void DisplayLinkDirector::mainLoop() { if (_purgeDirectorInNextLoop) { _purgeDirectorInNextLoop = false; purgeDirector(); } else if (! _invalid) { drawScene(); // release the objects PoolManager::sharedPoolManager()->pop(); } }
_purgeDirectorInNextLoop 注释已经写明了。// this flag will be set to true in end() 在结束时,会设为true,接下来是释放资源用的。
重点在drawScene() 这个函数.
// Draw the Scene void Director::drawScene() { //计算了每帧的时间差。 calculateDeltaTime(); if (_openGLView) { _openGLView->pollInputEvents(); } //没有暂停的情况下,引用定时器 if (! _paused) { _scheduler->update(_deltaTime); _eventDispatcher->dispatchEvent(_eventAfterUpdate); } glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); /* to avoid flickr, nextScene MUST be here: after tick and before draw. XXX: Which bug is this one. It seems that it can't be reproduced with v0.9 */ if (_nextScene) { setNextScene(); } kmGLPushMatrix(); //construct the frustum { kmMat4 view; kmMat4 projection; kmGLGetMatrix(KM_GL_PROJECTION, &projection); kmGLGetMatrix(KM_GL_MODELVIEW, &view); _cullingFrustum->setupFromMatrix(view, projection); } // 绘制当前的场景 if (_runningScene) { _runningScene->visit(); _eventDispatcher->dispatchEvent(_eventAfterVisit); } // draw the notifications node if (_notificationNode) { _notificationNode->visit(); }
//是否显示帧数等一些信息 if (_displayStats) { showStats(); } _renderer->render(); _eventDispatcher->dispatchEvent(_eventAfterDraw); kmGLPopMatrix(); _totalFrames++; // swap buffers if (_openGLView) { _openGLView->swapBuffers(); } if (_displayStats) { calculateMPF(); } }