数据结构( Pyhon 语言描述 ) — —第9章:列表
- 概念
- 列表是一个线性的集合,允许用户在任意位置插入、删除、访问和替换元素
- 使用列表
- 基于索引的操作
- 基于内容的操作
- 基于位置的操作
- 相对于游标位置执行,这个操作允许程序员在通过移动游标在列表中导航。其可通过列表迭代器来实现
- 列表迭代器是附加到列表的后备储存
- 列表迭代器游标的位置
- 第一项之前
- 相领两项之间
- 最后一项之后
- 列表迭代器第一次实例化的时候,其游标是未定义的
- 列表迭代器的方法
- 列表的接口
- 列表的应用
- 列表可能是计算机领域应用最为广泛的集合
- 堆存储管理
- 在一个可用的列表中,将堆上可用空间的连续块链接起来。当应用程序需要一个新的实例化对象时,PVM会在可用列表中搜索大小足够容纳对象的第一个块。当不再需要对象的时候,垃圾收集程序会把对象的空间返回给可用列表
- 为了减少搜索时间,可以使用多个可用列表,分别包含不同字节大小的块;最后一个列表应该包含比某个指定的大小还要大的所有的块。
- 组织磁盘上的文件
- 计算机文件系统有3个主要的部分:文件的目录、文件自身以及可用空间。
- 磁盘的物理格式
- 文件系统
- 假设目录占用了磁盘上的前几个磁道并且为每个文件包含了一个条目。这个条目包含文件的信息和扇区地址,这个扇区地址指向文件中的第 1 个字节
- 根据文件的大小,其可能完全包含在一个扇区,或者同时跨越几个扇区。
- 组成文件的扇区并不需要物理相邻,扇区的最后有一个指针,该指针指向了包含文件的下一个扇区
- 列表在文件系统中的应用
- 没有使用的扇区在一个可用列表中被链接起来。当创建新文件时,它们从这个列表中得到分配的空间,当删除旧文件时,它们的空间释放到这个列表中
- 磁盘读写步骤
- 读/写头定位到正确的磁道
- 磁盘转动,直到目标扇区在读写头下
- 进行数据读写
- 3个步骤中,数据读写所需要时间最少
- 性能优化
- 根据磁盘的特性,当跨多个扇区的文件,没有在磁盘上分散开时,磁盘的性能会得到优化
- 文件系统中包含一个工具,它会重新组织文件系统以便每个文件中的扇区都是连续的,并且具有相同的物理顺序和逻辑顺序。从而优化磁盘的性能。
- 其他集合的实现
- 列表可用来实现其它集合,通常有两种方法
- 扩展列表类,让新的类成为列表类的一个子类;
- 在新的类中,使用列表类的一个实例,并且让该列表包含数据项
- 列表实现
- AbstractList 类的角色
- 列表迭代器会使用 self._modCount 这个实例变量在某些方法上强制施加先验条件
- 代码实现
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
from abstractcollection import AbstractCollection
class AbstractList(AbstractCollection):
"""An abstract list implementation."""
def __init__(self, sourceCollection):
"""Maintains a count of modifications to the left."""
self._modCount = 0
AbstractCollection.__init__(self, sourceCollection)
def getModCount(self):
"""Returns the count of modifications to the list."""
return self._modCount
def incModCount(self):
"""Increment the count of modifications."""
self._modCount += 1
def index(self, item):
"""Precondition: the item is in the list.
Return the position of the item.
Raise: ValueError if item isn't in the list"""
position = 0
for data in self:
if data == item:
return position
position += 1
if position == len(self):
raise ValueError(str(item) + " not in list.")
def add(self, item):
"""Add the item to the end of the list."""
self.insert(len(self), item)
def remove(self, item):
"""Precondition: the item is in the list.
Raise: ValueError is item isn't in the list.
PostCondition:item is removed from self."""
position = self.index(item)
- 基于数组的实现
- ArrayList 有一个初始的默认大小,当需要时,其大小会自动变化
- 代码实现
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
File: ArrayList.py
from arrays import Array
from abstractlist import AbstractList
from arraylistiterator import ArrayListIterator
class ArrayList(AbstractList):
"""An array-based list implementation."""
