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1.    XSL 
    XSL应该是和XML相对应的,一个是描述数据的,一个是描述怎样表示和处理数据的.XSL分为三个部分.第一,XSLT,就是怎样表现数据的语言. 第二,XPath,怎样搜索数据的语言.第三,XSL-FO,格式化数据的语言(好像没听说过). 一个比较特殊的实例就是CSS和HTML,HTML应该说是一种特殊的XML,只是有了预定义的标签.而CSS,是表示如何显示HTML的语言,而HTML的臃肿定义已经包含了很多的展示数据的标签比如<B></B><I></I>等.

    XSLT使用XPath进行XML数据的检索.根节点是<xsl:stylesheet> 或者是 <xsl:transform>.  
    <xsl:template match="/"> 元素指定了在什么位置应用模板中定义的转换方法进行转换.
    <xsl:value-of select="..."/>元素,其中value-of表示把XML中的数据显示在这里,后边的select是XPath语句,表示只显示XPath筛选出来的数据.
    <xsl:for-each select="aa[bb='cc']">这个元素是循环检索显示的符合标准的数据,XPath指在aa节点下,所有bb属性等于cc的数据.
    <xsl:sort select="aa"/> 指定了最终数据的现实按照aa节点的值进行排序.
    <xsl:if test="price &gt; 10">条件判断元素,只显示满足条件的元素,注意逻辑判断符号<,>,都要用&gt;,&lt;来代替.
    <xsl:choose><xsl:when test="price &gt; 10"></xsl:when><xsl:otherwise></xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose> 和编程语言中的Case...When语句一样,对数据按条件进行归类.
Nodes 包括Document Node, Element Node 和Attribute Node.

Expression Description
nodename Selects all child nodes of the named node
/ Selects from the root node
// Selects nodes in the document from the current node that match the selection no matter where they are
. Selects the current node
.. Selects the parent of the current node
@ Selects attributes


Wildcard Description
* Matches any element node
@* Matches any attribute node
node() Matches any node of any kind

使用 | 把两个或者多个路径条件组合起来,结果是单独检索获得的结果的和.

XPath Axis,表示节点之间的关系条件.

AxisName Result
ancestor Selects all ancestors (parent, grandparent, etc.) of the current node
ancestor-or-self Selects all ancestors (parent, grandparent, etc.) of the current node and the current node itself
attribute Selects all attributes of the current node
child Selects all children of the current node
descendant Selects all descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.) of the current node
descendant-or-self Selects all descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.) of the current node and the current node itself
following Selects everything in the document after the closing tag of the current node
following-sibling Selects all siblings after the current node
namespace Selects all namespace nodes of the current node
parent Selects the parent of the current node
preceding Selects everything in the document that is before the start tag of the current node
preceding-sibling Selects all siblings before the current node
self Selects the current node

XPath 逻辑判断

Operator Description Example Return value
| Computes two node-sets //book | //cd Returns a node-set with all book and cd elements
+ Addition 6 + 4 10
- Subtraction 6 - 4 2
* Multiplication

6 * 4

div Division 8 div 4 2
= Equal price=9.80 true if price is 9.80
false if price is 9.90
!= Not equal price!=9.80 true if price is 9.90
false if price is 9.80
< Less than price<9.80 true if price is 9.00
false if price is 9.80
<= Less than or equal to price<=9.80 true if price is 9.00
false if price is 9.90
> Greater than price>9.80 true if price is 9.90
false if price is 9.80
>= Greater than or equal to price>=9.80 true if price is 9.90
false if price is 9.70
or or price=9.80 or price=9.70 true if price is 9.80
false if price is 9.50
and and price>9.00 and price<9.90 true if price is 9.80
false if price is 8.50
mod Modulus (division remainder) 5 mod 2 1

4. XQuery
5. XLink和XPointer

posted on 2008-01-24 16:04  hchlee  阅读(1729)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报