[LeetCode] 369. Plus One Linked List 链表加一运算
Given a non-negative number represented as a singly linked list of digits, plus one to the number.
The digits are stored such that the most significant digit is at the head of the list.
Input: 1->2->3 Output: 1->2->4
解法: 由于链表无法通过坐标来直接访问元素,从链尾开始操作就很麻烦。如果链尾是高位,进行加1运算就方便了,所以先把链表翻转一下,进行加1运算后,再把链表翻转回来即可。
public ListNode plusOne(ListNode head) { ListNode h2 = reverse(head); ListNode p=h2; while(p!=null){ if(p.val+1<=9){ p.val=p.val+1; break; }else{ p.val=0; if(p.next==null){ p.next = new ListNode(1); break; } p=p.next; } } return reverse(h2); } public ListNode reverse(ListNode head){ if(head==null||head.next==null) return head; ListNode p1=head; ListNode p2=p1.next; while(p2!=null){ ListNode t = p2.next; p2.next=p1; p1=p2; p2=t; } head.next=null; return p1; }
# Time: O(n) # Space: O(1) # Definition for singly-linked list. class ListNode(object): def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.next = None # Two pointers solution. class Solution(object): def plusOne(self, head): """ :type head: ListNode :rtype: ListNode """ if not head: return None dummy = ListNode(0) dummy.next = head left, right = dummy, head while right.next: if right.val != 9: left = right right = right.next if right.val != 9: right.val += 1 else: left.val += 1 right = left.next while right: right.val = 0 right = right.next return dummy if dummy.val else dummy.next
# Time: O(n) # Space: O(1) class Solution2(object): def plusOne(self, head): """ :type head: ListNode :rtype: ListNode """ def reverseList(head): dummy = ListNode(0) curr = head while curr: dummy.next, curr.next, curr = curr, dummy.next, curr.next return dummy.next rev_head = reverseList(head) curr, carry = rev_head, 1 while curr and carry: curr.val += carry carry = curr.val / 10 curr.val %= 10 if carry and curr.next is None: curr.next = ListNode(0) curr = curr.next return reverseList(rev_head)
class Solution { public: ListNode* plusOne(ListNode* head) { if (!head) return head; ListNode *rev_head = reverse(head), *cur = rev_head, *pre = cur; int carry = 1; while (cur) { pre = cur; int t = cur->val + carry; cur->val = t % 10; carry = t / 10; if (carry == 0) break; cur = cur->next; } if (carry) pre->next = new ListNode(1); return reverse(rev_head); } ListNode* reverse(ListNode *head) { if (!head) return head; ListNode *dummy = new ListNode(-1), *cur = head; dummy->next = head; while (cur->next) { ListNode *t = cur->next; cur->next = t->next; t->next = dummy->next; dummy->next = t; } return dummy->next; } };
C++: Recursive
class Solution { public: ListNode* plusOne(ListNode* head) { if (!head) return head; int carry = helper(head); if (carry == 1) { ListNode *res = new ListNode(1); res->next = head; return res; } return head; } int helper(ListNode *node) { if (!node) return 1; int carry = helper(node->next); int sum = node->val + carry; node->val = sum % 10; return sum / 10; } };
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