# Class variable
def __init__(self, sourceCollection=None):
"""Sets the initial state of self, which includes the contents
of sourceCollection, if it's present."""
self._items = Array(ArrayList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY)
AbstractList.__init__(self, sourceCollection)
# Accessor method
def __iter__(self):
"""Support iteration over a view of self."""
cursor = 0
while cursor < len(self):
yield self._items[cursor]
cursor += 1
def __getitem__(self, i):
"""Precondition: 0<= i < len(self)
Return the item at position i.
Raises: IndexError"""
if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
raise IndexError("List out of range.")
return self._items[i]
# Mutator method
def __setitem__(self, i, item):
"""Precondition: 0 <= i < len(self)
Replace the item at position i.
Raise: IndexError"""
if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
raise IndexError("List out of range.")
self._items[i] = item
def insert(self, i, item):
"""Inserts item at the position i."""
# Resize the array if necessary
# Set the position i between 0 and len(self)
if i < 0: i = 0
elif i > len(self): i = len(self)
if i < len(self):
for index in range(len(self), i, -1):
self._items[index] = self._items[index - 1]
self._items[i] = item
self._size += 1
def pop(self, i=None):
"""Precondition: 0 <= i < len(self).
Remove and return item at position i. if i is None, i is given a default of len(self) - 1"
Raise: Index Error."""
if i is None: i = len(self) - 1
if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
raise IndexError("List index out of range.")
item = self._items[i]
for index in range(i, len(self) - 1):
self._items[index] = self._items[index + 1]
self._items[len(self) - 1] = None
self._size -= 1
# Resize array in necessary
return item
def clear(self):
"""Clear the array list."""
self._items = Array(ArrayList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY)
self._size = 0
def listIterator(self):
"""Returns a list iterator."""
return ArrayListIterator(self)
def _growArray(self):
"""Grow the capacity of the array if necessary """
physicalSize = len(self._items)
if len(self) >= physicalSize:
temp = Array(physicalSize * 2)
index = 0
for item in self:
temp[index] = item
index += 1
self._items = temp
def _shrinkArray(self):
"""Shrink the capacity of the array if necessary. """
physicalSize = len(self._items)
if len(self) <= physicalSize // 4 and physicalSize >= 2 * ArrayList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY:
temp = Array(physicalSize // 2)
index = 0
for item in self:
temp[index] = item
index += 1
self._items = temp
- 链表实现
- 采用包含一个哨兵节点的双链表结构
- _getNode(i) 辅助方法用来搜索第 i 个节点
- 代码实现
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
from node import TwoWayNode
from abstractlist import AbstractList
from linkedlistiterator import LinkedListIterator
class LinkedList(AbstractList):
"""A link-based list implementation"""
def __init__(self, sourceCollection=None):
"""Sets the initial state of self, which includes the contents
of sourceCollection, if it's present."""
self._head = TwoWayNode(None)
self._head.previous = self._head.next = self._head
AbstractList.__init__(self, sourceCollection)
# Helper method returns node at position i
def _getNode(self, i):
"""Helper method: returns a pointer to node at position i."""
if i == len(self): # Constant-time access to head node.
return self._head
if i == len(self) - 1: # or last data node
return self._head.previous
probe = self._head.next
while i > 0:
probe = probe.next
i -= 1
return probe
# Accessor method
def __iter__(self):
"""Support iteration over a view of self."""
cursor = self._head.next
while cursor != self._head:
yield cursor.data
cursor = cursor.next
def __getitem__(self, i):
"""Precondition: 0<= i < len(self)
Return the item at position i.
Raises: IndexError"""
if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
raise IndexError("List out of range.")
return self._getNode(i).data
def getHead(self):
return self._head
# Mutator method
def __setitem__(self, i, item):
"""Precondition: 0 <= i < len(self)
Replace the item at position i.
