1. XSL
XSL应该是和XML相对应的,一个是描述数据的,一个是描述怎样表示和处理数据的.XSL分为三个部分.第一,XSLT,就是怎样表现数据的语言. 第二,XPath,怎样搜索数据的语言.第三,XSL-FO,格式化数据的语言(好像没听说过). 一个比较特殊的实例就是CSS和HTML,HTML应该说是一种特殊的XML,只是有了预定义的标签.而CSS,是表示如何显示HTML的语言,而HTML的臃肿定义已经包含了很多的展示数据的标签比如<B></B><I></I>等.
XSLT使用XPath进行XML数据的检索.根节点是<xsl:stylesheet> 或者是 <xsl:transform>.
<xsl:template match="/"> 元素指定了在什么位置应用模板中定义的转换方法进行转换.
<xsl:value-of select="..."/>元素,其中value-of表示把XML中的数据显示在这里,后边的select是XPath语句,表示只显示XPath筛选出来的数据.
<xsl:for-each select="aa[bb='cc']">这个元素是循环检索显示的符合标准的数据,XPath指在aa节点下,所有bb属性等于cc的数据.
<xsl:sort select="aa"/> 指定了最终数据的现实按照aa节点的值进行排序.
<xsl:if test="price > 10">条件判断元素,只显示满足条件的元素,注意逻辑判断符号<,>,都要用>,<来代替.
<xsl:choose><xsl:when test="price > 10"></xsl:when><xsl:otherwise></xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose> 和编程语言中的Case...When语句一样,对数据按条件进行归类.
Nodes 包括Document Node, Element Node 和Attribute Node.
Expression | Description |
nodename | Selects all child nodes of the named node |
/ | Selects from the root node |
// | Selects nodes in the document from the current node that match the selection no matter where they are |
. | Selects the current node |
.. | Selects the parent of the current node |
@ | Selects attributes |
Wildcard | Description |
* | Matches any element node |
@* | Matches any attribute node |
node() | Matches any node of any kind |
使用 | 把两个或者多个路径条件组合起来,结果是单独检索获得的结果的和.
XPath Axis,表示节点之间的关系条件.
AxisName | Result |
ancestor | Selects all ancestors (parent, grandparent, etc.) of the current node |
ancestor-or-self | Selects all ancestors (parent, grandparent, etc.) of the current node and the current node itself |
attribute | Selects all attributes of the current node |
child | Selects all children of the current node |
descendant | Selects all descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.) of the current node |
descendant-or-self | Selects all descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.) of the current node and the current node itself |
following | Selects everything in the document after the closing tag of the current node |
following-sibling | Selects all siblings after the current node |
namespace | Selects all namespace nodes of the current node |
parent | Selects the parent of the current node |
preceding | Selects everything in the document that is before the start tag of the current node |
preceding-sibling | Selects all siblings before the current node |
self | Selects the current node |
XPath 逻辑判断
Operator | Description | Example | Return value |
| | Computes two node-sets | //book | //cd | Returns a node-set with all book and cd elements |
+ | Addition | 6 + 4 | 10 |
- | Subtraction | 6 - 4 | 2 |
* | Multiplication |
6 * 4 |
24 |
div | Division | 8 div 4 | 2 |
= | Equal | price=9.80 | true if price is 9.80 false if price is 9.90 |
!= | Not equal | price!=9.80 | true if price is 9.90 false if price is 9.80 |
< | Less than | price<9.80 | true if price is 9.00 false if price is 9.80 |
<= | Less than or equal to | price<=9.80 | true if price is 9.00 false if price is 9.90 |
> | Greater than | price>9.80 | true if price is 9.90 false if price is 9.80 |
>= | Greater than or equal to | price>=9.80 | true if price is 9.90 false if price is 9.70 |
or | or | price=9.80 or price=9.70 | true if price is 9.80 false if price is 9.50 |
and | and | price>9.00 and price<9.90 | true if price is 9.80 false if price is 8.50 |
mod | Modulus (division remainder) | 5 mod 2 | 1 |
4. XQuery
5. XLink和XPointer