
#include "dblayout.h"
#include "acaplmgr.h"
#include "dbplotsetval.h"
#include "dbplotsettings.h"

To query the all the available plot configurations you should use plotDeviceList() 
method of AcDbPlotSettingsValidator class. 
And to get the list of available media names for a given plot configuration, 
use canonicalMediaNameList() method AcDbPlotSettingsValidator class. 
But note the media names may not be same as listed in the Plot dialog. 
So to get the media name as listed in the drop down list, 
supply the media name to the function getLocaleMediaName().

The sample code below lists the available plot configurations and asks the user to select one. 
After user enters his choice, all the available media are listed and user can select one to set it current. 
Please use ObjectARX Wizard to create an ARX project and call the function () from a user defined function. 
Make sure that you are *not* registering the command using ACRX_CMD_SESSION.

// This is command 'MPLOTS'
void mplotzzmplots()
    AcApLayoutManager *pLayMan = NULL;
    pLayMan = (AcApLayoutManager *) acdbHostApplicationServices()->layoutManager();
    //get the active layout
    AcDbLayout *pLayout = pLayMan->findLayoutNamed(pLayMan->findActiveLayout(TRUE),TRUE);
    AcDbPlotSettings* pPlotSetting = (AcDbPlotSettings*)pLayout;
    char* mediaName;
    acutPrintf("\nMedia Name:%s", mediaName);
    char* styleSheetName;
    acutPrintf("\nStyleSheet Name:%s", styleSheetName);

    char* plotCfgname;
    pPlotSetting->getPlotCfgName(plotCfgname);          // Output pointer to name of configured system or PC3 plot device
    acutPrintf("\nPlotCfg Name:%s", plotCfgname);
    //get the PlotSettingsValidator
    AcDbPlotSettingsValidator *pPSV =NULL;
    pPSV = acdbHostApplicationServices()->plotSettingsValidator();
    //refresh the Plot Config list
    //get all the Plot Configurations
    AcArray< const char * > mDeviceList;
    acutPrintf("\nPlot Configuration List :");
    int nLength = mDeviceList.length();
    char* localeName;
    pPSV->getLocaleMediaName(pLayout, 0, localeName);
    acutPrintf("\nCur Midia Name:%s", localeName);

    for(int nCtr = 0;nCtr < nLength; nCtr++)
        acutPrintf("\n %i) - %s",(nCtr + 1), mDeviceList.at(nCtr));
    //get the user input for listing the Media Names
    int nSel;
    int mRes = RTNONE;
    while(RTNORM != mRes)
        acedInitGet((RSG_NONULL + RSG_NONEG + RSG_NOZERO),NULL);
        mRes = acedGetInt("\nSelect the Plot Configuration number to list the Media names: ", &nSel);
        if (nSel > nLength) 
            acutPrintf("\nEnter a number between 1 to %i",nLength);
            mRes = RTNONE;
    //select the selected Plot configuration
    //list all the paper sizes in the given Plot configuration
    AcArray< const char * > mMediaList;
    const char *pLocaleName;
    acutPrintf("\nMedia list for Plot Configuration - %s:",mDeviceList.at(nSel));
    nLength = mMediaList.length();
    for(nCtr = 0;nCtr < nLength; nCtr++)
        //get the localename
        acutPrintf("\n %i)\n   Name: %s \n   Locale Name: %s ",(nCtr + 1),mMediaList.at(nCtr),pLocaleName);
    mRes = RTNONE;
    while(RTNORM != mRes)
        acedInitGet((RSG_NONULL + RSG_NONEG + RSG_NOZERO),NULL);
        mRes = acedGetInt("\nSelect the Media by entering the number: ", &nSel);
        if (nSel > nLength) 
            acutPrintf("\nEnter a number between 1 to %i",nLength);
            mRes = RTNONE;
    //set selected Media for the layout

posted @ 2013-04-14 13:31  编号一百零二  阅读(1022)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报