Raise: IndexError"""
if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
raise IndexError("List out of range.")
self._getNode(i).data = item
def insert(self, i, item):
"""Inserts item at the position i."""
# Set the position i between 0 and len(self)
if i < 0: i = 0
elif i > len(self): i = len(self)
theNode = self._getNode(i)
newNode = TwoWayNode(item, theNode.previous, theNode)
theNode.previous.next = newNode
theNode.previous = newNode
self._size += 1
def pop(self, i=None):
"""Precondition: 0 <= i < len(self).
Remove and return item at position i. if i is None, i is given a default of len(self) - 1"
Raise: Index Error."""
if i is None: i = len(self) - 1
if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
raise IndexError("List index out of range.")
theNode = self._getNode(i)
item = theNode.data
theNode.previous.next = theNode.next
theNode.next.previous = theNode.previous
self._size -= 1
return item
def clear(self):
"""Clear the linked list."""
self._head.previous = self._head.next = self._head
self._size = 0
def listIterator(self):
"""Returns a list iterator."""
return LinkedListIterator(self)
- 两种实现的时间和空间分析
- 实现列表迭代器
- 列表迭代器的角色和作用
- 列表迭代器对象依赖于相关联的列表,因为前者需要访问后者以定位项、替换项、插入项和删除项
- 3种类型的先验条件
- 如果hasNext 或 hasPrevious 分别返回 False,程序员不能运行 next 或 previous 操作
- 不能在列表迭代器上运行连续性的修改器方法。在每次运行前,必须先运行一个 next 或 previous 以建立游标位置
- 使用实例变量 self._lastItemPos 来判断,当位置未确定时,其值为 -1。当程序在列表迭代器上成功运行一个next 或 previous 操作时,其值变成了列表中的一个索引。
- 列表迭代器中的修改器方法,通过检查 self._lastItemPos 以确保满足先验条件,并在成功修改列表后,将其重置为 -1
- 在列表上使用列表迭代器方法时,程序不能使用列表修改器方法在列表自身之上进行修改(如果修改会影响列表的游标位置,__setitem__方法不会影响)
- 通过比较列表的 modCount 和列表迭代器的 modCount 是否相同来判断
- 数组实现
- 代码
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
class ArrayListIterator(object):
"""Represents the list iterator for an array list."""
def __init__(self, backingStore):
"""Set the initial state of the list iterator."""
self._backingStore = backingStore
self._modCount = backingStore.getModCount()
self._cursor = 0
self._lastItemPos = -1
def first(self):
"""Resets the cursor to the beginning of the backing store."""
self._cursor = 0
self._lastItemPos = -1
def last(self):
"""Moves the cursor to the end of the backing store."""
self._cursor = len(self._backingStore)
self._lastItemPos = -1
def hasNext(self):
"""Return True if the iterator has a next item or False otherwise."""
return self._cursor < len(self._backingStore)
def next(self):
"""Precondition: hasNext returns True.The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutator.
Returns the current item and advances the cursor to the next item."""
if not self.hasNext():
raise ValueError("No next item in list iterator.")
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store.")
self._lastItemPos = self._cursor
self._cursor += 1
return self._backingStore[self._lastItemPos]
def hasPrevious(self):
"""Return True if the iterator has a previous item or False otherwise"""
return self._cursor > 0
def previous(self):
"""Precondition: hasPrevious returns True. The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutator.
if not self.hasPrevious():
raise ValueError("No previous item in list iterator.")
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store.")
self._cursor -= 1
self._lastItemPos = self._cursor
return self._backingStore[self._lastItemPos]
def replace(self, item):
"""Precondition: the current position is defined. The list has not been modified except by this iterator's
if self._lastItemPos == -1:
raise AttributeError("The current position is undefined.")
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store.")
self._backingStore[self._lastItemPos] = item
self._lastItemPos = -1
def insert(self, item):
"""Precondition: The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutator."""
