配置SQL Server Instance for Azure Development Storage


安装了Azure SDK后,新建一个Web Role,F5启动程序,弹出一个Storage Emulator Initialization对话框显示以下错误信息:


Attempting to use server specified.

User specified an instance through /server or /sqlInstance options.

Probing Failed. Retrying probe for localDB

Probing SQL Instance: '(localdb)\v11.0'.



没有配置本地SQL Server信息。


1. 打开Windows Azure Command Prompt。

2. 运行命令dsinit /sqlInstance:your instance name

此后会弹出Storage Emulator Initialization对话框显示以下信息


Added reservation for in user account username.

Added reservation for in user account username.

Added reservation for in user account username.

Attempting to use server specified.

User specified an instance through /server or /sqlInstance options.

Probing SQL Instance: '.\SQLExpress'.

Found SQL Instance .\SQLExpress.

Creating database DevelopmentStorageDb201210 on SQL instance '.\SQLExpress'.

Granting database access to user username.

Database access for user username was granted.

Initialization successful. The storage emulator is now ready for use.


此时再F5,Azure project就可以工作正常了。

posted @ 2012-12-14 13:30  Lilideng  阅读(400)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报