Database upgrade from Zabbix 5.0.15 to Zabbix 5.2.7 failed
I'm upgrading my zabbix to a clean install on a new Centos8.4 machine (MariaDB).
After import old sql,restart zabbix-server ,Web page can open but can't login,watch zabbix log
tail -f /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log
9332:20181010:174337.188 [Z3005] query failed: [1050] Table 'tag_filter' already exists [create table tag_filter ( `tag_filterid` bigint unsigned not null, `usrgrpid` bigint unsigned not null, `groupid` bigint unsigned not null, `tag` varchar(255) default '' not null, `value` varchar(255) default '' not null, primary key (tag_filterid)
Login mysql
use zabbix;
drop table tag_filter;