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store.")
if self._lastItemPos == -1:
# Cursor not defined, so add item to end of list.
self._backingStore.insert(self._lastItemPos, item)
# If the item insert was obtained via next, move cursor forward
if self._lastItemPos < self._cursor:
self._cursor += 1
self._lastItemPos = -1
self._modCount += 1
def remove(self):
"""Precondition: the current position is defined. The list has not been modified except by this iterator's
if self._lastItemPos == -1:
raise AttributeError("The current position is undefined.")
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("List has been modified illegally.")
# If the item removed was obtained via next, move cursor back
if self._lastItemPos < self._cursor:
self._cursor -= 1
self._modCount += 1
self._lastItemPos = -1
- 链表实现
- 用后备储存链表结构中的节点来表示游标,通过将游标设置为下一个节点或者前一个节点来实现导航性方法。这些会使得可能的修改操作都成为常数时间
- 代码
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
from node import TwoWayNode
class LinkedListIterator(object):
"""Represents the list iterator for an linked list."""
def __init__(self, backingStore):
"""Set the initial state of the list iterator."""
self._backingStore = backingStore
self._modCount = backingStore.getModCount()
self._head = backingStore.getHead()
self._cursor = self._head
self._lastItemPos = None
def first(self):
"""Resets the cursor to the beginning of the backing store."""
self._cursor = self._head.next
self._lastItemPos = None
def last(self):
"""Moves the cursor to the end of the backing store."""
self._cursor = self._head.previous
self._lastItemPos = None
def hasNext(self):
"""Return True if the iterator has a next item or False otherwise."""
return self._cursor.next != self._head
def next(self):
"""Precondition: hasNext returns True.The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutator.
Returns the current item and advances the cursor to the next item."""
if not self.hasNext():
raise ValueError("No next item in list iterator.")
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store.")
self._lastItemPos = self._cursor
self._cursor = self._cursor.next
return self._lastItemPos.data
def hasPrevious(self):
"""Return True if the iterator has a previous item or False otherwise"""
return self._cursor.previous != self._head
def previous(self):
"""Precondition: hasPrevious returns True. The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutator.
if not self.hasPrevious():
raise ValueError("No previous item in list iterator.")
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store.")
self._lastItemPos = self._cursor
self._cursor = self._cursor.previous
return self._lastItemPos.data
def replace(self, item):
"""Precondition: the current position is defined. The list has not been modified except by this iterator's
if self._lastItemPos is None:
raise AttributeError("The current position is undefined.")
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store.")
self._lastItemPos.data = item
self._lastItemPos = None
def insert(self, item):
"""Precondition: The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutator."""
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store.")
if self._lastItemPos is None:
# Cursor not defined, so add item to end of list.
newNode = TwoWayNode(item, self._lastItemPos.previous, self._lastItemPos)
self._lastItemPos.previous.next = newNode
self._lastItemPos.previous = newNode
self._lastItemPos = None
self._modCount += 1
def remove(self):
"""Precondition: the current position is defined. The list has not been modified except by this iterator's
if self._lastItemPos is None:
raise AttributeError("The current position is undefined.")
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("List has been modified illegally.")
self._lastItemPos.previous.next = self._lastItemPos.next
self._lastItemPos.next.previous = self._lastItemPos.previous
self._modCount += 1
self._lastItemPos = None
- 列表迭代器的时间和空间分析
- 链表实现,所有的运行方法都是O(1),数组实现的 insert 和 remove 方法都是 O(n)
- 开发一个有序的列表
- 分析
- 与常规列表的对比
- 不能使用 insert 和 __setitem__ 方法
- add 方法会在已有项之间,查找插入该项的一个合适的位置
- index 操作,会利用列表是有序的这一事实,针对给定项执行一次二叉搜索
- 设计
- 为了支持二叉搜索,因此选用基于数组实现的列表
- ArraySortedList 不能是 ArrayList 的一个子类,因为这样 ArraySortedList 会继承两个不能使用的方法
- 使用 ArrayList 的一个实例
- 使用 ArrayList 的一个实例来使 ArraySortedList 作为类的容器而子类化。但是如此并没有实现代码复用,ArrayList 中的每个方法,在 ArraySortedList 中都必须重新定义
- 实现策略
- 将 ArrayList 作为 ArraySortedList 的一个子类
- 实现
- ArraySortedList
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
File: arraysortedlist.py
from arrays import Array
from abstractlist import AbstractList
from arraysortedlistiterator import ArraySortedListIterator
class ArraySortedList(AbstractList):
"""An array-based sorted list implementation."""
