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                    using (var context = new YZS_TRAEntities())
                        using (Domain.HRModelsContainer hr = new Domain.HRModelsContainer())
                        {var officeEntities = context.事务所主任.Where(f => officeIds.Contains(f.事务所主任ID)).ToList();

                            #region 获取该协议所有的对象
                            var mobileEntities = officeEntities.Select(f => f.手机.Trim()).ToList();       
                            string mobile = string.Join(",", mobileEntities);                //List数组的每个元素加上引号,如("12","32","5456","876455")
                            string s1 = string.Format("'{0}'", mobile.Replace(",", "','"));

                            string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT d.Name [DepartName],c.Name [Position],c.No [PostNo],a.Mobile [EmployeePhone]
FROM [HYSYZSCCODB].[dbo].[Employee] a                                                     //[DepartName] [Position] [PostNo] [EmployeePhone] 是实体officeDTO定义的字段,即转对象
inner join [HYSYZSCCODB].[dbo].[DPEAss] q on a.Id=q.EmployeeId
inner join [HYSYZSCCODB].[dbo].[Post] c on q.PostId=c.Id
inner join [HYSYZSCCODB].[dbo].[Department] d on d.Id = c.DepartmentId      
where  q.IsHistory='false' and a.Mobile" + " in " + "(" + s1 + ")");

  //where a.IsValid='true' and q.IsHistory='false' and {0} order by a.[Index] desc",
  //DepartId.HasValue ? "a.Id='" + (Guid)DepartId + "'" + "or " + "a.PDepartmentId='" + (Guid)DepartId + "'" : "1=1");

var entitys = hr.Database.SqlQuery<OfficeDTO>(sql).ToList();


var mobileEntities = officeEntities.Select(f => f.手机.Trim()).ToList();       
                            string mobile = string.Join(",", mobileEntities);                //List数组的每个元素加上引号,如("12","32","5456","876455")
                            string s1 = string.Format("'{0}'", mobile.Replace(",", "','"));


posted @ 2018-07-11 17:32  大海的泡沫  阅读(1422)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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