20230204 - 解决 Delphi 10.4 IDE 提示 socket error 10038 Access violation coreide270.bpl rtl270.bpl
现象:Delphi Embarcadero® Delphi 10.4 Version 27.0.40680.4203 进入时,弹出以下四个错误提示框,内容如下:
[Window Title] Error [Content] Socket Error # 10038 Socket operation on non-socket.. [OK]
[Window Title] Error [Content] Socket Error # 10038 Socket operation on non-socket.. [OK]
[Window Title] Error [Content] Access violation at address 205B90EA in module 'coreide270.bpl'. Read of address 00000000. [OK]
--------------------------- Delphi 10.4 --------------------------- Access violation at address 5005F8F4 in module 'rtl270.bpl'. Read of address 5004C003. --------------------------- 确定 ---------------------------
- 关闭 IDE 的情况下,打开 Windows 注册表;
- 进入 `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\21.0\KnownIDE Packages`;
- 修改 `$(BDS)\Bin\LivePreview270.bpl` 的值,在前面增加两个下划线。
- 重新进入。
Embarcadero FireUI Live Preview Package
__Embarcadero FireUI Live Preview Package
参考:Delphi - socket error 10038 at startup. How solve it?
- shut the IDE down.
- run regedit.
- go to
- find the entry
and change the data from"Embarcadero FireUI Live Preview Package"
to"__Embarcadero FireUI Live Preview Package"
(so, just add two underscores in front of the text) - start the IDE.