# Class variable
def __init__(self, sourceCollection=None):
"""Sets the initial state of self, which includes the contents
of sourceCollection, if it's present."""
self._items = Array(ArraySortedList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY)
AbstractList.__init__(self, sourceCollection)
# Accessor method
def __iter__(self):
"""Support iteration over a view of self."""
cursor = 0
while cursor < len(self):
yield self._items[cursor]
cursor += 1
def __getitem__(self, i):
"""Precondition: 0<= i < len(self)
Return the item at position i.
Raises: IndexError"""
if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
raise IndexError("List out of range.")
return self._items[i]
def __contains__(self, item):
position = self._binarySearch(item)
if self._items[position] == item:
return True
return False
def _binarySearch(self, item):
"""Search item in the array sorted list."""
left = 0
right = len(self) - 1
mid = len(self)
while left <= right:
mid = (left + right) // 2
if self._items[mid] == item:
if self._items[mid] > item:
right = mid - 1
left = mid + 1
return mid
def index(self, item):
"""Precondition: the item is in the list.
Return the position of the item.
Raise: ValueError if item isn't in the list"""
position = self._binarySearch(item)
if self._items[position] != item:
raise ValueError(str(item) + " isn't in the list.")
# find the first position if there is multiply items
for i in range(position - 1, -1, -1):
if self._items[i] != item:
return i + 1
# return the first place
return 0
# Mutator method
def pop(self, i=None):
"""Precondition: 0 <= i < len(self).
Remove and return item at position i. if i is None, i is given a default of len(self) - 1"
Raise: Index Error."""
if i is None: i = len(self) - 1
if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
raise IndexError("List index out of range.")
item = self._items[i]
for index in range(i, len(self) - 1):
self._items[index] = self._items[index + 1]
self._items[len(self) - 1] = None
self._size -= 1
# Resize array in necessary
return item
def add(self, item):
"""Add the item to the proper position of the list."""
# Resize the array if necessary.
# Find the position by binary search
position = self._binarySearch(item)
flag = True
if position < len(self) and self._items[position] != item:
if item > self._items[position]:
for i in range(position + 1, len(self)):
if item <= self._items[i]:
position = i
flag = False
if flag:
position = len(self)
for i in range(position - 1, -1, -1):
if item >= self._items[i]:
position = i + 1
flag = False
if flag:
position = 0
# Insert item at the proper position.
if position < len(self):
for index in range(len(self), position, -1):
self._items[index] = self._items[index - 1]
self._items[position] = item
self._size += 1
def clear(self):
"""Clear the array list."""
self._items = Array(ArraySortedList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY)
self._size = 0
def listIterator(self):
"""Returns a list iterator."""
return ArraySortedListIterator(self)
def _growArray(self):
"""Grow the capacity of the array if necessary """
physicalSize = len(self._items)
if len(self) >= physicalSize:
temp = Array(physicalSize * 2)
index = 0
for item in self:
temp[index] = item
index += 1
self._items = temp
def _shrinkArray(self):
"""Shrink the capacity of the array if necessary. """
physicalSize = len(self._items)
if len(self) <= physicalSize // 4 and physicalSize >= 2 * ArraySortedList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY:
temp = Array(physicalSize // 2)
index = 0
for item in self:
temp[index] = item
index += 1
self._items = temp
- ArrayList
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
File: ArrayList.py
from abstractlist import AbstractList
from arraysortedlist import ArraySortedList
from arraylistiterator import ArrayListIterator
class ArrayList(ArraySortedList):
"""An array-based list implementation."""
def __init__(self, sourceCollection=None):
"""Sets the initial state of self, which includes the contents
of sourceCollection, if it's present."""
