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Pinned repositories 

  1. A lightweight set of tools for working with ArcGIS services in Leaflet. 🚀

     JavaScript  1.4k  762

  2. terraformerArchived

    A geographic toolkit for dealing with geometry, geography, formats, and building geo databases

     JavaScript  643  150

  3. The Esri Geometry API for Java enables developers to write custom applications for analysis of spatial data. This API is used in the Esri GIS Tools for Hadoop and other 3rd-party data processing so…

     Java  584  227

  4. The GIS Tools for Hadoop are a collection of GIS tools for spatial analysis of big data.

     485  247

  5. ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android Samples

     Java  518  1.1k

  6. A light-weight JS/CSS extension for building awesome mapping apps with Bootstrap and ArcGIS.

     HTML  364  398

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posted @ 2021-03-16 13:03  李海家  阅读(263)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报