.ApplicationPool)

 foreach($Site in $AppPool.Site)
         if ($Site -ne $null)
       RemoveSite $Site.Name
       Write-Host "Site Removed" -foregroundColor Green       
 RemoveAppPool $AppPool.Name
 Write-Host "App Pool Removed" -foregroundColor Green

  2.1 RemoveSite.ps1  

 [String]$Name    #The Name of the site 


$iis = new-object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager

$Site = $iis.Sites[$Name]
if($site -ne $null)


  2.2 RemoveAppPool.ps1

 [String]$PoolName = "TestAppPool"  #The Name of the App Pool 

$iis = New-Object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager

$appPool = $iis.ApplicationPools[$PoolName]
if($appPool -ne $null)

3. AppPool_Site_Creation.ps1

#Get the path where the script is running
$scriptDir = Split-Path (Resolve-Path $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
write-host "Create Script Location: " $scriptDir -foregroundColor Green

#Set up aliases
Set-Alias CreateAppPool $scriptDir\CreateAppPool.ps1
Set-Alias CreateSite $scriptDir\CreateSite.ps1
Set-Alias CreateBindingOnSite $scriptDir\CreateBindingOnSite.ps1
Set-Alias RemoveSitePool $scriptDir\AppPool_Site_Delete.ps1

#Load the config file
[xml]$Config = get-content ($scriptDir + "\Config.xml")

$AppPools = $Config.Script

foreach ($AppPool in $AppPools.ApplicationPool)
 CreateAppPool $AppPool.Name $AppPool.UserName $AppPool.Password
 Write-Host "App Pool Created" -foregroundColor Green
 foreach($Site in $AppPool.Site)
         if ($Site -ne $null)
       CreateSite $Site.Name $Site.PhysicalPath $AppPool.Name $Site.ID
       Write-Host "Site Created" -foregroundColor Green   
       foreach($Binding in $Site.Binding)
                  if ($Binding -ne $null)
              CreateBindingOnSite $Site.Name $Binding.Port $Binding.HostName
              Write-Host "Binding Created" -foregroundColor Green
       foreach($Folder in $Site.Folder)
                  if ($Folder -ne $null)
            #Create the folder if it does not exist
     $objFSO = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject    
     if($objFSO.FileExists($Folder -eq $FALSE))
          Mkdir ($Folder.Name)
            foreach($Permission in $Folder.Permission)
                           if ($Permission -ne $null)
                  #Set the ACL permission on the folder
                  Cacls $folder.Name “/E” “/G” “$($permission.User):$($Permission.Capability)?
            Write-Host "Completed Permissions Configuration for "  $Folder.name -foregroundColor Green

       Write-Host "Completed Folder Configuration for all folders" -foregroundColor Green



  3.1 CreateAppPool.ps1

 [String]$PoolName = "TestAppPool",  #The Name of the App Pool
 [String]$UserName = "redmond\v-zhdu",   #The AppPool UserName
 [String]$Password = "4rfv$RFV"    #The AppPool Password

[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom( "C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll" )
$iis = New-Object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager

$appPool = $iis.ApplicationPools[$PoolName]
$appPool.ProcessModel.UserName = $UserName
$appPool.ProcessModel.Password = $Password

  3.2 CreateSite.ps1

 [String]$Name,    #The Name of the site
 [String]$Path,    #The Physical Path of the site
 [String]$AppPool,  #The name of the appPool the default app is part of


$iis = new-object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager

$Site = $iis.Sites.CreateElement()
$Site.ID = $SiteID
$Site.Name = $Name
$Site.Applications.Add("/", $Path)
$Site.Applications["/"].ApplicationPoolName = $AppPool


  3.3 CreateBindingOnSite.ps1

 [String]$SiteName,    #The Name of the site
 [String]$Port,    #Typically 80
 [String]$BindingInfo,    #should look like www.xxx.com
 [String]$Protocol = "http"


#Reference the Microsoft.Web.Administration namespace
$iis = new-object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager

#Add the Application to the site
$site = $iis.Sites[$SiteName]

$binding = $site.Bindings.CreateElement()
$binding.Protocol = $Protocol
$binding.BindingInformation = "*:" + $PORT + ":" + $BindingInfo






and also made a research on a zip file ProvisioningScripts 4-7-2008.zip which downloaded from website.

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