ArraySortedList.__init__(self, sourceCollection)
# Accessor method
def index(self, item):
"""Precondition: the item is in the list.
Return the position of the item.
Raise: ValueError if item isn't in the list"""
AbstractList.index(self, item)
def __contains__(self, item):
for i in self:
if i == item:
return True
return False
# Mutator method
def __setitem__(self, i, item):
"""Precondition: 0 <= i < len(self)
Replace the item at position i.
Raise: IndexError"""
if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
raise IndexError("List out of range.")
self._items[i] = item
def insert(self, i, item):
"""Inserts item at the position i."""
# Resize the array if necessary
# Set the position i between 0 and len(self)
if i < 0: i = 0
elif i > len(self): i = len(self)
if i < len(self):
for index in range(len(self), i, -1):
self._items[index] = self._items[index - 1]
self._items[i] = item
self._size += 1
def add(self, item):
"""Add the item to the end of the list."""
AbstractList.add(self, item)
def listIterator(self):
"""Returns a list iterator."""
return ArrayListIterator(self)
- ArraySortedListIterator
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
class ArraySortedListIterator(object):
"""Represents the list iterator for a sorted array list."""
def __init__(self, backingStore):
"""Set the initial state of the list iterator."""
self._backingStore = backingStore
self._modCount = backingStore.getModCount()
self._cursor = 0
self._lastItemPos = -1
def first(self):
"""Resets the cursor to the beginning of the backing store."""
self._cursor = 0
self._lastItemPos = -1
def last(self):
"""Moves the cursor to the end of the backing store."""
self._cursor = len(self._backingStore)
self._lastItemPos = -1
def hasNext(self):
"""Return True if the iterator has a next item or False otherwise."""
return self._cursor < len(self._backingStore)
def next(self):
"""Precondition: hasNext returns True.The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutator.
Returns the current item and advances the cursor to the next item."""
if not self.hasNext():
raise ValueError("No next item in list iterator.")
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store.")
self._lastItemPos = self._cursor
self._cursor += 1
return self._backingStore[self._lastItemPos]
def hasPrevious(self):
"""Return True if the iterator has a previous item or False otherwise"""
return self._cursor > 0
def previous(self):
"""Precondition: hasPrevious returns True. The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutator.
if not self.hasPrevious():
raise ValueError("No previous item in list iterator.")
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store.")
self._cursor -= 1
self._lastItemPos = self._cursor
return self._backingStore[self._lastItemPos]
def remove(self):
"""Precondition: the current position is defined. The list has not been modified except by this iterator's
if self._lastItemPos == -1:
raise AttributeError("The current position is undefined.")
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("List has been modified illegally.")
# If the item removed was obtained via next, move cursor back
if self._lastItemPos < self._cursor:
self._cursor -= 1
self._modCount += 1
self._lastItemPos = -1
- ArrayListIteraotr
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
from arraysortedlistiterator import ArraySortedListIterator
class ArrayListIterator(ArraySortedListIterator):
"""Represents the list iterator for an array list."""
def __init__(self, backingStore):
"""Set the initial state of the list iterator."""
ArraySortedListIterator.__init__(self, backingStore)
def replace(self, item):
"""Precondition: the current position is defined. The list has not been modified except by this iterator's
if self._lastItemPos == -1:
raise AttributeError("The current position is undefined.")
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store.")
self._backingStore[self._lastItemPos] = item
self._lastItemPos = -1
def insert(self, item):
"""Precondition: The list has not been modified except by this iterator's mutator."""
if self._modCount != self._backingStore.getModCount():
raise AttributeError("Illegal modification of backing store.")
if self._lastItemPos == -1:
# Cursor not defined, so add item to end of list.
self._backingStore.insert(self._lastItemPos, item)
# If the item insert was obtained via next, move cursor forward
if self._lastItemPos < self._cursor:
self._cursor += 1
self._lastItemPos = -1
self._modCount += 1