Reading-Writing PGM(Portable Graphics Media) Image Files With C#(C Sharp)




I demonstrate a simple example in order to show how to read-write PGM files. 

Yo can download source from here(或者

Output is below:

Type       = P2
ColorSize  = 255
Comment    = Created by ..
Length     = 512
Width      = 512


using System;

namespace PGM
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string InputFileName = "lenna.pgm"; //args[0]

            //read PGM
PGM Picture = new PGM(InputFileName);
            //Print info
            //Set image data
            //Save PGM

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace PGM
    public class PGM
        private int mWidth;
        private int mLength; private int mColor;
        private string mType;
        private byte[] mData; private string mComments;

        public string Comment
            get { return this.mComments; }

        public int Width
            get { return this.mWidth; }

        public int Length
            get { return this.mLength; }

        public int ColorSize
            get { return this.mColor; }
        public string Type
                return this.mType;

        public string Header
                return this.Type + Convert.ToChar(10) +
                       '#' + this.Comment + Convert.ToChar(10) +
                        this.mWidth.ToString() + " " + this.mLength.ToString() + Convert.ToChar(10) +
                        this.mColor.ToString() + Convert.ToChar(10);

        public byte[] Data
            get { return this.mData; }
            set { this.mData = value; }

        public PGM(string _filePath)

        public void Save(string _filePath) { WritePGM(_filePath); } private void ReadPGM(string _filePath)
            FileStream InputStream = File.OpenRead(_filePath);
            BinaryReader PGMReader = new BinaryReader(InputStream);
            char[] Seperators = { ' ', '\n' };
            byte NewLineAsciiCode = 10;
            byte DiezAsciiCode = 35;
            byte SpaceAsciiCode = 32;
            byte[] TempArray = new byte[1000];
            int i = 0;

            string TempS;
            byte TempByte;
            /* Sample PGM :
             * P2
             * # Created by ...
             * 512 512
             * 255
             * [data]
            //read PGM Type P2, P5
TempArray[0] = PGMReader.ReadByte();
            TempArray[1] = PGMReader.ReadByte();
            this.mType = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(TempArray, 0, 2);

            //read until new line
while (PGMReader.ReadByte() != NewLineAsciiCode) { ;}

            //read comments if exists. Only one comment line supported!!
i = 0;
            TempArray[i] = PGMReader.ReadByte();

            if (TempArray[i] == DiezAsciiCode)
                TempByte = PGMReader.ReadByte();
                while (TempByte != NewLineAsciiCode)
                    TempArray[i++] = TempByte;
                    TempByte = PGMReader.ReadByte();
            this.mComments = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(TempArray, 0, i);

            //read width
i = 0;
            TempByte = PGMReader.ReadByte();
            while (TempByte != SpaceAsciiCode)
                TempArray[i++] = TempByte;
                TempByte = PGMReader.ReadByte();

            TempS = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(TempArray, 0, i);
            this.mWidth = Convert.ToInt32(TempS);

            //read length
i = 0;
            TempByte = PGMReader.ReadByte();
            while (TempByte != NewLineAsciiCode)
                TempArray[i++] = TempByte;
                TempByte = PGMReader.ReadByte();

            TempS = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(TempArray, 0, i);
            this.mLength = Convert.ToInt32(TempS);

            //read color
i = 0;
            TempByte = PGMReader.ReadByte();
            while (TempByte != NewLineAsciiCode)
                TempArray[i++] = TempByte;
                TempByte = PGMReader.ReadByte();

            TempS = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(TempArray, 0, i);
            this.mColor = Convert.ToInt32(TempS);

            //read image data
byte[] PGMDataBuffer = new byte[this.mWidth * this.mLength];
            int k = 0;
            if (this.mType == "P5")
                //If file is binary, read every byte
byte[] ReadedByte = PGMReader.ReadBytes(PGMDataBuffer.Length);
                Array.Copy(ReadedByte, PGMDataBuffer, ReadedByte.Length);
            else if (this.mType == "P2")
                //If file is text based every pixel is distinguished by "space" and it has up to 3 chars(255)
                    TempByte = PGMReader.ReadByte();
                    while (TempByte != -1)
                        i = 0;
                        while (TempByte != NewLineAsciiCode && TempByte != SpaceAsciiCode)
                            TempArray[i++] = TempByte;
                            TempByte = PGMReader.ReadByte();

                        TempS = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(TempArray, 0, i);
                        i = 0;
                        //TempS contains, string representation of every pixel
PGMDataBuffer[k++] = Convert.ToByte(TempS);

                        TempByte = PGMReader.ReadByte();
                        if (TempByte == NewLineAsciiCode || TempByte == SpaceAsciiCode)
                            TempByte = PGMReader.ReadByte();
                catch (Exception e)
            this.mData = PGMDataBuffer;

        private void WritePGM(string _filePath)
            FileStream OutputStream = File.Create(_filePath);
            BinaryWriter PGMWriter = new BinaryWriter(OutputStream);

            string PGMInfo = this.Header;
            byte[] PGMInfoBuffer = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(PGMInfo);
            if (this.mType == "P5")
                //File is binary, write complete data
            else if (this.mType == "P2")
                byte NewLineAsciiCode = 10;
                byte SpaceAsciiCode = 32;
                int Temp;

                for (int i = 0; i < this.Length * this.Width; i++)
                    //File is text based, convert every byte to text representation followed by "space"
Temp = this.mData[i];
                    byte[] TempByteArray = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(Temp.ToString());

                    if (i % this.Width == 0)


        public void PrintPGMInfo()
            Console.WriteLine("Type       = " + this.Type.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("ColorSize  = " + this.ColorSize.ToString() );
            Console.WriteLine("Comment    = " + this.Comment);
            Console.WriteLine("Length     = " + this.Length.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Width      = " + this.Width.ToString());

posted @ 2008-08-12 23:37  淮北橘子  阅读(3183)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报